
It is a very strange phenomenon that after 60~70, they all think that filial piety is the right thing, but they dare not expect filial piety from their children

author:Lao Pang talks about the world

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It is a very strange phenomenon that after 60~70, they all think that filial piety is the right thing, but they dare not expect filial piety from their children

I was born in 1963, and in my generation, filial piety to parents is a matter of course. Since I was a child, watching my parents work hard for the family, I thought in my heart that when I grow up, I must be filial to them and let them live a good life.

It is a very strange phenomenon that after 60~70, they all think that filial piety is the right thing, but they dare not expect filial piety from their children

At that time, although the family was living a tight life, the family affection was strong, and the children knew how to understand the difficulties of their parents. We help with the work at home, and we never cry tired; If there is something delicious, stick to the elders first. In our hearts, filial piety is to listen to our parents, share in them, and make them happy.

But now, our generation itself is getting old, and our thinking has changed. We still think that filial piety is what our children should do, but we don't dare to expect how much filial piety we can get from our own children.

It is a very strange phenomenon that after 60~70, they all think that filial piety is the right thing, but they dare not expect filial piety from their children

Take myself as an example, my children work hard in a big city, work under pressure, and have a fast pace of life. I hope they will come back often, even if it's just to talk to me and have a meal. But every time I called, I said that I was fine, and told them not to worry about it and concentrate on their work. In fact, I am afraid that it will cause trouble to them and affect their career and life.

Some of my old buddies are pretty much the same. I have a friend who is not in good health, but the child is far away, so he goes to the hospital to see a doctor and get medicine by himself, and never lets the child know. He said that it is not easy for children to be outside, and children should not be distracted. There is also a sister who lives alone, and the electrical appliances at home are broken, and she is groping for repairs by herself, and she does not tell her children, for fear that the children will be worried.

It is a very strange phenomenon that after 60~70, they all think that filial piety is the right thing, but they dare not expect filial piety from their children

Our generation has experienced hard years and developed the habit of enduring hardships and standing hard work and thinking about their children. We know that the competition in today's society is fierce, and it is not easy for children to gain a foothold. Therefore, even if I long for the companionship and care of my children, I dare not speak easily.

We always think that as long as the children are doing well, what is it if we are wronged. But sometimes, in the dead of night, when you are alone, you will feel a little sad. We give all our love to our children, but we dare not expect them to give back to us in return.

It is a very strange phenomenon that after 60~70, they all think that filial piety is the right thing, but they dare not expect filial piety from their children

I also often reflect on whether my generation is too "sensible" and considerate of our children, but makes them ignore our needs. Maybe the times are changing too fast, and the children's concepts are different from ours. But in any case, I still hope that the children can understand that the love of their parents will always be there, and I also hope that they can take a little time out of their busy lives to care for us. After all, family affection is the most valuable asset, and if you miss it, you can't get it back.

Last night, I thought about it all night, is it true that our generation's thinking is wrong, and isn't it natural for children to be filial to their parents? Why is it that in our generation, everyone has become cautious if they want to get some love from their children, what is wrong with this?

Author: Lao Pang

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