
Magnolia Award announced: Zhou Xun won the championship, Tang Yan was defeated, what is the truth?

author:Shin Shin talks

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Under the interweaving of light and shadow, the annual awards ceremony in the film and television industry always attracts countless eyes, it is not only an affirmation of the hard work of the actors, but also a grand event that the audience is looking forward to. However, as the well-known saying goes, "turnip greens, each has his own love", as soon as the list was announced, it triggered different voices, some were ecstatic, and some sighed. This year's Magnolia Award, with its unique charm and far-reaching influence, has once again become the focus of heated public discussion. Among the many others, some of the results seemed to be expected, while others were unexpected, sparking widespread discussion and controversy. So, what exactly makes this year's Magnolia Awards so fascinating? Let's unravel this mystery together.

Magnolia Award announced: Zhou Xun won the championship, Tang Yan was defeated, what is the truth?


This year's Magnolia Award is undoubtedly a double feast for the eyes and the soul. Among the many people, Zhou Xun's is undoubtedly a surprise. With her superb acting skills and unique charm, she conquered the hearts of the judges and the audience. However, Tang Yan's defeat surprised many people, and her performance in the play was the same, but she failed to win the award, which can't help but make people sigh: In the world of art, sometimes luck is part of success.

Magnolia Award announced: Zhou Xun won the championship, Tang Yan was defeated, what is the truth?

Hu Ge's also caused a lot of controversy. The Mr. Bao he played was handsome and chic, which left a deep impression on the audience. But in contrast, the role of Wang Xiang played by Fan Wei in "The Long Season" is richer and more profound. This can't help but make people think: in the competition of acting, is only the glamorous appearance that can be recognized?

Magnolia Award announced: Zhou Xun won the championship, Tang Yan was defeated, what is the truth?

In terms of TV series, the competition between "The Long Season" and "Flowers" is particularly fierce. Although "Flowers" finally won the TV series award, many people believe that "The Long Season" also has the same strength. This controversy precisely reflects the diversity of art and the diversity of audience tastes.

Magnolia Award announced: Zhou Xun won the championship, Tang Yan was defeated, what is the truth?

Not all awards are controversial. Jiang Yan won the Supporting Actress Award for her wonderful performance in "South to North", which is an affirmation of her acting skills and the consensus of the audience. Ning Li's supporting actor award is also uncontroversial, and his performance is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has won the love of the audience. The judges' decision to award the director award to Xin Shuang of "The Long Season" rather than the more famous Wong Kar-wai reflects the judges' professional vision and impartiality. "Flowers" won the photography award, which is also well deserved, its picture is beautiful, and it brings visual enjoyment to the audience.

Magnolia Award announced: Zhou Xun won the championship, Tang Yan was defeated, what is the truth?

Sublimation at the end

In this artistic feast, we saw the hard work of the actors, as well as the professionalism and fairness of the judges. While some of the results have sparked controversy, that's the beauty of art – it can provoke thought, different perspectives and discussions. As Shakespeare said, "There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand readers." "In the world of art, there are no standards, only constant exploration and innovation.

Magnolia Award announced: Zhou Xun won the championship, Tang Yan was defeated, what is the truth?

This year's Magnolia Award is not only a summary of the past year's film and television achievements, but also an expectation and vision for the future. It tells us that both the winners and the unsuccessful should maintain their love and pursuit of art. Because on this stage, everyone has the opportunity to shine and become the protagonist in their own life. Let's look forward to the next Magnolia Award, look forward to more excitement and surprises, and look forward to everyone being able to shine their own light on the road of art.

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