
The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

author:Henk's loneliness

In Nara Prefecture, Japan, there is a small and inconspicuous shop. It doesn't have a fancy façade, it doesn't have high-tech equipment, and it doesn't even use a computer.

But it's such a small shop, but it has set an amazing record: it has survived for a full 1,440 years! When our ancestors were still drinking blood, this company was already in business.

So, what exactly does it do? Why can it still stand after the vicissitudes of life?

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

The source in this article comes from the official media [Golden Sheep Network, Interface News, Life News] (the link is attached at the end of the article), but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

Stick to just one thing

In 578 AD, during the Asuka period in Japan, a monk named Hodo Sento came to Nara Prefecture. It was here that he founded a construction company called the "Kongo Gumi". Since then, the company has focused on only one thing: building and maintaining temples.

1440 years later, the Kongogumi is still in business. Not only is it the oldest company in the world, but it is also the oldest family business in the world. 40 generations of generations, the same lineage, never stopped.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

The secret to the success of the Vajra group is deceptively simple: do only one thing, and that is to build and maintain the temple. But it is this focus that has allowed it to stand tall for so long.

Each generation adheres to the ancestral motto: no expansion, no change. They stick to traditional building techniques, and even many of their tools are kept in their ancient style.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

This insistence may seem stubborn to modern people, but it is the key to their longevity. The architectural style of the Kongogumi maintains a quaint Japanese style.

The wooden structure, the exquisite mortise and tenon technique, and every detail is imbued with a strong traditional Japanese atmosphere. Temple architecture is the soul of this company. It is said that the temples they built were not only beautiful but also extremely strong and durable.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

It is this exquisite craftsmanship that has attracted countless temples to choose to work with them. The craftsmen of the Kongogumi have been passed down from generation to generation and are highly skilled.

They treat each work with the utmost reverence, and this craftsmanship spirit that originates from ancient Japan gives a sense of true Japanese craftsmanship.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

In the King Kong group, you will not find modern construction equipment. They still use traditional tools and techniques. But it is this "primitive" method that can truly restore the style of ancient temples.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

Preserving historical memory

The success of the King Kong Group makes us wonder: in this era of rapid change, does it still make sense to stick to tradition? The answer is yes. It is this persistence that makes the King Kong Group unique in the highly competitive market.

However, sticking to tradition doesn't mean resting on your laurels. Although the Kongo gumi maintain the old way of building, they are constantly improving in the details. For example, they adapt their practices to modern building standards to ensure the safety of the building.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

The success of the King Kong Group has also brought inspiration to other enterprises. While pursuing innovation, we must not forget our roots. Only by combining tradition and innovation can we go further.

The existence of this company also preserves valuable historical memories for us. Through it, we can get a glimpse of the architectural techniques of ancient Japan and feel the cultural atmosphere of that era.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

The story of the King Kong Group is not only the success story of an enterprise, but also the history of a family's inheritance. The perseverance and hard work of 40 generations have created this miracle. This kind of family spirit is especially precious in modern society.

In the King Kong group, time seems to have stopped flowing. When you see their craftsmen at work, you'll feel like you've traveled back thousands of years. This is a unique experience that no other modern construction company can offer.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

The success of the King Kong group also proves the power of "focus". In this era of information explosion, many companies are pursuing diversified development. But the King Kong team tells us that sometimes, focusing on one thing can lead to greater success.

The existence of this company also provides us with a perspective to think about: what is real success? Perhaps, in this fast-paced society, the greatest success is to be able to stick to one's beliefs and pass on ancient skills.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

The business philosophy of the King Kong Group is also worth learning. They don't pursue rapid expansion, they don't blindly chase profits, but focus on providing the best service to their customers. This quality-oriented philosophy is the key to their long-term existence.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

Focus on long-term stability

In the Kongo group, you can feel the Japanese attention to detail. From the choice of wood to the making of mortise and tenon joints, every detail has been carefully designed. This quest for perfection is also a microcosm of Japanese culture.

The existence of the Vajra Group also provides an example for us to protect traditional culture. In the tide of globalization, many traditional skills are disappearing. However, the Kongogumi has preserved the traditional Japanese architectural skills in their own way.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

The success of this company also illustrates the importance of "word of mouth". In the absence of modern advertising and marketing methods, the King Kong Group relied on a good reputation that has been passed down from generation to generation.

This reminds us that no matter what era it is, high-quality products and services are the foundation of the long-term development of enterprises. The business model of the King Kong Group has also brought us enlightenment on sustainable development.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

They do not seek rapid growth, but rather focus on long-term stability. This sustainable development model is particularly important in today's increasingly resource-strained world.

In the Kongo group, you can also feel the Japanese reverence for nature. They cherish every piece of wood, every nail. This concept of living in harmony with nature is something that modern society urgently needs to learn.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

The existence of this company also provides us with a new perspective to think about the problem: what is really worth sticking to in this rapidly changing world? The answer to the Kongo-gumi is: tradition, quality and craftsmanship.

The story of the King Kong group also tells us a truth: success does not necessarily mean being the biggest or richest. Sometimes, insisting on doing a small thing well can create greater value.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job

Before we wrap up this article, we can't help but ask: will the Vajra group continue its tradition in the days to come? In the face of increasingly fierce market competition, will it be able to continue to stand?

The answers to these questions may only be known by time. But one thing is certain: as long as the King Kong Group continues to adhere to its philosophy and continue to provide quality services to customers, it will be able to continue to write its legendary story.

The longest-lived company in the world: survived for 1,440 years and did only one job


The existence of the King Kong Group is not only a commercial miracle, but also a cultural treasure. It shows us the power of tradition and the value of perseverance.

In this rapidly changing world, the Vajra Group is undoubtedly a unique existence that makes us believe that there are some things that we can cherish and protect forever.


Golden Sheep Network - Look at the world's "thousand-year-old stores"

Jiemian News - "A Closer Look at Japan" Why are there so many century-old stores in Japan

Life newspaper - the world's longest-lived Japanese "thousand-year-old store" founder is Korean?

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