
The two women were drunk on the street late at night, and their best friends stood aside laughing and taking pictures, allowing the two to lose their minds

author:Five-year love said

Late one night in the Nujiang River in Yunnan Province, an embarrassing and thought-provoking video attracted widespread attention on the Internet. In the video, two young women are drunk on the street due to excessive drinking, while their best friends laugh and shoot videos, an act that has sparked heated discussions among netizens.

The two women were drunk on the street late at night, and their best friends stood aside laughing and taking pictures, allowing the two to lose their minds

It is reported that the two women and their best friends are both young people in their twenties and usually have a close relationship. That night, as usual, they meet to go out to dinner, and to add to the fun, the women decide to have some drink. However, they had no intention of drinking, but they did not drink enough, and soon became drunk and unconscious.

The two women were drunk on the street late at night, and their best friends stood aside laughing and taking pictures, allowing the two to lose their minds

When the dinner was over, the two were completely unable to stand on their own, and could only barely walk with the support of their girlfriends. However, what is shocking is that the two women did not restrain their behavior because they were drunk, but instead lay on the ground and kept squirming, without regard for their image. At this point, one girlfriend starts laughing and filming a video, while another girlfriend dances on the sidelines, as if it feels like a rare funny moment.

The two women were drunk on the street late at night, and their best friends stood aside laughing and taking pictures, allowing the two to lose their minds

In the video, the woman in white can be seen wearing only a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, which are almost completely naked due to the shorts being too short and the fact that she is lying on the ground and constantly rolling. The woman in black, on the other hand, was more conservative, wearing long sleeves and long pants to avoid similar embarrassment.

The two women were drunk on the street late at night, and their best friends stood aside laughing and taking pictures, allowing the two to lose their minds

The video sparked a lot of discussion online. Many people expressed incomprehension of the behavior of the two women, believing that they were overly indulgent and did not take into account their safety and image. At the same time, some people questioned the behavior of their girlfriends, believing that they, as friends, should give more care and care to the drunk instead of teasing and taking pictures.

In fact, the incident was not just a simple drunken gaffe, but a test of friendship and personal safety. Drinking culture has always been a controversial topic among young people. Drinking alcohol in moderation can boost pleasure and relationships, but excessive drinking can lead to gaffes, dangers, and even crime. For young women, the issue of safety after intoxication is especially important. They should be more cautious about drinking and protect their bodies and image.

At the same time, as friends and girlfriends, we should also assume corresponding responsibilities and obligations. When a friend is drunk, we should give them enough care and attention to ensure their safety. Instead of teasing and taking pictures like the girlfriends in the video, it may even put the friend in a more dangerous situation.

This incident reminds us that we should keep a clear head and act sensibly no matter what the occasion. At the same time, we should also cherish the friendship and family affection around us, and give each other more care and support. Only in this way can we get through every stage of life together and move towards a better future.

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