
No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

author:Fish Music Ambassador

[Entertainment Perspective] Yang Ying's live broadcast debut sparked heated discussions: the gap between beauty and reality, where is the real beauty?


After experiencing the facial coding turmoil in the "Let's Run" program, Yang Ying chose to start her live broadcast debut in the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba!

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

This decision is not only surprising, but also sparked a series of discussions about appearance, outfits and the real state of celebrities.

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

Glossy and illusory under the lens of beauty

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

With the blessing of the beauty lens, Yang Ying's live broadcast debut still seems to be radiant.

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

She wore a Ronald van der Kemp Fall/Winter 2022 Haute Couture Tailoring Top with denim shorts, a mix that showcased a sense of haute couture without losing a relaxed and casual vibe.

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

Under the beautification of the filter, Yang Ying's appearance is still "anti-hitting", showing her unique charm as a fashion icon.

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

However, this overly embellished beauty also makes people feel a little unreal, and the overly exaggerated beauty effect makes the overall shape appear a little unbalanced, as if you are in an overly perfect virtual world.

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

The Truth Behind the Filter: A Real Challenge

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

When the lens leaves the filter, Yang Ying's true state is exposed, which is in stark contrast to the image under the beauty lens.

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

The face appears slightly puffy, and the complexion also appears dull yellow, missing the brilliance of the retouched picture. The messy hair and tired look make people feel the truth and difficulty behind the star. The nasolabial folds at the corners of the mouth are also rattling deep!

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

In this way, she is closer to the state of ordinary people, has lost her star halo, and is more like an ordinary woman, who is trying to adapt to new challenges and attempts.

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

See what netizens have to say! Is it swollen and feels like a twilight?

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

This makeup is black, it's really a little dirty! Feel the whole person! Netizens shouted: Hurry up and change the makeup artist!

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

What's even funnier is that netizens ridiculed: How can your nose get fat?

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

More netizens shouted: This is after leaving Huang Xiaoming! The career is at a standstill! It has to be the Yellow Sect Master!

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

Let's take a look at my ex-husband Huang Sect Master! Now it's a spring breeze!

Holding the trophy in his left hand, he just won the "Golden Goblet Award"! Holding his current girlfriend Ye Ke with his right hand! Love and career double harvest!

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

Seeing the current Huang Xiaoming, I wonder if Yang Ying regrets it?

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

Conclusion: Face it bravely, truth is also the scenery

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!

Yang Ying's attempt to broadcast this live broadcast, whether from a fashion perspective or the display of her personal image, is a brave attempt.

It makes us reflect on the fact that true beauty should not be limited to superficial embellishments, but should include self-acceptance, love of life, and courage to challenge.

No more appearance anxiety! Yang Yingsheng's picture overturned: his face is swollen, his face is sallow, and he is getting more and more earthy!


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