
Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

author:Brocade book fun talk


Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

In a relationship, many people look forward to meeting their soul mate, and for the desire for love, we all crave the person who can resonate and have spiritual sustenance. The person who is attracted at first sight is not in love with that face, or in the sight of color, but in your soul that recognizes the other person.

Fate is not transferred by human will

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

In the world of feelings, choice is greater than effort

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

The appearance of soul mates is driven by the right time, place and people

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

Couples in reality rarely have such self-confidence

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

Love, in fact, is a way of life

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

Love, in fact, is a way of life

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

Disconnection is a way to see yourself better, and at the same time, it also gives your relationship a chance to warm up.

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

Calm thinking and inner exploration

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

Inner response and growth

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

Never be afraid of losing, whatever can be lost, it doesn't belong to you.

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!

All in all, disconnection is not the end, but a new beginning, which provides an opportunity to re-examine life and relationships, and helps us find a more authentic and appropriate way to get along. Through this process, we may find that the disconnection does not end the fate, but makes the fate clearer and more real, allowing us to understand whether the relationship between two people can continue to be written.

Whether it's a soul mate or not, you will know it when you disconnect!