
Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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"Where can I go on the weekend?" Li Ming looked at the clear sky outside the window and proposed this to his family. After some discussion, the family decided to go to an orchard in the suburbs to pick picks.

The sun is just right, lukewarm, and the fruit trees in the orchard are neatly arranged, and a little fruit is revealed from time to time in the green leaves, especially those ripe peaches, which attract many tourists. In the orchard, Li Ming's family was busy picking all kinds of fruits, especially peaches, whose bright appearance and alluring fragrance were irresistible.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

"Did you know that peaches are not only delicious, but also rich in vitamins and minerals, and eating them is good for your body?" Said one tourist. After hearing this, Li Ming had some doubts in his heart, because he remembered that diabetics needed to strictly control their diet, and he couldn't help but think of his father's blood sugar fluctuations recently.

The day after returning home, Li Ming accompanied his family to the hospital for a routine physical examination. While waiting, Li Ming remembered the discussion about peaches he had heard in the orchard yesterday, and decided to take the opportunity to consult with the doctor.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

In the doctor's office, Li Ming described in detail the scene of yesterday in the orchard and the questions about peaches. The doctor listened to his description with a smile and then began to explain the effects of peaches on diabetics.

"Peaches are good, but not everyone is suitable for unlimited enjoyment." The doctor began to explain the nutritional content of peaches, including their sugar and fiber content. He explained in detail how to choose the right food based on the glycemic index and glycemic load of the food.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

For diabetic patients, although the GI of peaches is not particularly high, they still need to be eaten in moderation because of their rich sugar content. "Actually, the key is to control your total carbohydrate intake and the amount of carbohydrates you eat at a time." The doctor explained.

He offers some practical advice, such as choosing peaches that are less ripe and have a lower sugar content; Also, consume peaches with other low GI foods to help lower the overall glycemic response. This consultation gave Li Ming a clearer idea of the place of peaches and other fruits in the diabetic diet.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

This trip to the hospital is not only an ordinary physical examination, but also a learning and reminder about healthy eating. When it comes to the issue of diabetics eating peaches, many people may directly think of "high sugar content and can't eat them", but this issue can actually be explored in more depth.

Here, we will not only explore the effects of peaches on diabetics, but also gain an in-depth understanding of how to reasonably incorporate peaches into the diet of diabetics.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

First of all, the nutritional value of peaches should not be underestimated. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber, which are necessary for maintaining good health. Dietary fiber, in particular, plays an important role in improving blood sugar control because it slows down the absorption of sugar and helps avoid sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

However, the sugar in peaches is also not negligible. For diabetics, consuming too much sugar can lead to a spike in blood sugar, and it's important to know how to balance the amount of peaches you eat.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

When people with diabetes consume peaches, they should consider them as a source of a portion of carbohydrates in their daily diet, rather than an additional snack. Next, let's discuss the glycemic index of peaches.

Peaches have a medium GI, around 40 to 50. This means that peaches, while causing a rise in blood sugar, are not as rapid as high GI foods. Peaches can be included as part of the diet of diabetics, as long as the portion size is strictly controlled.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

The time when consuming peaches is also an important factor. Diabetics are best off eating peaches as a dessert after a meal, as the body already has a buffer of other foods to process the increased sugar more efficiently. Diabetics need to consider the GI value of all foods and the total carbohydrate intake when planning their daily diet.

By knowing the carbohydrate content of each food, people with diabetes can better plan their diet and ensure that the amount of carbohydrates they consume at each meal meets their individual's blood sugar control goals.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

In conclusion, although peaches are a nutritious fruit, diabetics must be careful when eating them. By eating them in moderation, at a controlled time, and pairing them with other foods, you can make peaches a part of a healthy diet for people with diabetes.

In this way, we not only maintain food diversity, but also effectively manage and control blood sugar levels, so that diabetics can enjoy delicious food while protecting their health. To stabilize blood sugar, not only peaches, but also several fruits need to be taken care of, especially those that appear healthy but may actually cause a rapid spike in blood sugar.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

Diabetics usually hear a lot of traditional opinions when choosing fruits, such as choosing fruits that are high in fiber and naturally low in sugar. But a few of the points I'm going to share today may come as a bit of a surprise because they touch on some of the less commonly discussed dimensions and techniques for combining foods.

First of all, we often talk about bananas, and its problem is that the GI value is relatively high. Bananas can reach a GI value of more than 60 when ripe, which may not be a good choice for people who need to keep their blood sugar under tight control.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

But if we change the way we eat, for example, by eating bananas with foods that contain healthy fats, such as nuts or full-fat yogurt, this can effectively slow down the absorption of sugar, thereby reducing the shock to blood sugar.

Secondly, dried fruit is a food that is often misunderstood. Many people think of dried fruit as a healthy snack option, but in reality, the sugar in dried fruits is very concentrated and there is little to no water, which makes them have a high GI and can easily cause a sharp rise in blood sugar. Moreover, it is often difficult for people to control the amount of dried fruits because they are small in size and tend to accidentally eat too much.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

Next, let's talk about grapes. A small bunch of grapes can be enough to spike a diabetic's blood sugar levels. However, if we eat grapes with some high-fiber foods, such as whole-grain bread or some vegetables, it can help lower the overall glycemic response.

Although kiwi is a nutritious fruit, rich in vitamin C and fiber, it is also not low in sugar. The good thing about kiwifruit, though, is that it has a relatively low GI, which means it releases sugar more slowly and has less of an impact on blood sugar.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

Diabetics can consume kiwifruit in moderation, but it is best to serve it as a dessert after a meal, along with other foods, to help stabilize blood sugar. Finally, cherries have the lowest GI of all fruits, but that doesn't mean they can be eaten indefinitely. One benefit of cherries is their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can be very beneficial for diabetics as well.

Through these concrete examples and suggestions, we hope to help diabetics better understand how to control their blood sugar levels while enjoying the delicious taste of fruit.

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits

Overall, the key is to choose the right fruits, control the amount you eat, and be careful about pairing them with other foods to ensure that your blood sugar is stable and you can enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

What do you think about diabetics? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits


[1] Zhao Haige. Correlation Analysis of Human Kissin 1 and Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 with Glycolipid Metabolism Indexes and Their Value in Early Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Laboratory Medicine and Clinical Medicine, 2024-06-13

Can't diabetics eat peaches? Doctors warn: If you want to stabilize your blood sugar, you should eat less fruits


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