
Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

author:Books are knocking

After Yanxi Raiders became the first hot search of global TV dramas, Mo Yuyun became popular all over the world again

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Yu Zheng, this kid has a bit of strength.

When "Ink Rain and Clouds" was not broadcast, he made a bold statement: This drama will definitely explode! And when netizens were worried that he would collide with "Celebrating More Than Years 2" and affect the popularity, he bluntly said that he wanted to PK with the hit drama too much.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her
Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

He seems to be still immersed in the joy of the victory of "Yanxi Raiders" against "The Legend of Ruyi", and this incident has become something that he can repeatedly take out to "show off" throughout his life.

It wasn't until the broadcast of "Ink Rain Clouds" that the first 6 episodes received countless attention, the popularity soared, the plot was cool and exciting, and the audience had to admit again: Yu Zheng is indeed very good and forward-looking.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Holding a celebration banquet in advance, probably only he can do it.

As "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" gradually ended, the protagonist group also posted goodbyes to the characters one after another, and everyone expressed their feelings about the characters.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

The heroine Wu Jinyan also specifically mentioned the definition of "Ink Rain and Clouds" as a cool drama on the Internet, in her opinion, the sad component of Xue Fangfei played by her is much higher than the cool component.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her
Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

She also said before that she had never felt that "Ink Rain and Clouds" was very cool.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

However, compared with Wu Jinyan's farewell article, the interaction of the actors in the comment area has attracted everyone's attention.

It was normal at the beginning, the eldest princess Wanning, who has always been an enemy with Xue Fangfei, Li Meng commented: We will join forces to be friends in the next drama, Wu Jinyan's reply is that the next drama is a sister bureau.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Wang Xingyue used the words of blessing Xue Fangfei in the play, and gave it to Wu Jinyan, and Wu Jinyan also replied with the lines in the play: In the past life and this life, just have fun.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

It is worth noting that when it came to He Fengtian, the actor of Jiang Li's cousin Jiang Jingrui, his painting style changed abruptly, and he did not sensationalize, and directly aimed his attention at the photo posted by Wu Jinyan.

It turned out that in Wu Jinyan's farewell text, she took many photos with the actors in the play, among which only He Fengtian was a single photo.

He commented: See, only I am a single photo, what does this mean?

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Wu Jinyan replied: You are the most important, and you also brought two exclamation points.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Seeing He Fengtian's reply, everyone knew that he was being coquettish and jealous, and he said that he did not take a photo with Wu Jinyan.

And cousin Ye Shijie is as warm as ever, commenting: You go forward boldly, and your cousin will always be behind you.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

When he arrived at Liang Yongqi, the actor of his ex-husband brother Shen Yurong, he directly swore sovereignty, he said: Sure enough, Rongrong has a unique place in Ah Fei's heart.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

As we all know, although Wang Xingyue is known as the child brother, he is very possessive, and he cherishes every CP of himself.

still remembers that when "Zhou Shengru" was broadcast, actors all over the country were scolding Liu Zixing for forcibly breaking up Zhou Shengchen and Cui Shiyi, only he knocked "Cui Shiyi and Liu Zixing".

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Even he specially hung concentric locks for "Cui Shiyi and Liu Zixing".

In "Ink Rain and Clouds", he showed his complete possessiveness of Xue Fangfei, and in the pictures he posted, except for his own photos, he was with Xue Fangfei.

In addition, there is also a very obvious wedding photo of Xue Fangfei and Xiao Yu.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Whether to say it or not, it is obvious to be careful.

In fact, before "Ink Rain and Clouds", some netizens named Yu Zheng and said that they hoped that Wang Xingyue and Wu Jinyan could cooperate, but Yu Zheng directly refused, saying that they were too different in age to play a couple.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Unexpectedly, not only did they slap their faces and let them act as a couple, but Wang Xingyue and Wu Jinyan's CP sense was still very strong.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her
Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Although "Ink Rain and Clouds" has ended, netizens are still unsatisfied, and the combination of Xue Fangfei and Xiao Yu is called "Feichang Xiao Zhang".

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Moreover, it is understood that after "Ink Rain Clouds" was broadcast abroad, the ratings have won many championships, and it may be broadcast on more foreign platforms in the future, which has also caused a lot of discussions and rave reviews.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her
Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her
Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Some netizens said: Now the dead girl is showing off again.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Perhaps many viewers don't know that after the broadcast of "Yanxi Raiders", it not only exploded in China, but also quickly became popular all over the world, directly ranking first on the global TV series hot search list.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Now "Between the Ink Rain and Clouds" is out of the circle again, and it really wins.

That's all I have to say.

Laughing crazy in Wu Jinyan's comment area! She said goodbye to Mo Yuyun, and the actors played more than her

Book Dong Dong Original. End

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