
"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

author:Little orange looking for food

Hello everyone, I'm Tachibana! Now it is the "poisonous May" of the lunar calendar, and it is the rainy season, and there is more rainy weather in the southern region, which is easy to make "moisture" entangled, and the whole person is uncomfortable, simply put: can't wake up, can't move, can't pull, can't eat. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen and stomach are the foundation of nurture, and the spleen is the main transport, transporting water and dampness. Excessive dampness in the body will lead to the dysfunction of the spleen and stomach, so that the dampness cannot be discharged, so that it will remain in the body and form dampness.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

Recently, these small problems in the body may be caused by the dampness of the spleen and stomach, so we must get rid of the dampness in the body, otherwise no matter how many supplements we eat, it will not help. As the old saying goes: a thousand cold is easy to get rid of, but a wet one is hard to go! Dampness is also known as the "evil of all evils", but don't worry, dampness also has a "nemesis", it can not only strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, but also help you easily sweep away the dampness, so that you can spend the summer comfortably. This amazing ingredient is just that – ginger!

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, ginger has the effects of dissipating cold in warmth, relieving surface sweating, strengthening the spleen and warming the stomach. It can promote blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and help the body remove excess water and toxins, thereby effectively reducing the discomfort caused by moisture. For middle-aged and elderly people, due to the gradual decline of physical functions, they are more susceptible to the invasion of moisture. Consuming ginger twice a week can not only improve the problem of moisture, but also strengthen the body's immunity, improve resistance, and make you healthier and more comfortable in the summer.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

Next, I will introduce you to the way to eat ginger with other foods, which can not only effectively dispel dampness, but also strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, nourish the lungs and blood, and improve immunity.

The first type: ginger + red dates

Recommended recipe: Ginger and red date tea

Ingredients: ginger, red dates, brown sugar

Detailed Steps:

1. Prepare 300 grams of red dates, put them in clean water, clean them thoroughly, then remove the dry water, cut the red dates into small pieces with scissors, and remove the jujube core.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

2. Prepare a large piece of ginger, brush off the soil on the surface with a brush, and then clean it with water, remember to wash it several times, cut it into thin slices with a kitchen knife after washing, the gingerol in ginger can drive away cold and dampness, which is very suitable for use in summer.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

3. After the ginger is cut, put it into the meat grinder, break the ginger, you can beat it several times, try to beat it delicately, pour it into a bowl after beating, and put it aside for later use.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

4. Then pour the jujube into the meat grinder, break the jujubes, you can also beat it several times, if there is no meat grinder at home, you can chop it directly with a kitchen knife, try to chop it delicately, and put it on a plate after beating.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

5. Heat the pot without oil, add 100 grams of brown sugar, you can put a little more if you like to eat sweet, then pour in 500 ml of water, boil the water over high heat, stir evenly with a spatula, and stir until the brown sugar melts.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

6. After boiling, pour the ginger into the pot, stir well with a spatula, then turn to medium-low heat and cook for 10 minutes, when the soup becomes thicker, add the chopped red dates and continue to stir evenly.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

7. In the process, you should keep stirring, slowly boil the excess water dry, the rest is the essence, and finally boil it into such a paste, and then turn off the fire to cool it naturally, and then put it into a water-free and oil-free container.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

8. You can put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration, it will not be bad for half a year, when you want to eat, scoop out two spoonfuls and put them in the cup, pour in the appropriate amount of boiling water to brew, and the whole body is warm after drinking, simple and convenient. Insist on drinking for a while, and your face is ruddy and complexion.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

The second: ginger + apple

Recommended recipe: apple cider ginger vinegar

Ingredients: ginger, apple, old rock sugar, white vinegar (rice vinegar)

Detailed Steps:

1. Prepare a large piece of ginger, clean it first, no need to peel it, then change the knife and cut it into thin slices, and then cut it into thin strips, if it is too long, you can cut it shorter, and put it on a plate for later use.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

2. Prepare 5 apples, no need to peel them, wash them with water, then change the knife and cut them into four petals, remove the core, and then cut the apples into thin slices, try to cut them as thin as possible, and put them together with the ginger shreds.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

3. Then put on gloves and stir well, so that the flavors of apple and ginger are fully blended. Then prepare a clean glass bottle without water and oil, preferably in a steamer to steam it, and then add the chopped apples and shredded ginger.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

4. When you put it halfway, add 20 grams of old rock sugar, and then spread a layer of apples and ginger shreds on top until it is all covered, and then add 20 grams of old rock sugar to the bottle.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

5. Then prepare a bottle of white vinegar or rice vinegar, pour it directly into a glass bottle, the amount of white vinegar is directly submerged with the ingredients, cover the lid, put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration, and you can eat it after 5-7 days. This simple apple sauce vinegar is ready.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

6. The color of the soaked fruit vinaigrecy is very bright, you can do more at a time, the longer the soaking time, the better it tastes, every day after breakfast or eat more greasy food, you can eat a few pieces of apples, you can also add warm water to brew, there will be unexpected harvests.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

The third type: ginger + eggs

Recommended recipe: Scrambled eggs with minced ginger

Ingredients: ginger, eggs, brown sugar, cooking oil

Detailed Steps:

1. Prepare a large piece of ginger, do not need to peel it, wash it directly with water, control the moisture of it, and then change the knife to cut it into thin slices, try to cut it thinner, and put it on a plate for later use.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

2. Then put the ginger slices in the meat grinder, whip it into minced ginger, and try to break it a little, so that it won't taste so spicy.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

3. The oil in the pot is hot, pour the minced ginger into the pot, stir-fry evenly with a spatula, turn on low heat and stir-fry slowly, and fry the water in the ginger to it.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

4. Beat 6-7 eggs into the bowl, add a spoonful of brown sugar, stir well with chopsticks, put the minced ginger in after stirring, stir well, stir well again, and let the egg liquid and the minced ginger fully blend together.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

5. Pour oil from the pot, after the oil is hot, pour the egg liquid into the pot, turn on low heat to fry it, stir-fry slowly, remember not to fry the paste.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

6. The eggs need to be fried a little bit, if they are too big, they will taste a little spicy, and many people will not be able to eat them, so they need to use a shovel to keep stir-frying, and fry them in this state, and finally put them on the plate.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away

7. Although the method of scrambled eggs with minced ginger is very simple, its role is not simple at all, especially at the turn of the seasons, we can make a little for the elderly and children at home to eat, and the benefits are so many that you can't think of it.

"Moisture" is most afraid of this ingredient, middle-aged and elderly people eat it twice a week to strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach, and the moisture is swept away


1. Pregnant women, lactating women and people with body heat should be cautious about eating ginger.

2. Ginger should not be consumed in excess, and the daily consumption should not exceed 10 grams.

3. Ginger is best consumed during the day, and eating it at night may affect sleep.

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