
"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

author:How happy people are on the journey


Author: Xi Si

If you feel poor with a monthly salary of 3,000, then affluence still limits your imagination.

Compared with him, 3,000 is a huge amount of money, and it took him three years to earn so much money.

He earns 95 yuan a month, works at least 12 hours a day, all year round, and even retires for life if he is not careful, and goes to see his grandmother at any time.

You may not know him, but the rivers and lakes are full of his legends, he is the originator of the workers, the cyber idol of the workers, he is called "Odebiao", and he lives in Burundi, Africa.

Ao Debiao, Ao is his complexion, he grinned and showed his teeth, Oreo shouted: Brother Biao turned out to be a Taoist person, just like himself, black and white.

Virtue is his attitude towards life, if life abuses him thousands of times, he will also repay his first love with virtue.

Biao is his posture of part-time work, and the posture of stepping on the 28 bars does not need to be too handsome, but it must be fierce.

Low-level workers need a steely will to step on the shared bicycle out of the Hot Wheels, and top workers such as Ao Debiao rely on a life harder than steel.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

● The "Odebiao" who ride a bicycle with a banana on their backs can even reach a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour

The back seat of the 28 bars carried 500 catties of bananas, and the feet that had long been worn off by life stepped on the pedal, and the "Banana Symphony of Destiny" played immediately.

When the alarm clock rings, you and I are both cows and horses, and when the banana song sounds, the highway in Burundi is full of dark-skinned cows and horses.

Never step on the brakes downhill, a drainage canal must be accelerated when cornering, soaring to 80 miles is the basic exercise, plus the speed of Yan Wang Ye can not see Ao Debiao's tail lights, mainly because there are no tail lights on the 28 big bars......

Knowing that Lord Yama was going to take him to his performance at the end of the month, but he could only ask King Yama to give him more than ten minutes, it was a trivial matter for him to die, and it would be a big deal to delay the boss to drink banana wine.

This kind of death-oriented part-time work spirit is actually similar to our group of cattle and horses, which cow and horse have not worked hard for the boss in the middle of the night?

The sweet dreamland of the boss is guarded by us, and the future of the boss driving a Mercedes-Benz BMW is created by us.

The cow and horse did not dare to stop, because the 28 bars did not brake, if it was an emergency brake, the next second I was afraid that I would have to drive the hearse.

If he encounters a big truck on the road of drag racing, Odbil will grab the back of someone's car to take a break and take a free ride.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

In order to reduce the probability of collective eating, he had to force the soul of the autumn mountain bike god, slowed down to 70 miles, and drove the baby bus.

After a rest, the next road was not free, and on the last uphill stretch to Bujumbura, Odebiao's arm strength could not do gravity, so he could only spend a few pennies to hire someone to help push it up.

As the saying goes, when you feel that it is difficult, it means that you are going uphill, and when you feel that it is too smooth, it means that you are walking a dead end.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

On a rainy day, Ao Debiao braved the heavy rain and continued to race on the silky road.

The time has come to test Odebiao's driving skills, Odebiao must lower his upper body, the man and the car are one, if he is lucky, after 40 minutes, a drift will reach the destination steadily, and then buy a bottle of soda to replenish his physical fitness.

In this way, Ao Debiao can earn 10 yuan a day, but some kind bosses can't control the humanistic care for the poor Ao Debiao, and they are worried that they can't spend 10 yuan a day, so they give two or three less intimately.

The soda just now only tasted sweet, but now the boss's small act of kindness has made him have mixed tastes, which is really rare.

If you are unlucky and your driving skills are not up to par, the most unlucky thing is to overturn on the road and scrap all the bananas in a truckload.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

● It is the norm for Burundi's "Odebiao" to roll over

Slightly less unlucky than the most unlucky, Odebiao barely carried the bananas to their destination.

But the boss has been dealing with bananas for many years, and he already has a good heart, as soon as he probed the pulse, he knew that the banana had just been frightened, and asked Ao Debiao to take the initiative to allocate two or three yuan as the banana's mental loss fee, and he should shake hands with the banana.

This time, Ao Debiao didn't have to drink soda, and he also tasted the five flavors of miscellaneous Chen, and tasted sweetness, and he felt the boss's good intentions.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

This well-intentioned, we must also be able to experience, after all, we are too familiar with cattle and horses, and its application scenarios are very wide.

When the house was rented out, the landlord seized a part of the deposit in order to have a little more bond with us.

The esteemed boss pretended to deliberately delay the payment of wages, what bad intentions could he have? Isn't it just to let employees remember that this 0.3W is not easy to come by, and it embodies the hard work of employees in the past month?

In this moment, we resonated with Odyssey and became one.

If you ask, who is Odebiao?

To be precise, Odebiao is not alone, but 12.5 million Burundians.

They were born in Burundi, a country that is beyond imagination, with a land area of only 27,834 square kilometers, smaller than China's Hainan Province, and Burundi's GDP per capita in 2023 is only $890.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

● Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi. Photo credit: Ministry of National Tourism, Burundi

No matter how poor there is, there is a gap between the rich and the poor, and a long time ago, a far-sighted person in power made a detailed survey and confirmed that the poor were food intolerant, and the rich took most of the land to share the worries of the poor.

The poor, who were already living in difficult conditions, are now able to play the game of survival in the wilderness thanks to the wise decisions of the rich.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

• Large number of Burundian refugees

The original family of six people could survive by pulling bananas every day by the male owner, but later the male owner died mysteriously, and the three sons died for no reason, leaving only the woman and the youngest son to rely on each other.

She wants justice for her dead husband and sons, but where to get justice, the whole country is like this, and her suffering is not worth mentioning.

The mother and son live in a narrow brick house and eat 100 family meals for a living, which refers to the garbage heaps within a radius of 100 miles.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

● Cramped brick houses in Burundi

The corn that was so dry that there were no kernels, the mangoes that were half rotten, and the cabbage where the bugs were already living in groups were the best trophies they had picked up in recent times.

Stored in the corner of the brick house, and by the time they actually ate it, they had already been eaten by various unknown mosquitoes in the house in advance.

And such living conditions are already considered "well-off" in the local area.

The woman who begs for a living is so poor that she can only live in a papier-mâché house, which is as devastated as her life.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

● Thatched houses in Burundi

In Burundi, where they can't eat, death is the only thing they can do, and they may be lucky enough to grow up, but living to old age is undoubtedly a luxury.

Fifty-eight years old is a long life, after all, less than 3 per cent of the country's population is over 65 years old, and more than 65 per cent are under 25 years old.

The Grim Reaper became the permanent population of Burundi, as did Guanyin.

In corners that no one knows, there are people who disappear quietly every day, but they still have to keep having children.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

Only by constantly giving birth to new lives can they have new hope in their lives, even if in the near future, they will eventually die young.

can pull bananas and has a 28 bar, and is already a winner in Burundi's life.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

Fate is unfair, but the Grim Reaper is fair, he won't let Odebiao have this job alone for too long, and every Odebold has a chance to become an Odebiao who pulls bananas.

Odeppon is mobile, and the more bananas you need to pull, the more Odebold has, and because the more bananas you pull, the less Odebold has.

Odd is eternally young and eternally poor, and living in this country, keeping silent about his own suffering, and turning a blind eye to the calamities of others, is the right way to survive.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

• Burundian refugees

During his lifetime, there was no upper limit to the rich, and there was no lower limit to the poor, and after death, the poor and the rich were still distinct.

When a poor man dies, he scribbles a stone to indicate that he has been in this terrible world, and the soul of the rich man after death is fragile, so he must build a luxurious cemetery to worship and enclose it with iron fences.

But even in such hardship, the people of Burundi never complained, and fate made it difficult for them, and they always reciprocated it.

Today, they will gather and dance together, and the woman who sells sweet potatoes will accompany them with a spatula, and the joy seems to dissipate the pain of the loss of a child she has just lost.

Burundi previously banned open running because it was considered offensive in their country, but then the policy was liberalized to a small extent, and everyone in the drumming team danced and beat the drum to celebrate.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

● Photo credit: Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Burundi

It's not that they deceive themselves and pretend to be optimistic, they don't suffer so much that they lose consciousness, it's that the people who suffer don't have it

The right to be pessimistic.

Once they become pessimistic, they will not have the courage to face the reality and the strength to resist suffering, and as a result, they will suffer even more.

In order to avoid the next greater suffering, they had to rejoice in this suffering in time.

They were unfortunate to be born in such a poor country, but they were also fortunate enough to have a country in this world called China.

Yuan Longping was once interviewed, and the reporter asked him if he was afraid that the scene of people not having enough to eat and starving to death would appear again, Yuan Lao shook his head and said twice "It's impossible."

I thought that when Yuan Lao said "impossible", he meant that the people of the whole country would always be away from hunger, but now, three years after he left, I really understood his "impossible".

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

● Yuan Longping

Behind this "impossible" is that China's rice has fed the Chinese people, gone abroad, to the world, and entered a poor country that no one knows.

Burundi derives 70% of its income from agriculture, but the food security crisis remains far from optimistic, ranking 9th in the 2018 Global Food Crisis Report.

And Burundi's rice yield is only 220 kilograms per mu, far lower than the African average of 400 kilograms per mu, how can this support a huge population of 12.5 million?

Since 2009, China has sent six groups of agricultural experts to Burundi to grow rice, and some Western countries have also given similar assistance to Burundi.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

● Yang Huade, head of the senior agricultural expert group of China-aided Burundi, led the expert group to promote hybrid rice planting technology in Burundi. Image source: "Face to Face"

However, Western countries have always acted inwardly, hiding fishing rods in their sleeves, only letting people eat fish, not touching them.

China, for its part, has generously taught Burundi all the techniques used to grow rice.

For example, the expert group built the first hybrid rice demonstration project in Linge 4 Village, Kihangjia County, Bubanza Province, providing funds and technical guidance to train talents.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

● Jiang Daiming, an agricultural expert, instructs farmers in rice planting in Jihanga Township, Bubanza Province, northwestern Burundi. Image source: Xinhua News Agency

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish, and no one knows better than China what it is like to have their jobs pinched in the hands of others.

It is clear that these technologies were obtained by Yuan Longping and thousands of scientists who worked hard for several years in the darkness and ridicule.

How could China not know, and precisely because it knows, it is more willing to help Burundi without reservation, and want to tell them: we understand you, we will help you.

In this marathon, other countries are riveting forward, and only China is running hard and looking back frequently.

Looking back at how bumpy the road was when I came, looking back at myself who was once isolated and helpless, I want to look back, who else hasn't followed, and think about whether I can do my best to help them.

Today, under China's guidance, poverty is no longer so strong in the skies over Burundi.

"Odebiao", who is struggling in poor African countries, waited for a group of Chinese

All 134 households in the four villages of Linge have been planted with hybrid rice, and the rice yield of the whole village has increased by 136%, and the average person has more than 900 kilograms of grain per year.

The Odebilians are finally able to break free from the shackles of their original destiny with their own efforts, which is far more meaningful than directly helping them.

China is not a bodhisattva, but it has always been willing to use its life to purify countless sentient beings, so that the sun and moon will shine in any corner of the world.

● References:

[1] "Planting hybrid rice is a very effective help"

[2] China's aid to Burundi for hybrid rice set a new record in Africa and was officially recognized by the local government

[3] Face to face|Yang Huade: Chinese experts have come to Burundi

[4] Blue Whale Finance丨Looking for Ao Debiao

(Excerpted from the WeChat public account of the most Chinese)

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