
Superstar explodes large-scale indecent videos again


Just recently, the BBC directly broke out a video of an international top dragging a woman, and this video directly caused a sensation on the whole network.

Superstar explodes large-scale indecent videos again

The BBC suddenly released the documentary "Revealing the Secrets in the Chat Room of Hallyu Stars", which is extremely informative and documents many real scandals.

It is reported that the investigation process of the South Korean superstars Lee Shengli, Zheng Junying, and Choi Jong-hoon was exposed in detail, and an indecent video of Li Shengli was also exposed by the way.

In the video, we can clearly see that Li Shengli, who has dyed white hair, pulls a woman, and threatens from time to time, not caring about other people's eyes at all.

After the girl clearly resisted, Li Shengli not only did not let go, but directly dragged with his hands and raised his fist to intimidate and threaten the other party, vowing to take the other party away.

In addition, there is a video of Li Shengli boasting at the wine table, and he constantly lures others by bragging about his fame.

Superstar explodes large-scale indecent videos again

If you didn't know that he was a star, anyone who watched this video would think that he was a demon engaged in the gray industry chain, and this is indeed the case.

In other words, it's quite scary to be a star to do this level, and it's not a good thing to be on the news frequently, but one scandal after another, and there are fans who are whitewashing.

In addition to the above, the documentary also revealed a lot of information, like peeling back the cocoon, exposing the truth of the year to the public again.

The documentary revealed in detail the investigation process of the incident of Lee Shengli, Jung Jun-young, and Choi Jong-hoon, and put this scandal mercilessly under the sun.

Superstar explodes large-scale indecent videos again

Although there have been media outlets following up on the case over the past few years, trying to dig up more valuable news, there are still some details that have not been perfected.

This time, the BBC revealed that the reporters were unable to find the key figures in the case related to Li Shengli during the investigation, and the entire investigation came to a standstill.

Who stood up at that time? It's Goo Hara! It was she who took the initiative to contact the reporter in charge of the case, and it was she who helped find the true identity of the key person;

It was also she who persuaded another key figure, Choi Jong-hoon, to provide clues, and finally let everyone see the truth. She was really, really brave in that environment.

After the death of her good friend Sydney, who is also a Korean artist, everyone was worried about Goo Hara's mental condition, and the reporter who had been communicating with her sent her a message:

Superstar explodes large-scale indecent videos again

"Hara, you are a very handsome and brave woman, I want you to be happy." Hara replied to her: "I'm fine, I'll try to live well." ”

I don't know if these words are sincere or false, but Goo Hara's sentence "I will work hard to live" at least soothed the hearts of relatives, friends and fans.

Li Shengli now not only eats, drinks and enjoys every day, but also has a large number of fans to follow.

Superstar explodes large-scale indecent videos again

Many times, even if the truth is known to everyone, it does not end up in the best way. This is the cruelty of the entertainment industry, and it is the cruelty of reality.

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