
The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

author:Old prescription medical miscellaneous

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They chose a small park on the outskirts of the city, which has fresh air and greenery, making it a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Along the way, relaxing music was playing in the car, and Chen Hao's wife Li Ting and two children were also very excited.

When they arrived at the park, they found a shady place to spread out the picnic cloth, and the children couldn't wait to run to play on the swings, while Chen Hao and Li Ting prepared to start their picnic. At this moment, Chen Hao noticed that a group of elderly people next to him were chatting leisurely, and the topic seemed to be about how to stay healthy in the summer.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

Chen Hao couldn't help but recall that his parents had been talking about this issue recently, especially the great impact of some food choices on the health of the elderly. The results of his father's recent medical check-up were not very satisfactory, which made him more concerned about the health of his family.

Thinking in his heart, Chen Hao decided to take the whole family to the hospital for a comprehensive physical examination, and also consulted the doctor about the health management of the elderly in summer. The next day, Chen Hao's family came to the hospital early. When it was Chen Hao's family's turn, he first asked the doctor about the advice of the elderly on their summer diet.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

After listening to Chen Hao's inquiry, Dr. Wang Min smiled and took out a printed copy of the materials from the drawer and handed it to him, which was a detailed guide to healthy eating for the elderly in summer.

Wang Min began to explain in detail the nutritional value and possible side effects behind each food, especially emphasizing that certain fruits can quench their thirst in the summer, but may be detrimental to the health of the elderly. Chen Hao was deeply touched after hearing this, and decided to start adjusting his diet at home, especially for the health of his parents.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

He thanked Dr. Wang Min for his patient answers, and took the family to complete the physical examination, and secretly wrote down a few points to change in his heart. This trip to the hospital not only allowed Chen Hao's family to have their health checked and cared for, but more importantly, they gained valuable knowledge on how to better care for the elderly in the summer.

On the way home, Chen Hao was driving while discussing the key points mentioned by the doctor with Li Ting, and both of them felt that they had gained a lot. There are three fruits that seniors should avoid during the summer months, and we need to explore them from some unusual angles.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

Fruits are generally considered healthy, but certain fruits may not be the best choice for certain groups, especially the elderly. But for the elderly, durian may not be a good choice.

First of all, durian is very high in calories, containing nearly 165 kcal of energy per 100 grams, which may lead to excessive energy intake, weight gain, and obesity problems for the elderly with reduced activity. Secondly, durian contains a lot of sugar, which may trigger blood sugar fluctuations for elderly diabetic patients who have requirements for blood sugar control, which is not good for health.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

The second type to avoid is mangoes. For older adults, especially those with diabetes, foods high in sugar can lead to problems with blood sugar management.

Mango contains more soluble fiber, and while soluble fiber helps regulate blood sugar and lower cholesterol, for older adults with weakened digestive systems, excessive soluble fiber intake may cause gastrointestinal upset, such as bloating and excess gas.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

Finally, older people should also reduce their intake of lychees. Although lychee is delicious, its high sugar and calorie characteristics can be a challenge for the elderly.

The sugar in lychee is easily absorbed by the body and may cause a rapid rise in blood sugar. In addition, lychee contains more fructose, and excessive intake of fructose is thought to be associated with increased burden on the liver, elevated blood lipids, and insulin resistance. To make matters worse, eating lychee on an empty stomach may cause symptoms of hypoglycemia, especially if you don't eat a normal diet.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

When developing a summer diet plan for seniors, we need to take into account not only the nutrient content of foods, but also the impact that these foods may have on health problems specific to older adults.

In addition to avoiding certain foods, increasing the intake of vegetables, a reasonable combination of whole grains and high-quality protein are also important aspects to ensure the health of the elderly in summer. Families with elderly people should try to choose fruits that are low in sugar, low in calories, and rich in vitamins and minerals, such as apples, pears and blueberries, when preparing summer fruits.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

These fruits not only provide the necessary nutrients, but also avoid negative effects on the health of the elderly. In the summer, the health management of the elderly is especially important, because hot weather is prone to various health problems.

In addition to paying attention to diet, there are some special health management measures that require special attention from the elderly. First of all, the high temperatures of summer are a very big challenge for the elderly. Heat stroke and heat stroke are the most common health risks for older adults in the summer. If you must go outside, wear light, breathable clothing, wear a hat, and walk in the shade as much as possible.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

It is very necessary to carry bottled water with you and stay well hydrated, as dehydration can accelerate the accumulation of heat in the body and increase the risk of heat stroke. Secondly, another important aspect that the elderly should pay attention to in the summer is air conditioning sickness.

Aircon sickness is not a real disease, but it covers a range of uncomfortable symptoms caused by an air-conditioned environment, such as sore throat, dryness, flu symptoms, etc. The skin of the elderly is thinner, the ability to retain water is weak, and prolonged exposure to an air-conditioned environment can easily lead to dry and itchy skin. It is recommended that the elderly should appropriately increase the temperature while using the air conditioner to avoid excessive temperature difference.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

Elderly people often have problems with poor sleep quality due to physical reasons, and the summer heat exacerbates this problem. High temperatures can affect a person's state of mind and make them feel restless, which has a direct negative impact on sleep.

It is important to ensure that the room has the right temperature and ventilation. On hot nights, seniors can choose to use breathable cotton pajamas and sheets, which can help improve sleep quality. Avoid consuming too much water at night to reduce the number of times you wake up during the night and help maintain a deep sleep.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

Older people should pay extra attention to food safety in the summer, as food poisoning and other intestinal problems can be easily triggered during this season. Always remember to eat cooked food, especially seafood and meat, and avoid eating things that have been sitting out for a long time.

Washing hands before cooking and eating is a must to prevent disease. Avoid going out during extremely hot hours by paying attention to the weather forecast; Rational use of air conditioning to maintain a suitable indoor environment; Eating a safe diet and hydration, as well as ensuring a good sleeping environment, are all important measures to help seniors survive the summer months safely.

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home

Through these integrated management measures, the risk of health problems in the summer can be significantly reduced, allowing them to enjoy life more comfortably and healthily.

What do you think about diets for the elderly? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home


[1]. Wei Xiaoqi, Zhao Liyun, Yu Dongmei, Ju Lahong. Research progress on dietary patterns and influencing factors of the elderly at home and abroad. China Food and Nutrition 2022,28(2):58-65

The doctor reminds that after the elderly enter the summer, there are 3 kinds of fruits that should not be bought as much as possible, and they should be eaten as little as possible at home


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