
As the weather gets hotter, doctors warn older people that they would rather drink ice water than eat these two kinds of fruits

author:Dr. Liang popularized science
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"This abrasion on your elbow is a small thing, but there is something wrong with the color of your skin." Dr. Li raised his head and looked at Uncle Chen who was standing in front of him.

The story begins on a hot and humid summer afternoon. Uncle Chen is a recently retired middle school physics teacher, and his greatest pleasure on weekdays is to ride his old bicycle to a nearby park. However, God seems to have some opinions about him, no, a sudden rainstorm caused Uncle Chen to have a "beautiful" slip on the smooth ground. With an "oops", Uncle Chen fell on all fours, and his elbows and knees were bruised. Despite the excruciating pain, he stubbornly picked up his bicycle and "staggered" into a nearby hospital.

As the weather gets hotter, doctors warn older people that they would rather drink ice water than eat these two kinds of fruits

It was this fall that revealed the "secret" of his body.

"Dr. Li, is my skin yellow from the rain?" Uncle Chen asked half-jokingly.

Dr. Li shook his head with a smile and handed Uncle Chen a glass of water: "Drink some water first, your condition is not like a simple abrasion caused by skin discoloration, you need to do some examinations." ”

While Uncle Chen was drinking water, Dr. Li continued while flipping through the medical records, "How are your usual eating habits? Have you eaten anything special lately? ”

Uncle Chen scratched his head and recalled: "The weather is hot, I have recently eaten a large plate of watermelon every morning, and a few lychees in the afternoon to cool off the heat." ”

As the weather gets hotter, doctors warn older people that they would rather drink ice water than eat these two kinds of fruits

After hearing this, Dr. Li's expression became serious: "Watermelon and lychee? That's a bit of a problem. ”

"Questions? Watermelon is not diuretic and lychee is also rich in vitamin C? Still having problems with these two things? Uncle Chen looked a little puzzled.

"Uncle Chen, you see, although watermelon has a lot of water, eating too much is also a burden. Especially at your age, the sugar in watermelon can directly affect blood sugar levels. You can't eat more lychees, have you heard of lychee disease? Dr. Lee pushed his glasses and began to explain patiently.

When Uncle Chen heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Lychee disease?" What's that? ”

"Lychee disease is a symptom of hypoglycemia caused by a large intake of lychee. In particular, eating lychee on an empty stomach can easily lead to a sudden drop in blood sugar in the human body, and symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, and even coma. Did you feel dizzy or tired the other day? Dr. Lee asked.

Uncle Chen nodded: "It's a little bit, I almost fell the day before yesterday, and I didn't take it seriously." ”

As the weather gets hotter, doctors warn older people that they would rather drink ice water than eat these two kinds of fruits

"Look, that's what happens when you eat too many lychees. In your case, it is likely that you are consuming too much sugar, which causes blood sugar fluctuations in the body, causing a series of symptoms. Coupled with the hot weather in summer, the human body sweats a lot and loses body fluids quickly, which exacerbates this situation. Dr. Lee explained.

In order to let Uncle Chen understand better, Dr. Li shared a real case: "A few days ago, there was a patient who also loves to eat lychees like you, and he ate a big bag of lychees one day, but he fainted at night and was sent to the emergency room for rescue. The results of the examination showed that his blood sugar level was frighteningly low, almost near the critical point of coma. Later, the doctor gave him an intravenous dose of glucose to bring his blood sugar back to normal levels. ”

Hearing this, Uncle Chen was a little surprised: "This is really careful, then I have to pay attention in the future." ”

As the weather gets hotter, doctors warn older people that they would rather drink ice water than eat these two kinds of fruits

"Yes, especially for older people, the body's metabolic function is not as good as that of young people, and many times it is necessary to pay more attention to a balanced diet. Moderate intake of fruits is of course good, but high-sugar fruits such as watermelon and lychee should still be controlled. In fact, it is a good choice to drink some ice water in the summer, which can effectively help cool down without the extra burden that comes with these fruits. Dr. Lee advised.

After listening to this, Uncle Chen nodded, and decided to pay more attention to his diet in the future to avoid making the same mistake again.

However, the story doesn't end there. Dr. Lee went on to add some tips on diet and health: "Actually, in addition to watermelon and lychee, there are also some fruits that need to be eaten with caution, such as mango and longan, which are delicious but also high in sugar. If you don't control your intake, it can also cause blood sugar fluctuations. ”

As the weather gets hotter, doctors warn older people that they would rather drink ice water than eat these two kinds of fruits

In order to make Uncle Chen understand thoroughly, Dr. Li listed some data: "According to the latest research data, excessive intake of high-sugar fruits can lead to unstable blood sugar levels in the elderly group, increasing the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Especially in summer, the body sweats a lot, and if you don't drink enough water, coupled with the intake of high-sugar fruits, it is easy to cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, and in severe cases, it may even lead to coma. ”

Uncle Chen nodded while listening: "It seems that this fruit really can't be eaten casually." ”

"That's right, a reasonable diet, moderate intake of fruits, and adequate water intake are the ways to be healthy." Dr. Lee said earnestly.

These words made Uncle Chen completely understand the importance of eating a healthy diet, and also gave him a new understanding of his eating habits. He decided that in the future, he would no longer blindly eat high-sugar fruits, but drink more water and maintain a balanced diet.

As the weather gets hotter, doctors warn older people that they would rather drink ice water than eat these two kinds of fruits

Through this communication with the doctor, Uncle Chen has a new understanding of dietary health. He was determined to change his eating habits to take better care of his body. He believes that only through a reasonable diet can the body be provided with adequate nutrients to prevent the occurrence of various diseases, so as to have a healthier and better life.

At the end of the article, Dr. Li also asked a question worth pondering: "How can we balance our diet during the hot summer months to relieve the heat and stay healthy?" ”

Dr. Li gave a detailed answer to this question: "First of all, drinking water is the most important thing, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, especially in a high temperature environment. Second, choose some low-sugar fruits, such as cucumbers and tomatoes, which can both hydrate and not cause blood sugar fluctuations. In addition, you should eat more light food and less greasy and spicy food in your diet so as not to increase the burden on your body. ”

As the weather gets hotter, doctors warn older people that they would rather drink ice water than eat these two kinds of fruits

This suggestion not only allowed Uncle Chen to learn the knowledge of healthy diet, but also deeply realized the importance of reasonable diet to physical health. Dr. Lee's advice became an indispensable health guide for him later in life.

In the rest of his life, Uncle Chan always kept Dr. Lee's advice in mind and paid more attention to balance and health in his diet. He not only felt the changes in his body, but also experienced the joy and satisfaction that comes from a healthy life. This summer, because of Dr. Lee's advice, it has become cooler and healthier.

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[1] Liu Haijie. Nutrient Intake and Drinking Water Quality of Centenarians in the Township of Longevity in Shandong Province, Chinese Journal of Gerontology, 2013-04-25

As the weather gets hotter, doctors warn older people that they would rather drink ice water than eat these two kinds of fruits

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