
Bloomberg: Holding elections at the most inopportune time, the French consider Macron bold and stupid

author:Jingcheng Xiao Chen

Bloomberg reports that French politics is in turmoil as attempts are made to reveal the bold and perhaps misguided choice of French President Emmanuel Macron – a surprise parliamentary election. As the article says, this choice seems to have been thrown at the most inopportune time, like a boulder dropped on the surface of a tranquil lake, causing ripples.

Bloomberg: Holding elections at the most inopportune time, the French consider Macron bold and stupid

President Macron's move has been portrayed as a "feverish" nightmare, plunging the whole of France into deep confusion and unease. Political elites have speculated about what forces drove the French political leader to take such a bold move. When President Macron resolutely dissolved the French National Assembly, he seemed to announce the arrival of a "political fever" that quickly swept the public and parliamentary debates across the country. His critics, however, point out that it was he himself who was responsible for the fever.

Bloomberg: Holding elections at the most inopportune time, the French consider Macron bold and stupid

President Macron seems to have lit the flames of this election at the most unfavorable moment: the turmoil in New Caledonia has not subsided, his voting rights reform has sparked riots in France and, more disturbingly, just before the Paris Olympics. To add insult to injury, the election was scheduled for the July holiday period, when half of the French population will be on the move, which undoubtedly adds to the uncertainty and complexity of the election, forcing many voters to express their wishes through absentee voting.

Bloomberg: Holding elections at the most inopportune time, the French consider Macron bold and stupid

And the French leader, who has always been a staunch supporter of Kiev. However, it was his decision on early elections that invisibly threatened further assistance to Ukraine. The trend of this political storm has undoubtedly attracted the attention of the international community and tested President Macron's wisdom and courage.

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