
Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (39)

author:Mei Xue Piaopiao, original literature one by one

Chapter 28 (2) New measures for the company were introduced in accordance with local conditions

Cheng Yunli didn't expect Chen Wenwen to say this, and she was afraid that she had misunderstood what she meant, thinking that she was looking for a reason to exclude her from staying in the program-controlled computer room. The reason why Cheng Yunli is worried that Chen Wenwen has this kind of thought is because he had this kind of experience when he was young. Back then, when I had just come out of the military academy, I had just come to the computer room, but I was inexplicably excluded and even bullied by the veteran technical cadres for various reasons.

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (39)

At that time, the young Cheng Yunli didn't understand what these people were doing, because in her heart, as she sang in the song, her comrades-in-arms were like brothers, and the army was a revolutionary melting pot and a big school. She believes that comrades should help each other and learn from each other. Therefore, for a long time, Cheng Yunli especially couldn't figure out what these old comrades were doing, or gay men. Cheng Yunli also felt particularly aggrieved because of this, and later, it wasn't until the words of several old squad leaders of volunteers in other computer rooms that she woke her up.

Yes, until now, Cheng Yunli clearly remembers the words of those old squad leaders, "Technician Cheng, do you know why those male cadres did this to you?" They're afraid of you. As for you, you love to learn too much, and you get into work too quickly. They are afraid that you, a cadet, have learned the technology well and will replace them in the future and become the backbone of the communication station. In that case, they who have not attended military academies will be useless at our communications station, and the organization will certainly arrange for them to change jobs soon. ”

It was from this moment that Cheng Yunli not only deeply experienced the ugliness of human nature, but also deeply realized that the comradeship was not as selfless and perfect as he imagined, and he was more aware of the cruelty of reality. However, life is endless, and the back waves push the front waves. Therefore, if you don't want to be eliminated prematurely, then in terms of work ability, you must be ahead of everyone and truly do it-

Without me, the Earth can rotate, but the communication station will rotate a few days slower. Even a few years later, I was still "out of reach" by those who came after me, and became the symbol of the communication station's "no one before and no one after me".

From this moment on, Cheng Yunli secretly swore that no matter how the world changes, he will never live as the kind of person he hates.

So, when Cheng Yunli became the so-called "big man", she fulfilled her oath and selflessly used technology to help her colleagues all the way, and lived her heart all the way......

Cheng Yunli took a sip of water, waved his hand at Chen Wenwen, and said in a sincere tone, "Change jobs? Wenwen, listen to me, even if you really want to change jobs, you have to wait until the child is three years old and wait until he goes to kindergarten. ”

"Well, we used to think the same way, thinking that we would have to fool the child to kindergarten anyway." Chen Wenwen also told her husband what she and her husband thought before

"That's it, you better think about the way before the child is three years old!" Cheng Yunli nodded

"Hey, what can I do about that?" Chen Wenwen sighed

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (39)

"Why not? There are so many laid-off workers in our nearby local family area, so let's start inquiring now and find a relatively reliable one with experience in taking care of children. Cheng Yunli reminded

"Wow! That's it, Cheng Gong, why didn't I think of this? I just wanted to go to the housekeeping company to find it, why didn't I think of laid-off workers? Chen Wenwen slapped the table and smiled.

"Housekeeping companies are too expensive, and laid-off workers should be much cheaper." Cheng Yunli said while thinking

"That's it, but in this case, the house is a problem again, and it's just that temporary dormitory." Chen Wenwen shook her head

"Why are you so dogmatic, during the day, you put the children with them. In the evening, you bring your own. If that doesn't work, you can rent a small unit in the family home outside the door. Cheng Yunli smiled slightly

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (39)

"Hehe, Cheng Gong, I didn't think about this. Okay, let's go back and discuss it, and then we'll get to work. Chen Wenwen looked at her watch, "Yo, it's time to get off work." Cheng Gong, you can go back too. As for me, I also went to the cafeteria. Chen Wenwen stood up with a smile

"Okay, you be careful, if there is anything you particularly want to eat, tell me, I'll do it for you, but declare in advance, my cooking is very undelicious, you know, I'm the most annoyed in the kitchen." Cheng Yunli also stood up with a smile

"I don't have to do it by Cheng Gong, when I really want to eat, I go to Cheng Gong's house to do it myself." Chen Wenwen said and walked to the door.

"Wait a minute, let's go together." Cheng Yunli laughed behind Chen Wenwen's back and said loudly......

After dinner, He Huayang took a cup of water that had just been poured for Cheng Yunli and put it on the coffee table, when he heard Cheng Yunli in the kitchen, who was finishing cleaning up, shouting, "Huayang, help me see what time it is?" ”

"It's early, it's not even 7 o'clock, and it's too late for ten minutes." He Huayang sat on the sofa and looked up at the quartz clock hanging on the wall.

"Oh, I thought it was past seven o'clock, and I was still busy." Cheng Yunli wiped his hands with a towel and walked out of the kitchen.

"Come, drink the water." He Huayang handed the water cup to Cheng Yunli, "I said, what's going on with you guys now?" Meetings all day long? ”

"In the evening, it was the Expenditure Committee to discuss the development of new regulations for the management of the company." Cheng Yunli put the towel on the coffee table, then sat on the sofa, drinking water.

"And what are the new rules? Isn't the army without orders? Ordinance? Besides, you don't even have a rule? In the past, there were a lot of them, and if they were formulated, they would become the flooding of the Yellow River. He Huayang shook his head

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (39)

"The past is the past, don't forget, we are now a grassroots company of the C Regiment, of course, we have to reformulate new regulations according to the general environment of the C Regiment. The laws of the country must be constantly enriched according to the national conditions, not to mention our small company? Cheng Yunli said lightly, and He Huayang could hear another voice in her tone.

"Yun Li, why am I listening that your emotions are not high?" He Huayang glanced at Cheng Yunli

"It doesn't matter whether it's high or not, I'm just afraid that it's easy for the system to be set and spoken, but it's not so easy to implement, and in the end it becomes an empty talk, if that's the case, it's better to decide." Cheng Yunli smiled helplessly

"This is also true, your situation is a bit special, there are so many female cadres, and they are all dragging their families, which really makes it difficult for Shi Lei to handle." Although He Huayang worked in the agency, he still heard a lot about the situation of the 11th Company.

"It is a question of whether he and the instructor can persist in the next step, let alone others. But then again, the unit where my classmates were all lesbians was the same. Cheng Yunli replied lightly

"These are two different things, if they are really the same gender, it is easy to manage, everyone is treated equally, and no one wants to say anything. It's also that mixed companies like yours are particularly difficult to handle, the old and the young, the young and the young, the men and the women, all kinds of things can happen. Hey, what did you just say happened to Shi Lei and your new instructor? He Huayang stood up, picked up the towel, and asked as he walked towards the bathroom.

"Shi Lei's family gave birth in August, he has to go home to take care of the confinement child, right? This time it was more than 50 days off. Then I heard him say that his child can only be seen by his mother-in-law in the future, but his mother-in-law is not in good health, so she probably has to bring her sister-in-law to help. His sister-in-law is not young anymore, but he has no job until now, and the whole family has a headache for this matter, his heart has always been here, and he doesn't want to owe too much love to his mother-in-law's family.

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (39)

I also found that Shi Lei belongs to the kind of character that is very tolerant, and is usually reluctant to turn his face with others, which is actually a very unfavorable character for military cadres, and will be considered by his superiors to be courageous. I guess he won't be criticized less in the future. For subordinates, his character is particularly easy to be misunderstood as easy to speak, and it is not easy to establish a sense of majesty. Cheng Yunli said this, paused, took a sip of water, and then said to He Huayang, who came back from putting the towel away, "As for the new instructor Zheng Yuyuan, to be honest, I really don't know what the above thinks?" Send a female instructor who just got married, not to mention how good her work is? I don't see that yet. But at least one thing, what if she also gets pregnant and has a baby immediately after? If she can't even take care of herself, how can she be qualified to manage other female cadres? Even those female cadres, who are the fuel-efficient lamps? ”

"Yes! It's really troublesome, but fortunately, our children are all older, and you don't have anything to do with it. He Huayang took a sip of water and leaned his back lazily on the sofa.

"I don't have that kind of thing, but I have other things." Cheng Yunli smiled bitterly

"What's the matter?" He Huayang was puzzled

"What do you think, there are so many female cadres in Group C, and they are all piled up in the regimental organs. Now that we have our company, we can't put it here. But you can't just go in and out, right? Look, it's strange how many people don't arrange to change jobs in the past two years. Cheng Yunli waved his hand

"With your skills, no matter what, it won't be your business." He Huayang is very confident

"Haha, Huayang, you're wrong. Maybe, I'll be the first to be kicked out. Cheng Yunli suddenly laughed

"Why?" He Huayang was shocked

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (39)

"No why, because I'm 'old'." Cheng Yunli knew that he had said it, and He Huayang might not understand, after all, he was not himself.

"What do you mean?" Sure enough, He Huayang didn't understand the meaning of Cheng Yunli's words

"You still don't understand, huh? All female cadres have a relationship, and it is not easy for the leaders to handle whoever they are asked to leave. The only way is to rank seniority, and if the relationship is hard, even if you are ranked, it will be fine, and you can still not leave. If the relationship is not hard, or I am arrogant, even if there is a relationship, I don't want to find it, so I will naturally leave. Cheng Yunli replied lightly, she really didn't want to talk about this topic now.

"Yes, as soon as I heard you. You, really get ready to turn backwards, who told you to belong to the arrogant type. He Huayang shook his head

"Actually, it doesn't matter, I've thought about it a long time ago, and changing jobs is not necessarily a bad thing, so it's the organization that makes up our minds for us. Save being asked every year by the words 'you can't leave this year', and you will be annoyed to death. Besides, the team can't be compared with the division after all, the shelf is too small. Cheng Yunli took another sip of water

"What's the matter, you really want to change jobs?" He Huayang sat up straight in surprise

"You're wrong, Huayang. It's not that I want to change jobs, but it's very likely that the regiment won't let me do it anymore, you see that so many female cadres in the C regiment are piled up in the organs, but their age and military age do not meet the conditions for changing jobs stipulated in the document.

So, since we got to Regiment C. I thought, it is impossible for the C regiment to always support these female cadres, and even if the C regiment wants to raise them, the general trend of the development of the army will not allow them to do so, and these female cadres will definitely have to slowly grow old and retain the new. In order to complete the task, the regiment leader may really take measures to do it without looking at the work. It doesn't matter if the job is required or not? Female cadres will be transferred to other jobs according to their ranks, so that their work will be much less difficult, and those cadres who have been assigned to different jobs will not be able to say anything. Of course, female cadres with connections can be excluded.

What's more, you and I are not the kind of people who survive by relationships, so we will naturally become the first choice. Okay, Huayang, don't open your eyes so wide, okay? Hasn't it happened yet? Even if it happens, I can't choose my own career, and we still don't have to ask anyone.

Yo, I won't tell you, it's over, I'm going to a meeting. As soon as Cheng Yunli looked up, seeing that the time was almost up, she put down the water glass and waved her hand tightly at He Huayang, who was about to open her mouth to speak.

"Slow down, it's too late, I'll see you're in a hurry!" He Huayang originally wanted to speak, but when he saw Cheng Yunli in a hurry, he smiled and said loudly at Cheng Yunli, who was wearing a military jacket and running out.

"Got it!"

Cheng Yunli agreed, and the door was closed. He Huayang looked at the empty room, and the last words of Cheng Yunli appeared in his mind, and his heart suddenly felt desolate. He was thinking that if Cheng Yunli's words were unfortunately taken seriously, then life would really be too unfair to her......

Zheng Yuyuan walked into the conference room with a cup in one hand and a notebook in the other, and saw Cheng Yunli sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper alone, so she smiled and said, "Cheng Gong, you came so early?" ”

Contemporary military novel "Mixed Company" (39)

"Just a few minutes after arriving, I thought it would be late, but I didn't expect to be the first." Cheng Yunli put away the newspaper, raised his head and said with a smile.

"Cheng Gong, who is cooking in your family?" Zheng Yuyuan sat down and asked curiously, although she had only been here for a few days, she had already heard that Cheng Yunli had a particularly handsome and talented lover.

"I, although the cooking is very bad, and I don't like to go into the kitchen, I regret being a woman in my life. But I can't help it, I have to cook. Who told me to stand up to my lover who was too lazy to go into the kitchen than himself. Cheng Yunli teased herself

"Wouldn't it? Cheng Gong is such a capable person, will he not be able to cook well? I don't believe it? Zheng Yuyuan looked at Cheng Yunli in disbelief

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