
Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

author:JJ Sanshun

The greatest wish of the children who are studying abroad may be that they can eat the food of their hometown every day, even if they can't eat every day, it is also a great happiness to be able to eat a bite every once in a while.

A young lady posted a video crash and complained: "British rice is really unpalatable,"

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

"I only eat one meal a day, but it's too bad, but it's so high in calories, I eat one meal a day, and I gain two pounds."


After watching this video, netizens discussed in the comment area, is this British food so unpalatable?

‖ some netizens think that the young lady may be a little too exaggerated.

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

"Cooking has gone from being unpalatable to okay, but there are actually no technological barriers, right? Why is foreign food about to form a new kind of scar literature in the articles I have seen from international students? So unpalatable? ”

Someone replied below:

"You know that you are still in Hunan, how difficult it is to find materials, how expensive and not fresh, and there is a smoke alarm or something after a long time of fire."

"Foreign pigs are different from ours, they stink so much that you will throw the pot together, and some people will vomit when they think about it, and they stink! [tears run]"

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

Some netizens feel that the young lady crying like this is a dereliction of duty on the part of the parents, who only ask the child to study abroad well, but does not give the child basic life skills.

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food
Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

In fact, this can't all blame the parents, cooking abroad, one is the ingredients, the other is the problem of fire can not be fried, and in the end, many people do not touch the spring water at home before going out, so eating those high-calorie foods in the UK every day is unpalatable, and eating one meal a day will end up fat.

The big brothers in the comment area saw the pear blossoms and rain that the little sister cried, and their hearts melted, and they posted domestic delicacies to the young lady one after another, the big brothers have good intentions, but it is estimated that the little sister will cry even more after reading it! [covers face]

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food
Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

‖ British food is unpalatable, not only Liuzi cried when she ate it, but even the British cute baby who has been in China for a long time has been crying when she eats British food after returning to her home country.

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food
Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

"British food doesn't taste good."

"And what do you eat?"

"I want to eat noodles ......"

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

"Oh, you want to eat Chinese noodles"


Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

I was worried that the child was hungry, and my mind was full of Chinese noodles, and I didn't know if the baby ate the noodles in the end.

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

Netizens are curious, is there no face in the UK? Yes, there should be, but it's not to look down on them, no matter what ingredients in China go to the hands of British cooks, they can be made into Xiang.

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

‖ because the food in the UK is too unpalatable, the pot of instant noodles cooked casually by the Chinese Liuzi actually became a god in a fight, and was named "big brother" by the British indigenous roommate, just to occasionally rub some instant noodles cooked by the eldest brother [covering his face]

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

So he cooked a pot of instant noodles with ham sausage and chicken thighs, and invited his British roommates to share them. Since then, this classmate has been named the eldest brother, and the British partner only wants to be able to eat. ”

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

"I now live on cereal for three meals a day in the UK."

"I don't want to die of hunger, I don't want to live."

Some people say that British food is worse than prison food on the mainland, but in fact, it is wrong to think that Britain has delicious food.

Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food
Just how bad is British food? For the first time, I wanted to use the word "vicious" to describe food

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