
How to give new characteristics to Lishu calligraphy? Combining these two inscriptions is your own style

author:Calligraphy ancient and modern


There are many characteristics of calligraphy, majestic, vast, smart, etc., each feature is related to the style of calligraphy, and it is also the key to calligraphy. In the thick calligraphy style, if it wants to show a sense of agility, it needs a calligraphy style to participate, which is the Eastern Han Dynasty Lishu "Ode to the Stone Gate". Over the years, "Ode to Shimen" has been known as "Lizhong cursive", which means that it has the characteristics of agility. Therefore, in some contemporary calligraphy works, many people combine "Zhang Qian Tablet" or "Xian Yu Huang Tablet" or "Ritual Tablet" with "Ode to Shimen" to study, and finally achieve good results.

How to give new characteristics to Lishu calligraphy? Combining these two inscriptions is your own style

So, how to integrate the style of "Ode to the Stone Gate" into other learning, and finally make the calligraphy have a sense of agility? Giving a new feature to Lishu calligraphy? Let's make some discussions on penmanship, chapter style, style, etc., to provide you with some help.

How to give new characteristics to Lishu calligraphy? Combining these two inscriptions is your own style

In the use of brushwork, the agility of "Ode to the Stone Gate" is mainly reflected in its unique gestures. His gestures are like dragons and snakes flying, sometimes unrestrained, sometimes restrained, both strong and powerful, but also soft rhythm. When writing, we should learn the agility and change of its penmanship, and integrate it into our daily practice, so that our calligraphy works can add a sense of agility and vitality on the basis of maintaining the majesty and vastness of the calligraphy.

How to give new characteristics to Lishu calligraphy? Combining these two inscriptions is your own style

In terms of discipline, the layout of "Ode to the Stone Gate" is rigorous and varied, with both overall harmony and unity, as well as partial flexibility and diversity. When we learn the rules, we should pay attention to the overall layout and arrangement, so that the calligraphy works can achieve a kind of harmony and balance visually. At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the flexible processing of parts, so that the details of the work are richer and more vivid.

How to give new characteristics to Lishu calligraphy? Combining these two inscriptions is your own style

In terms of style, the agility of "Ode to the Stone Gate" is reflected in its unique artistic style. Its style not only has the majesty and vastness of official script, but also the agility and elegance of cursive script. When we learn its style, we should deeply understand its artistic connotation and integrate its unique artistic style into our calligraphy creation, so as to make our works more unique and distinctive in style.

How to give new characteristics to Lishu calligraphy? Combining these two inscriptions is your own style

Of course, in order to integrate a variety of calligraphy into our own style characteristics, we also need to highlight a main style, for example, "Zhang Qian Monument" is the main learning of the calligraphy, if you want to integrate into the learning, you should take "Zhang Qian Tablet" as the mainstay, supplemented by "Ode to Shimen" for creative training, can not ignore one or the other, put the cart before the horse. However, "Zhang Qianbei" is mainly based on square brushes in terms of penmanship, while "Ode to Shimen" is mainly based on sharp brushes.

How to give new characteristics to Lishu calligraphy? Combining these two inscriptions is your own style

It should be noted that no matter what kind of stele style is the mainstay, it is necessary to take the principle of penmanship first, penmanship is the core of calligraphy, only after the penmanship has reached a certain foundation, the later calligraphy, ink will create conditions for the style. In the penmanship training, it is necessary to take the principle of each breakthrough, specifically for the training method of a tablet, and then carry out the combination of the two training after a breakthrough, so as to achieve good results. In order to seek cases in this area, I should often watch some excellent classic works in contemporary calligraphy competitions, analyze how others have created them, and watch and analyze them word by word, which will also bring enlightenment to my own creation.

How to give new characteristics to Lishu calligraphy? Combining these two inscriptions is your own style

In short, to integrate the style of "Ode to the Stone Gate" into other learning, and finally to make the calligraphy have a sense of agility, we need to deeply understand the characteristics of its brushwork, chapter, style, etc., and integrate it into our daily practice. Only in this way can we maintain the traditional charm of Lishu calligraphy and give it new characteristics and vitality.

If you want to know more exciting content, come and pay attention to the ancient and modern calligraphy.

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