
US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

author:Singing the night of sleep

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Wen I dreamed of the night nine songs

Edited I Night

At this moment, let go of the things you don't want to care about and enjoy your happy time

As we all know, with the rise of China, our economic strength is second only to the United States, but in the eyes of Western countries, China's rise seems to affect the hegemony of the West, so Western countries try their best to contain China's development.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

In this regard, an American netizen asked a question, he said on Quora, the largest foreign Q&A website: "China's rise is beneficial to developing countries, so will China affect the interests of Western countries?" "When I saw this question, I was also very speechless.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!
US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

China has never wanted to harm the interests of any country, we just want to develop our own strength, but because of this, Western countries still insist on suppressing and sanctioning China, they increase tariffs on China, and try to lower China's economy through a trade war.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

But they underestimate China too much, China's economy has always been in a very stable state, even if it is suppressed by the West, we will not be affected too much, so in the face of questions from American netizens, many people have commented below.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

Among them, netizens from New Zealand said that 181 countries said that China's rise is a good thing for developing countries, and 181 countries are building infrastructure to build their economic roads, highways, high-speed passenger and freight railways, etc.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

China is the only country that will help them, and Western countries will not help them like China, they will only exploit and oppress, and the reason why the West thinks that China's rise will affect its own interests.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

That's because once China rises, the Western countries will be overtaken by China, which used to be a very backward country, but they have developed the world's second largest economic power in a few decades, and now they are the richest economy.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

China sympathizes with the plight of the weaker countries, because China has experienced this kind of thing before, so they will do everything they can to help these weak countries, and China likes to help others, which is in stark contrast to the United States, which likes to fight wars everywhere.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

Now that China is still developing, imagine what it will be like when it is fully developed, maybe by 2050 China will have more than 600 warships, and many aircraft carriers have been developed, and China will become a developed country.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

Subsequently, netizens from Mexico said that China's rise will not affect the interests of the West at all, don't listen to the nonsense of the Western media, they are just afraid of China's strength and think that China's rise is a potential threat.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

China's commitment to helping developing countries is a good thing, and South America is making tremendous development achievements with China's help, so it also causes the resentment of the United States, because they don't want China to meddle in South America.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

Western countries, led by the United States, are particularly fond of suppressing China, because China has a very good potential to become the next superpower over time, so this makes the United States uneasy, which is why they suppress China.

At present, China has cooperated with many countries around the world through the "One Belt, One Road" policy, and they will help more developing countries.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

Immediately after that, a netizen from Canada commented that no, China's economic growth has cheered up all developing countries, and as it has done in the past few decades, it has helped all countries on the planet become more prosperous.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

China has never been a threat to the world, because they do not wage war everywhere like the United States, China believes that only by helping each other and developing together can the global economy develop better, so that the world can restore peace.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

The United States has always wanted to occupy China's huge market alone, so that it can better advocate its own hegemonism, but China has not accepted American hegemony, which makes the United States feel very unhappy and thinks that China has gone against itself.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

The problem that the United States believes is that China has not been "baptized" by Western values, that is, there is no way for the United States to interfere in China's affairs through "democracy", and in simple terms, if a country can prosper under non-Western values, other countries may follow China's example.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

Therefore, the status of the United States and even the entire West will decline sharply, which is why Western countries will squeeze out China in this way, but in fact each country is independent, and they should not be ordered to develop according to the Western model.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

China's rise is excellent for developing countries, which means that the United States can no longer force countries to adopt policies that benefit the interests of American corporations, because these countries can simply look to Asia for potential partners.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

At present, China's total social consumption has surpassed the United States, becoming the world's largest consumer market, although the living standards of Chinese are still not a short way from developed countries, but with its huge population base, the Chinese market will only get bigger and bigger.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

China's rise is completely different from that of Europe and the United States, and we have proved that the path to peaceful development without relying on war and plunder has never been the so-called superiority of Western civilization, but the superiority of industrial civilization over agricultural civilization.

US Forum: Will China's Rise Affect the Interests of Western Countries? Foreign netizens: Make it up!

Whether Westerners accept it or not, China's rise is unstoppable, and when 1.4 billion people are working together for a goal, the fighting spirit is endless, so China has been able to become the second in the world in just a few decades.

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