
Unanimous vote! China's robot dog has broken the defenses of the US Congress

author:The old paste looks at the world

Recently, a discussion in the US Congress has attracted widespread attention from the international community. One congressman suggested that China was deploying "robot dogs with automatic rifles" and asked the Pentagon to assess this. The proposal was unanimously adopted in Parliament, with no member of Parliament objecting. This makes one wonder why the U.S. Congress is so sensitive to China's robot dog technology.

Unanimous vote! China's robot dog has broken the defenses of the US Congress

The website of the US weekly "Defense News" pointed out that although drones are no longer uncommon in war, the US Congress cannot accept China's arming of robot dogs. The report mentions that dogs are regarded as man's best friend, and robot dogs have become killing tools and may pose a threat to U.S. soldiers. This reason may sound absurd, but it reflects the misunderstanding and fear of Chinese robotics in the United States.

In fact, the cute image and advanced technology of China's robot dog have not been fully recognized by the US Congress. Chinese robot dogs can not only make cute movements such as comparing hearts, but also surpass the robot dogs of Boston Dynamics in the United States in terms of technology and performance. In the recent robot dog competition, China's Unitree Technology Company's robot dog won by a landslide over Boston Dynamics' robot dog, especially in the stair climbing project.

What's even more surprising is that a Chinese-made robot dog costs just $2,700, while an American-made robot dog costs up to $74,500. This huge price gap gives China a clear advantage in the equipment of robot dogs. However, the U.S. Congress seems to have ignored this and instead focused on the possible threat posed by robot dogs.

The U.S. Congress is too narrow-minded and its understanding of China is entirely dependent on propaganda from Chinese state media. Chinese state media have only massively promoted robot dogs with guns on their backs, resulting in US lawmakers only knowing robot dogs with guns on their backs. And those advanced technologies that match the American identity are not getting enough publicity.

China's innovation in robotics goes far beyond that. After comprehensively crushing Boston Dynamics in technology and cost, Chinese robot dog manufacturers began to create their own design, no longer limited to Boston Dynamics' design. For example, changing the robot dog's feet to wheels not only improves the speed of movement, but also maintains the ability to climb stairs. This kind of innovative thinking has made China's robotics technology more diverse and practical.

Unanimous vote! China's robot dog has broken the defenses of the US Congress

Furthermore, China has also developed a spider robot, which is superior to robot dogs in terms of stability, movement speed, and weight-bearing capacity. Although the spider robot is inferior to the robot dog in size and ability to climb stairs, its combat ability in the wild is far superior to that of the robot dog. In addition, China has developed a self-detonating spider robot, which is small and stealthy and can self-detonate when close to a target, making it a new type of tactical weapon.

Unanimous vote! China's robot dog has broken the defenses of the US Congress

If the U.S. Congress continues to reject robot dogs on the grounds that "man's best friend" is "man's best friend", then next year they may also define spiders as man's best friend to stop spider robots from being installed. He was looking forward to the establishment of a spider conservation society in the United States, and each person would have a huge black spider on his stomach when he marched through the streets.

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