
The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

author:JJ Sanshun

See such a video, the location is in Russia. A young mother walked straight to a corner of the mall with her baby in her arms.

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

At first, I thought she was doing something inconvenient, such as breastfeeding, but I thought that if she was breastfeeding, she should go to the mother and baby room, instead of walking to the door of someone else's store like this.

Seeing her put the baby on the ground, I thought she was going to dress the crying baby.

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

However, in the next second, the Russian mother, after putting the child on the ground, began to take the clothes and scarves on the ground.

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

And the child on the ground was still crying, and when he saw his mother ignoring her, the little guy cried more and more energetically, and even rolled on the ground.

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

However, this trick did not play any "threatening" role for the mother next to her, looking at the mother's unwavering appearance, presumably this little baby usually uses this trick [covering his face].

Bao Ma ignored the bear child on the ground and continued to rummage.

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

Finally, she found her bag in a pile of clothes,

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel
The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

Bao Ma picked up the bag, then carried the bag and calmly watched the bear baby on the ground perform. The uncle who passed by couldn't help but look at the crying bear child, wearing only one sock's left foot, telling people that the mother and daughter had experienced a fierce battle of wits just now, and now it seems that the bear child is about to defeat [covering his face]

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel
The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

Netizens are hotly discussed

Netizens bounced and said:

"When I was a child, I lost my temper at noon and didn't eat, thinking that my mother would coax me, but my mother ate all the dishes for that lunch, and my favorite steamed fish, there was not a single fish left. At that time, watching my mother eat all the food, I felt so aggrieved! But I'm embarrassed to show that I want to eat and eat her food, so I can only be more sulky! Then I won't lose my temper easily and skip meals [tears]..."

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel
The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel
The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

"My mother came up and called two mouths, so I stopped and obeyed."

Some children, reasoning with him, he is even more fierce, a meal of bamboo shoots fried meat immediately honest, although this method is effective, but also according to the child's character, otherwise the more you fight, the more rebellious.

Another way to defeat magic ‖ magic is to walk the path of the bear child and make the bear child have no way out

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel
The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel
The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

"My daughter was cured of her illness when she was two years old, she was lying down and I was lying down, more energetic than her rolling, she thought I was ashamed, and I didn't make trouble anymore!"

"When my son was a child, he cried in the supermarket and took off his shoes, so I put them aside and waited with his father for him to cry enough, and then I never dared to make such a fuss again."

This method of treating children with children's behavior is mostly the mothers and fathers of the post-80-90s, when this method is used, you have to avoid grandparents, grandma and grandpa, otherwise, before the parents start to "perform", the four old people on the other end will be eager to smash down with eight big fists.

‖ some netizens feel that the child is crying like this, there should be some unmet needs

In the video, the child is crying so sad, what needs should there be in her heart, the mother should communicate with her, and help the child realize what can be achieved within her ability, if you can't achieve it, explain to the child or seek a compromise method, such a big child needs more is generally food, play, and more material.

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

Indeed, children also have their own temperaments, and every child is different. Sometimes it's not that the child is grumpy, it's tired, sleepy or hungry, and sometimes the child won't be specific about his needs, so he can only express it through crying.

As a mother, I have also encountered this situation, I think this Russian mother, should have communicated with the child, but the sisters who have been mothers should know that some children will cry and make a fuss when they are not satisfied, and there is no more than half a point of persuasion, only when they have cried enough and made enough trouble, and calmed down, can they reason with them.

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

Children are not machines, each child's personality is different, adults are still thousands of faces, not to say that the method on the book is necessarily good, some methods are useful for other people's children, but not necessarily applicable to your children, teach according to their aptitude, their own children themselves understand best, children's growth is a slow process, parents according to the child's behavior in different periods of the correct guidance, so that children are happy adults also save snacks.

The main fighting nation is not used to one! The comment section is more exciting than the novel

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