
A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word

author:Meet the cold crisp
A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word

There is a saying in "Caigen Tan":

"Hiding ingenuity in clumsiness, using obscurity and clarity, clear in turbidity, and bending for stretching. One of the pots that really involved in the world, and the three caves where they are hidden. ”


When dealing with people, we should hide our wisdom and skill under the appearance of clumsiness, and show our wisdom and talent in a subtle and introverted way; Maintain a clear heart in a turbid and complex environment, retreat as advance, and overcome rigidity with softness.

The key to a person's life in the world lies in the word "hidden".

Learn to hide your edge and restrain your wisdom in order to move forward steadily in a complex and changeable world.

People who are truly capable and talented never like to show themselves, they keep a low profile and do not show their light easily.

On the contrary, some mediocre people often like to show off themselves, and they are complacent and sharp when they achieve a little achievement.

As everyone knows, if a person is too outstanding, he will be criticized and attacked.

A person, the smartest way to live, is the word "hidden".

A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word
A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word

Hide your emotions

The military strategist Napoleon said, "A man who can control his emotions is greater than a general who can take a city." ”

In this complex world, everyone has emotions, and this is normal.

However, emotions are like a palette of life, with sorrows and joys, good and bad.

Blindly divulging emotions will not only not win the empathy and sympathy of others, but may allow others to peek into our weaknesses and attack our weaknesses.

In 494 B.C., Wu and Yue clashed, and Yue was unfortunately defeated.

For the future of the country and the opportunity for revenge, Goujian, the king of Yue, under the persuasion of the minister Fan Li, resolutely decided to go deep into the state of Wu and was willing to become a prisoner of the prince of Wu.

During his time in Wu, Gou Jian suffered unprecedented humiliation and suffering, but he always remained calm and tenacious, and never let his anger and humiliation be revealed.

He silently endured the pain, and used diligence and obedience to hide his inner resistance and hatred, as if he had really surrendered to Wu Wangfucha.

After three years of enduring humiliation, Gou Jian finally won the trust of his husband and got the opportunity to return to Yueguo.

This experience not only accumulated valuable experience and wisdom for Gou Jian, but also laid a solid foundation for his future revenge.

Speaker Anthony Robin said, "The secret of a great life is to know how to control the power of emotion, not to be countered by it." ”

Those who excel have long since learned to control their emotions and not be slaves to them.

Emotional stability is not only a kind of inner cultivation, but also a kind of wisdom in life.

It enables one to remain calm in the face of adversity and humble in the midst of good times.

Therefore, learning to control our emotions and let reason be the guiding light of our lives is the only way to lead an outstanding life.

A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word
A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word

Hide your edge

Zeng Guofan once said: Those who are competitive will have no place to win; If you can win people, you can't win.

Those who blindly compete often lack real skills, but often show a tough attitude, and as a result, they often attract the fear and suppression of others, and it is difficult to gain a long-term foothold in the world.

However, a truly intelligent person, even if he has thunderous power in his heart, can maintain a calm posture.

They know how to show weakness at the right time as a way to break down the defensiveness of others so that they can achieve their goals in one fell swoop at the most critical moments.

There is an interesting story recorded in the Zhuangzi called "Dumb as a Chicken".

King Xuan of Zhou had a soft spot for cockfighting, so he specially invited Ji Yuzi, a master of cockfighting, to train him in cockfighting.

After more than ten days, King Zhou Xuan curiously asked about the progress of the training.

Ji Yuzi told him: "Not yet, these chickens are now arrogant, if they fight cocks, they will definitely lose." ”

After another ten days, King Zhou Xuan asked again.

Ji Yuzi said: "It's still not enough, they scream when they hear the sound, and jump around when they see the shadow, it's too impetuous." ”

After another period of time, King Zhou Xuan couldn't help but ask again.

Ji Yuzi nodded and said, "It's almost now." ”

He explained: "Although this chicken does not chirp and looks like a wooden chicken on the outside, its inner quality has reached its peak, and it is a real master of cockfighting. ”

Being a human being is the same as fighting cocks, if you are eager to show your edge at the beginning, you will often end up with a tragic fate.

Only by accumulating strength in calm can you burst out with amazing energy at critical moments.

Therefore, the more unassuming and unostentatious it is, the more it can quietly turn the situation around and occupy the initiative.

A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word
A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word

Hide secrets

Wang Zhiwen has a classic line in "The Way of Heaven":

As a human being, there are two things that must be learned to be hidden, one is the secret in the heart, and the other is the ability to be possessed.

Throughout the ages, those who have achieved great things will not make their secrets public.

Someone said: "Keeping your own important secrets is also leaving yourself a way out and hole cards." ”

In the journey of life, we will always encounter various challenges and difficulties, and sometimes even fall into a desperate situation.

However, those secrets that we hide deep down often become the key to our comeback in difficult situations.

Jiang Wei, an outstanding general of Shu Han, was a military wizard who had won the essence of Zhuge Liang.

Jiang Wei is determined to recover the Central Plains and dominate the world, and he often shares his strategies and plans with others.

In the first year of Zhengshi, Jiang Wei resolutely decided to adopt the strategy of fighting against the water and launched a fierce attack on Cao Wei.

However, unfortunately, his first expedition did not go well, and he was defeated by Cao Wei's two fierce generals, Guo Huai and Chen Tai.

Although Jiang Wei was aware of his failure, he did not know that behind Guo Huai and Chen Tai, it was the resourceful military advisor Sima Yi who was in command.

Sima Yi had heard of Jiang Wei for a long time and knew his ambition and talent well, so he made military arrangements early.

After the war, Sima Yi couldn't help but sigh: If it weren't for Jiang Wei's frequent disclosure of his intentions, he would almost ignore this powerful opponent.

As the old saying goes: "If you are quiet, you will not show your chance, and the clouds will thunder." ”

People who are truly capable can hide deeply, like clouds and thunder in the sky, quietly accumulating strength, and only when the time is ripe will burst out.

Wise people will not easily divulge their true thoughts and plans in their hearts, they will keep their mouths shut, and no matter whether things succeed or fail, there will be room for maneuver.

Life is a battle of wisdom with fate.

In this contest, we must learn to hide our hole cards, not rush to achieve results, but gradually plan, move forward steadily, and make a splash at critical moments to show real strength.

Therefore, hiding one's thoughts and secrets is one's greatest wisdom.

A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word
A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word

There is a saying in the Book of Proverbs that hidden and unrevealed is an outstanding talent.

In life, learning to "hide" is a wise choice.

Good Tibet, not only show talent, but also show cultivation.

Only by remaining humble and keeping a low profile can we pursue higher goals and enjoy long-term success.

In the days to come, please hide your emotions, hide your edge, and hide your secrets.

No matter how ups and downs the journey of life is, may we stick to our hearts, play steadily, and take every step of life.

A person, the smartest way to live, just this one word

Author: Han Su

A long-termist who believes in writing.

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