
Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

author:Two ancestors

[Entertainment Headlines] The "Ten Diligent Days" concert is deeply trapped in the plagiarism door: the details point to Lu Han's third tour, and netizens angrily denounce the insincerity of throwing the pot!


Recently, the entertainment industry ushered in a shocking controversy - the official of the "Ten Diligent Days" concert was forced to publicly apologize, admitting that it directly "learned" from Lu Han's third solo tour in the opening design!

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!
Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

I never expected this apology to be vague and directly stepped on the audience's scales! The comment area was scolded!

Plagiarism details are straightforward: the creativity and the picture are strikingly similar

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!
Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

According to people familiar with the matter, the opening video of the "Ten Diligence Days" concert is strikingly similar to the iconic elements in Luhan's third tour.

From the use of color to animation transitions, and even scene construction, almost every frame can find a correspondence with Luhan's concert.

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!
Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

The most obvious thing is that both of them use high-tech virtual reality fusion technology, a futuristic stage reflected by dynamic light and shadow, and the iconic 3D stereoscopic geometric transformation, which is simply a reproduction of the opening credits of Luhan's concert.

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!
Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

In addition, even some of the choreography has been noted to have obvious traces of imitation, from the formation changes of the dancers to certain unique gestures, which are almost exactly copied.

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

The official apologized, and the outsourcing caused dissatisfaction

In the face of overwhelming criticism, the organizers of the "Ten Diligent Days" concert finally bowed their heads in the hustle and bustle, issued a statement admitting some of the borrowing of the opening idea, and announced the termination of the contract with the outsourcing company suspected of plagiarism.

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

However, the seemingly sincere apology did little to quell public outrage. Many netizens bluntly said: "It is acceptable to apologize, but it is unacceptable to put all the responsibility on the outsourcing team and try to clear the relationship!" "

Netizens are dissatisfied: The apology is insincere, "reference" or "plagiarism"? The controversy caused by the difference of one word

First of all, in this apology, there is no mention of apologizing to Lu Han himself, which caused fans to question!

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

Second, the use of the word "reference" in official statements has provoked public outrage. Many netizens responded sharply: "If borrowing is such a blatant copy and paste, then what's the point of originality?" ”

They emphasized that every concert of Luhan is the result of careful planning by the team, and every detail contains love for fans and the ultimate pursuit of stage art.

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

This kind of "reference" not only insults the hard work of Lu Han and his team, but also tramples on the basic rights and interests of all original creators.

Deleted blogs were reissued, and the credibility crisis escalated

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

What's even more dramatic is that after the official apology, "Ten Qintian" once again triggered a crisis of confidence by deleting the original Weibo and republishing the version that did not mention the production team.

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

The move was interpreted as an attempt to downplay the relationship with the outsourced team and avoid deeper accountability, adding to already disgruntled public sentiment.

In short, this plagiarism storm of the "Ten Diligent Days" concert!

Ten diligent days official apology! Admits plagiarism to the Luhan dumping outsourcing team! Netizens don't buy it at all!

It not only exposes the weakness of the original protection mechanism in the entertainment industry, but also reveals the strong public demand for respect for originality.

The incident is still fermenting, and it reminds every practitioner that when enjoying the light brought by art, we must never forget the original spirit and moral bottom line that support this light.


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