
It is dangerous for the elderly to fall and not pay attention to it! Fractures, psychological trauma, do 7 points to keep healthy

author:Dr. Zhang talks about health talk

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The risk of falls in older adults cannot be ignored, and this includes not only physical injuries such as broken bones, but also can lead to severe psychological trauma.

Uncle Li is a retired teacher, over 70 years old, and his body is quite strong, but a recent accidental fall at home has left him with a lot of shock.

That day, he was trimming flowers and plants on the balcony, and he didn't pay attention to his feet, lost his balance and fell to the ground. Uncle Li felt severe pain in his right leg, and his family rushed him to the hospital.

In the emergency room of the hospital, the doctor conducted a preliminary examination of Uncle Li and found that he may have a hip fracture.

It is dangerous for the elderly to fall and not pay attention to it! Fractures, psychological trauma, do 7 points to keep healthy

Immediately, Uncle Li was sent for an X-ray examination. A few hours later, the imaging results confirmed the doctor's judgment that Uncle Li had a fracture of the right femoral neck and needed immediate surgery.

After the operation, Uncle Li was admitted to the ward. Dr. Wang, who was in charge of him, explained the procedure and post-operative care precautions to the family in detail.

"Uncle Lee's recovery takes time, especially for the elderly, who heal slowly from fractures, and we have to make sure he adheres to the rehabilitation plan," Dr Ong emphasised. ”

It is dangerous for the elderly to fall and not pay attention to it! Fractures, psychological trauma, do 7 points to keep healthy

Uncle Li's recovery process was full of challenges. In addition to the physical discomfort, the psychological trauma made him feel helpless.

The daily rehabilitation training was painful and long, and Uncle Li fell into depression for a while. The family also saw it in their eyes and was anxious in their hearts, not knowing how to help him get out of the shadows.

At Dr. Wang's suggestion, the family brought in a professional counselor.

It is dangerous for the elderly to fall and not pay attention to it! Fractures, psychological trauma, do 7 points to keep healthy

Psychologist Xiao Chen has rich experience in trauma treatment, and through many meetings, he helped Uncle Li gradually accept his current situation and face rehabilitation training positively.

"Psychological rehabilitation is just as important as physical rehabilitation, especially for elderly people like Uncle Li who have experienced major physical trauma and need more psychological support," Xiao Chen said. ”

In the process of psychological counseling, Xiao Chen used a variety of trauma treatment techniques, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and emotional release therapy, to gradually help Uncle Li rebuild his confidence and face various challenges in life.

It is dangerous for the elderly to fall and not pay attention to it! Fractures, psychological trauma, do 7 points to keep healthy

After several months of hard work, Uncle Li's mental state has improved significantly, and his rehabilitation training has become smoother.

Older people are at high risk of falls, so fall prevention is especially important. Home modifications: Make sure the floor is level, remove obstacles, and install handrails, especially in bathrooms and stairs.

Wear appropriate shoes: Choose shoes with non-slip soles, comfortable fits, and avoid wearing high heels or loose slippers.

It is dangerous for the elderly to fall and not pay attention to it! Fractures, psychological trauma, do 7 points to keep healthy

Proper lighting: Make sure there is plenty of light throughout your home, especially when moving around at night. Regular health check-ups: Keep up to date with your physical condition, especially your vision, hearing, and bone health.

Proper exercise: Enhance your body's balance and muscle strength through moderate exercises, such as tai chi, walking, etc.

Balanced nutrition: Adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D can help maintain bone health.

It is dangerous for the elderly to fall and not pay attention to it! Fractures, psychological trauma, do 7 points to keep healthy

Medication management: Older people often need to take multiple medications to make sure they don't cause dizziness or affect balance.

Uncle Li's story tells us that falls in the elderly can not only bring physical harm, but can also lead to serious psychological trauma.

In addition to effective treatment and psychological counselling after the incident, fall prevention is a top priority.

It is dangerous for the elderly to fall and not pay attention to it! Fractures, psychological trauma, do 7 points to keep healthy

By improving the living environment, strengthening exercise and reasonable diet, we can effectively reduce the risk of falls and protect the physical and mental health of the elderly.

We can provide comprehensive health protection for the elderly in a more scientific and systematic way, so that they can be safer and happier in their later life.

[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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