
On a business trip, "I express my love to a male colleague who is going to get married with the strength of alcohol! ”

author:Guoguo aesthetic space
Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, I have been silently liking my male colleague for three years. In the past three years, his every smile and every movement has been deeply imprinted in my heart. He was like a light in my life, warm and bright, and I couldn't resist wanting to get closer. However, I never dared to confess to him because I was afraid that if I said it, our friendship would disappear.
On a business trip, "I express my love to a male colleague who is going to get married with the strength of alcohol! ”

It wasn't until this month that I learned that he was getting married. At that moment, I was struck by lightning, and it was as if the whole world had collapsed. I tried to tell myself to be strong and to bless him, but my heart ached like it was being torn. I knew I couldn't be silent any longer, I had to tell him what I wanted, if only so that I wouldn't have any regrets.

Just the night before, we were sent on a business trip for an urgent project. That night, we worked late in the hotel and finally got all the work done. Maybe it's the stress of work that makes us all feel exhausted, or maybe it's the emotions in our hearts that make us all want to release it, so we decided to go downstairs to the bar to relax.

We ordered a few beers and started chatting about the trivial things in work and life. As the effects of alcohol took place, our conversation deepened and my heart grew heavier. I looked at his familiar face, and my heart was full of reluctance and helplessness. I knew that this might be the last time I would be alone with him, and I had to take this opportunity to confess to him.

On a business trip, "I express my love to a male colleague who is going to get married with the strength of alcohol! ”

"You know what? I've liked you for a long time. I mustered up the courage to finally say it. He froze for a moment, then looked at me with a smile, as if he wasn't surprised.

"I've always liked you, too." He said softly, his voice full of tenderness and helplessness.

"Then why ......" Before I could finish my sentence, tears were already pouring out of my eyes. He gently shook my hand and continued: "We are all well aware that our relationship could not have come to fruition from the beginning. You have your concerns, and I have my responsibilities. We are destined to be friends. ”

On a business trip, "I express my love to a male colleague who is going to get married with the strength of alcohol! ”

Hearing this, my heart was even more uncomfortable. I know he's telling the truth, but I still can't accept the harsh reality. I looked up into his deep eyes, trying to find a glimmer of hope in him.

"What about you...... Why get married? I asked, choking up.

He sighed and stroked my hair gently: "It's a long story. When we met, she was pregnant. As a man, I have the responsibility and obligation to take care of her and the child. Moreover, I really like her and am willing to spend my life with her. ”

On a business trip, "I express my love to a male colleague who is going to get married with the strength of alcohol! ”

Hearing this, I finally understood his choice. Although my heart was full of pain and loss, I was also happy for him. He is a responsible man who deserves my respect and blessing.

"I wish you happiness." I said with a smile, though tears were still rolling in my eyes.

He also looked at me with a smile: "Thank you." You must also be happy. ”

On a business trip, "I express my love to a male colleague who is going to get married with the strength of alcohol! ”

We talked for a long, long night as if we were going to finish everything. Finally we said goodbye to each other and went back to our respective rooms. That night, I tossed and turned, unable to sleep, and my heart was full of mixed emotions.

The next morning, we went back to the office together to continue working. Although we all tried to maintain a normal state of mind, I could feel a tacit understanding and closeness between us. We still worked, chatted, and joked as usual, but there was a faint sadness in my heart.

On a business trip, "I express my love to a male colleague who is going to get married with the strength of alcohol! ”

I know I can't silently like him as silently as I used to. But I also understand that he is a scenery in my life, and wherever I go, I will remember the beauty and touching he brought me. I will cherish this feeling in my heart and turn it into motivation to move forward, so that I can become stronger and braver.

Now that he has entered the palace of marriage, I have begun to slowly let go of the obsession in my heart. I believe that in the future, I will encounter my own happiness, and I will face every challenge in life with a more mature attitude. And that love hidden deep in my heart will also become a beautiful memory in my life, forever engraved in my heart.