
That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


No, there is a post-00s girl who has become popular recently, and there are rumors about her on the Internet. This girl's name is Chen Xian, a native of Zhejiang, who is only 22 years old and already a million-dollar Internet celebrity, not only top-notch in learning, but also shows extraordinary talent in the shopping mall. I heard that she made a lot of money on Douyin during college, and after graduation, she set up her own company and became a post-00s boss. You say that cow is not bullish, you are already a winner in life at this young age!

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

This girl is indeed promising, and if you want to talk about her ability, it is really not covered. When she was in high school, she was admitted to Zhejiang University with an excellent score of 679, which can be said to be the top student among the top students. However, being educated does not mean that she can make a lot of money, and being able to develop such a big career in the field of short videos depends more on her creativity and marketing talents. Now her Douyin account has more than 4.11 million followers and 98.4 million likes, which is her real ability.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

Don't look at her young, but she's a shrewd businessman. I heard that she now has three companies, namely Hangzhou Nanyouyu Network Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Pujiazhishi Network Technology Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Beiming Youchun Culture Media Co., Ltd. She is the master of these three companies, not only the executive director and general manager, but also the legal representative, and the controlling shareholder. Look, this little girl is really a new upstart in the business world, even us old fritters are ashamed of ourselves.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

However, this girl's success is not accidental, but earned by real hard work. She has applied for several trademarks of her own, and has also registered the copyright of self-media operation software, which can be said to have made an all-round layout for her career. This is the real preparedness, not the kind of goods that rely on luck to get a handful and stop.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

Seeing this little girl's success, I thought of my distant niece. That girl is also an Internet celebrity, but she is not as promising as Chen Xian. I know every day that I show off my appearance on the Internet, but I have no plan for my career, and in the end I am just a short-lived Internet celebrity. So I have been persuading her to learn from Chen Xian, make her career bigger and more practical, and don't always stay on the surface.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

However, I am also a little worried about this girl. After all, the Internet celebrity industry is fleeting, and if it is popular today, it will not be yellow tomorrow. If one day her popularity fails, these companies will all go out of business. So I think she still has to lay a little more foundation and don't put all her eggs in one basket.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

Besides, the Internet celebrity industry is not a serious profession. You know what to sell online all the time, and you don't know if it's legal and compliant. If someone reports it and something goes wrong, it's bad. Therefore, I think the government should strengthen the supervision of this industry, formulate some rules for Internet celebrities, and let them have a formal development channel.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

Actually, I think this girl's success has also given us some inspiration. Today's young people are really different, they have their own unique values and philosophies of survival, and they no longer focus on decent jobs like we did back then. They are more willing to pursue freedom and are willing to take risks to achieve their dreams. No, Chen Xian is the best example.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

Therefore, those of the older generation cannot always use our own concepts to restrain young people. We should give them the space to innovate and let them try boldly, even if they fail, it doesn't matter, they will always accumulate experience. After all, "go one step further", who didn't have some ideals and pursuits when they were young?

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

Besides, now that society is developing so fast, many emerging industries are beyond the imagination of our older generation. We need to learn to be open and inclusive, and give young people enough respect. As the saying goes, "live to be old and learn to be old", we should also learn from young people with an open mind, learn their way of thinking and survival wisdom. Only in this way can our society keep up with the times.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

Of course, we also need to guide young people to establish correct values. While the pursuit of wealth is important, ethics and integrity cannot be neglected. We need to tell them that while it is important to make money, moral cultivation is even more important. Only by unifying money and morality can they truly become good young people in the new era with ideals, ability and responsibility.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

Speaking of which, I am also reminded of the old saying: "Rich are free, poor are free". Chen Xian is a good example, although she made a lot of money at a young age, she was not blinded by money. On the contrary, she is still constantly pursuing self-realization and striving to make her career bigger and stronger. This is exactly where we should learn.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

Therefore, I think Chen Xian's success is worth reflecting on and learning from each of us. Whether we are young or old, we should keep an enterprising heart and never give up on our dreams. As the saying goes: "The road knows the horsepower, and the people will see the hearts of the people over time." As long as we work hard enough, one day we can become a winner in life like Chen Xian.

That's amazing! Chen Xian, a million-dollar Internet celebrity at Zhejiang University, has a number of companies, and she has become a post-00s boss without working!

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