
73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

author:Xiao Li speaks

In recent years, domestic entertainment has set off a "contrast" wind, and it is senior actors such as Liu Xiaoqing who lead this fashion. How did this trend come about?

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In fact, it is due to a TV series that Liu Xiaoqing participated in not long ago, 60-year-old Liu Xiaoqing played a young girl in the play.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

As a result, netizens began to take stock of the actresses who played girls in the entertainment industry, Zhang Ziyi's "Shangyang Fu", Zhou Xun's "The Legend of Ruyi" and other TV series also suffered from it.

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73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

In fact, it is not difficult to find that many of the characters in the current TV series have age dismatches, but some people have no sense of disobedience, and some give people a serious sense of discomfort.

is like Geng Geng played by Tan Songyun when filming "The Best of Us", obviously in her 20s, but she still has no sense of disobedience when she plays a fifteen or sixteen-year-old high school student, but it makes people think that she is at this age.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

However, many actors still can't accept themselves to play a role that meets their age, just like Ruby Lin mentioned in another interview that she is still more inclined to play a daughter, if she lets herself play a mother, she will not accept it if she plays a mother-in-law.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

Jinsha also mentioned in a show that the role in front of him is also selective, because he is girlish.

Perhaps it is this fashion that has made more and more netizens begin to make detailed comparisons of actresses in the entertainment industry.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

Recently, Liu Xiaoqing once again rushed to the attention of netizens because of a casting.

mentioned this year's popular "Fengshen" in another interview, Liu Xiaoqing was naturally full of praise for this movie, saying that he likes to watch this film very much.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

The reporter asked: Do you have a favorite role or a role you want to play?

Liu Xiaoqing said that she very much wants to play Daji in the play, she is confident that she can play this role, and she will definitely be able to play this role well with her acting skills.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

Indeed, Liu Xiaoqing is an old-timer in the entertainment industry, and countless classics make people have to admit that her acting skills are exquisite.

But Daji in the film is a fox demon who is not old for thousands of years, so almost all the images of Daji in film and television dramas are a girl, Liu Xiaoqing chose the role, is it because of a girl or simply because of the role of Daji?

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

After seeing this interview, many netizens couldn't help but start their "concern" for Liu Xiaoqing again, saying that after all, Liu Xiaoqing is 73 years old this year and it is time to retire.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

Some netizens also said that Daji is a fox demon after all, let alone 70 years old, even if it is 700 years old or even 7000 years old, why say that people are 70 years old?

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

However, some netizens immediately expressed their displeasure, saying that they would rather accept Daji being 70,000 years old, and I can't accept her with a 70-year-old face.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

Indeed, Liu Xiaoqing's maintenance is indeed very good, and it is almost impossible to see on her face that she is already 73 years old, but the grade is on the bright side, and no one can accept such a contrast.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

Just like Hao Lei once said to Jin Sha, the role is placed in front of age, what grade should be played in what grade, if all the people in their thirties, forties and fifties all play girls, then what does the 20-year-old girl next to her play?

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

So when Liu Xiaoqing's interview video came out, she was immediately ridiculed by Everbright netizens, and many netizens compared her with other actresses.

The former Song Zuer played the mother of marriage and childbirth when she had barely acted in many dramas, and Zhao Zhaoyi also said in the show that she can also play a young mother, because she is not too young.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

Therefore, although Liu Xiaoqing is really well maintained, there is a gap between her and the girl for most of her life or half an era, so now she can no longer grasp the youth, ignorance and vigor of the current girl, and the most important thing is that she cannot be accepted by the public.

73-year-old Liu Xiaoqing wanted to play Daji in "Fengshen", but was laughed to death in the comment area

Therefore, today's actresses should also be like what Hao Lei said, at what age they should play the roles they should play, so that they can not have such a big sense of disobedience and bring visual enjoyment to the audience.

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