
It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


No, a few days ago, a chat record-style anti-scam poster was played on the outdoor screen in our Decheng District, which immediately attracted the attention of many people. How can an ordinary poster make so many people stop and watch? It turned out that this poster showed the WeChat chat records of the police station chief and an auxiliary police officer.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

This can make us neighbors laugh, how can we do this to publicize it? But then again, this novel way of promoting is really eye-catching, and it makes people want to keep watching. Especially for those of us who are not very educated, such a relaxed and humorous way is easier for people to accept and understand than those jerky slogans.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

Don't look at this poster and look ordinary, but the content contained in it is very meaningful. A few of us took a closer look, and it turned out that we were promoting the knowledge of preventing college entrance examination fraud scams. I mean, that's a slap in the face! Just as the college entrance examination is approaching, all kinds of scammers are ready to move, trying to cheat parents and candidates out of their money.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

Some of them will say that there are "internal places" that can help you get into key universities; Some will say that they can "issue student loans in advance"; Others will say that they can be admitted to a prestigious school as long as they spend money. If you think about it, this is obviously nonsense, but if you are not careful, you will be deceived.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

I've heard of people being scammed in the past, and I thought it was terrible. Now that I think about it, if my child is deceived, then my old bones will suffer. You said that if you cheat the whole family's savings to the liars, what hope do we old people have? At that time, you can really only gnaw on the "poor acid".

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

Fortunately, someone from the police station reminded everyone this time, so that we have a sense of prevention against these scams. However, consciousness alone is not enough, the key is to learn to recognize. You see, they used chat logs on the poster to vividly show some of the common tricks of scammers.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

This can wake up us old people, and we all swear that we must be careful in the future, and if we encounter this situation, we will immediately verify the authenticity of the information through official channels. You must not be deceived again, otherwise it will be a big loss!

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

I heard that the designer of this poster is an auxiliary police officer in the police station, and he is a post-00s. Hey, to be honest, we seniors really can't keep up with these new things. But thanks to these young people who are innovating, we "old antiques" can also learn new knowledge.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

I looked at the comments on the Internet, and some people said that "it is really eye-catching", and some people said that "it is worthy of being a Shandong person, and he is very practical in doing things". Well, I think these comments are quite pertinent. This innovative way of propaganda is really eye-catching, and it also reflects the consistent pragmatic style of our Shandong people.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

However, this poster from the police station alone is not enough. If we want to truly put an end to the occurrence of scams, we need the joint efforts of the whole society, and everyone must be vigilant and jointly maintain a clean and upright college entrance examination environment.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

To be honest, it is not easy for us ordinary people who are not very well educated to recognize scams. But if we can all publicize it in an easy-to-understand way, like the police station, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

Take this poster as an example, although it is just a simple screenshot of the chat, it is such a small idea that makes us all feel empowered. From this, we not only learned the knowledge of fraud prevention, but also felt the creativity and sense of responsibility of young people.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

As the old saying goes, "Where there's a will, there's a way." As long as we all have a sincere heart and work together to create an honest society, we will be able to turn decay into magic. Let's join hands and contribute to this society in our own way.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

Well, I have an idea. I'm going to write down the contents of this poster and go to the market to promote it. Anyway, we, the neighbors, often go to the vegetable market, and when the time comes, we will talk a lot about it, and maybe more people will wake up.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

You see, each of us is a member of society, and as long as we do our best, we will definitely be able to bring positive energy to this society. Just like our ancestors said: "The ruler is short, and the inch is long." As long as everyone shoulders their share of responsibility, society will surely become a better place.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

Then I'll stop rambling and get down to business. By the way, there is an old saying to remind everyone: "A gentleman should guard against arrogance and rashness". We can't be in a hurry, we must take one step at a time, and do everything well in a down-to-earth manner. Come to me at any time if you have anything, we seniors like to chat the most.

It's too new! Anti-fraud poster made by the post-00s! The chat records between the auxiliary police and the director were cast on the outdoor screen!

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