
In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

author:A small town girl, Ah Yue

In 2018, there was a photo that went viral, a little boy with "white hair" came to the classroom, and his classmates laughed when they saw him.

When I looked closely, I realized that the white flowers on the boy's head were actually ice flowers, and there was frost on his eyebrows and clothes. His cheeks were red from the cold, and he was wearing only a thin coat.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

Netizens thought the little boy looked funny, but as everyone knows, the boy walked nine miles and braved the cold and snowstorm to come to school......

He's not so funny, but it's sad.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

Left-behind children in the mountains

The boy's name is Wang Fuman, born in Yunnan, a left-behind child, whose parents have to go out to work in order to make money, and entrust him to his grandmother to take care of him.

But grandma is guarding that barren land, struggling to make ends meet.

Not having enough to eat and not wearing warm clothes is the norm for their grandparents.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

Wang Fuman and his grandmother live in a mud house that was built by the whole family, and because they didn't have the extra money to build the roof, they had to make up plastic sheets and wooden planks.

In the cold winter, the wind poured in from outside, and Wang Fuman shivered in the nest from the cold, so he had to make a fire in the stove to keep warm.

Also, on rainy days, the rain also falls mercilessly on their homes.

Often, it rains heavily outside and light rain inside.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

However, Wang Fuman's family understands that Xiaofuman is all the hope of the family's future, no matter how hard life is, they must let their children go to school.

So when Wang Fuman reached school age, he went to school.

The "Ice Flower Boy" who walks the 9-mile mountain road

However, there are 9 miles of mountain road from their family to Xinjie Primary School, which is rugged and full of thorns and bumps, so Wang Fuman has to pick up his schoolbag and walk in the direction of the school before dawn in order to arrive at the school on time.

On the road leading from the mountains to Xinjie Primary School, a little boy can be seen early in the morning, whether it is windy, rainy or foggy, you can see the figure of this boy.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

Especially in winter, the temperature in the mountains is very low, even if adults walk outside, they will be blown by the cold wind in the early morning, and Wang Fuman is only a child of a few years old.

But no matter what the temperature was outside, Wang Fuman did not give up going to school.

In the vast snow, Wang Fuman walked for hours, just to sit in class and learn like other students......

All this, no one would have paid attention to it without that photo.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

It was January 8, 2018, the day of the final exam of the first grade of primary school, which was very important to Wang Fuman, the temperature outside had dropped to a few degrees below zero, and the cold wind was blowing on Wang Fuman's face like a knife.

But Wang Fuman still walked firmly towards the school.

When he stepped into the school gate with difficulty, the other students had already sat down to prepare for the exam, and when they saw the white-headed Wang Fuman entering the classroom, the audience laughed.

Wang Fuman was at a loss.

I could only gently pat the ice flower on my body, and then sit in my position.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

The help of caring people

Other students also don't know what kind of price Wang Fuman has to pay for the learning opportunities they can easily get.

Wang Fuman's photos continue to ferment on the Internet and have also attracted the attention of major media.

Many mainstream media and TV stations have gone to Ludian, Yunnan Province to interview Wang Fuman. When these reporters saw Wang Fuman's living conditions, they were particularly emotional, they thought that Wang Fuman's life was very difficult, but they didn't expect it to be so difficult.

So he made a special report for Wang Fuman, and since then this name has attracted everyone's attention on the Internet, and many caring people on the Internet have also extended a helping hand.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

Some netizens donated materials, some donated money directly, and many clothes and school supplies were sent to Wang Fuman's hands.

There is also a New Street Primary School that has also received donations from caring people.

In fact, the conditions of Xinjie Primary School are not good, the school basically does not make money, and the teachers hired are all teaching here with dedication, and the salary is not high.

But they all have one belief, and that is to get more children out of the mountains.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

There are also some companies that have specially promised to bear all the tuition fees from Wang Fuman's primary school to university, because the donation amount is huge, and it has also caused a great sensation.

Even a lot of relevant public opinion broke out later, and I don't know if this public opinion is true or false.

Life has improved

However, after the fermentation of public opinion, the relevant parties also responded, saying that they would strictly supervise every donation to ensure that the money was put in place.

Let these children in need get the help they deserve.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

Wang Fuman did get everyone's help, and their family has changed a lot, and I still remember that it was said that their house was originally an adobe house, and there was no roof.

Since the donation, Wang Fuman has moved into a new house, which also has a refrigerator and a TV, and they no longer have to endure the biting cold wind.

Some money was used to improve conditions in schools and villages.

The conditions in the village are better, and Wang Fuman's father has returned to the village from other places, although he has basically no income in his hometown, but he can stay with his children, which no amount of wealth can buy.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

The school has built a dormitory, and Wang Fuman can live directly in the school without having to walk the Jiuli Mountain Road every day, and he has also received the care of many caring people in the society.

This made the young Wang Fuman's heart very warm.

He had more time to study, and his grades improved by leaps and bounds.

Finally saw the outside world

In 2018, someone sponsored Wang Fuman to visit Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City in Beijing, and when he saw these majestic buildings, he was amazed.

There is also snow here, but it is completely different from the snow scene in my hometown.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

Because of the help of the outside world, Wang Fuman has made a lot of friends and met a lot of people, and his personality is not as introverted as before, and he has become more lively and laughing.

He finally knew why his family had to let Wang Fuman go to study no matter how hard he worked.

Because hope is in the textbook.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

This is Wang Fuman's biggest feeling after seeing the outside world, out of the mountains, the broader world attracts Wang Fuman, let him really feel what is called knowledge to change fate......

In fact, Wang Fuman's story is not unique, in the depths of the mountains, there are still many children, they can't afford to read, and they have never seen what is on the other side of the mountain, they only know that no matter how bumpy and rugged the mountain road is, they have to go to school and enter books.

Sometimes, what is more powerful than knowledge is the mountain path to knowledge.

In 2018, what happened to Wang Fuman, the "Ice Flower Boy" who walked 9 miles to school on the mountain road?

It will tell us that the pursuit of knowledge is the first step to change destiny, not only knowledge changes destiny, but the desire for knowledge changes destiny.

Although the media rarely reported on Wang Fuman, we all believe that his life will get better and better, and his spring will definitely come.

He will surely return to his homeland full of glory.

He will also understand that studying is not to get rid of the poor hometown, but to rid the hometown of poverty.