
What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

author:Xiao Xinxi said something


No, it me off the other day! A couple of tenants and landlords in our community quarreled, what are you arguing about? The noise is that when moving, the landlord asks the tenant to pay more than 48,000 yuan for various expenses! When you say this, I will be on fire when I hear it.

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

We have to start from the beginning. It turned out that there was such a small couple who rented a house of more than 160 square meters in our community, with a rent of 9,300 a month, paid once every three months. After the contract expired, the landlord wanted to increase the rent by 200 yuan, but the young couple was not happy, so they said that they would not renew the lease.

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

But the landlord can turn on the fire now, and he has to repaint the house, replace the floor heating boiler, and change the sofa, curtains and other furniture, a lot of requirements. The young couple is naturally not happy, who will redecorate the house again when they move?

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

This landlord is ruthless enough, and he even calculated a large amount of money for the little couple, more than 48,000 yuan! If you think about it, the deposit of nine thousand three is not enough for her to withhold. The landlord said, oh yes, "I'm sad as you are shocked." "Hey, that's a bull's rage!

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

I saw that the little couple was also confused, so I slapped the table directly with the landlord and said that I would go to the housing authority to complain about her. But the landlord was full of confidence and said confidently that she would have to wait for her to inspect the house before she could return the deposit.

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

This matter is deadlocked, and no one will let anyone. I was angry when I saw it, so I simply took the initiative to dissuade me. I said, Aunt Landlord, you're too much, aren't you? If the tenant uses it for so long, the house will naturally be a little worn out, and you have to ask people to repaint the house and replace the furniture and appliances, is this reasonable? Other tenants are not ruining the house. You see, people just need to clean the house, so why bother hurting this feeling?

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

The landlord said that she renovated the house with a set of high-end electrical appliances, and even the wall cloth was imported, so she naturally hoped that the tenant would take good care of it. I lost my anger when I heard it, so I said, Auntie, you are too eye-catching, right? No matter how high-end the decoration is, it will inevitably be damaged and worn after using it for so long. Do you rent out the house or do you use it as an ornament? If it's an ornament, you're going to lose a lot!

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

But the landlord just doesn't admit his mistake and has to make the tenant lose money. I don't think this matter can be discussed, and it can only be judged by professionals. I called a lawyer nearby and asked about the law. It turns out that as long as the tenant is using the house normally, the normal wear and tear should be borne by the landlord himself, and the tenant cannot be asked to redecorate and renovate. What's more, the landlord even wants the tenant to change the furniture and appliances, which is even more unreasonable!

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

I relayed the lawyer's words to the landlord and tenant. The landlord was a little squirming, but he still didn't want to admit defeat. The tenant directly took out his mobile phone and said that he wanted to record the evidence, and was ready to complain. The landlord reluctantly agreed, deducting only some necessary cleaning fees and returning the rest of the money to the tenant. Hmph, I don't know where I learned those crooked ways, I actually want to take advantage of other people's small couples!

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

Although this matter has passed like this, I am angry when I look at it. You think, renting a house is already expensive enough, isn't it too much for the landlord to want to make black money like this? I think the landlord is too reasonable, and the tenant just needs to clean the house, so why bother hurting this feeling? Besides, no matter how good the house is, it will inevitably be damaged and worn out after so many years, and you can't always ask the tenant to redecorate and renovate, right? Isn't that what a strong man does?

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

I see that the root cause of this is a lack of mutual understanding and respect on both sides. The landlord treats the house as an ornament and thinks that the tenant should take care of it 100 percent; And the tenant did not fulfill his maintenance obligations well. I think that renting a house is like lending something to someone's family, and both parties must have a basic bottom line. Landlords should understand that the rented house will eventually wear out, and they cannot always ask the tenant to redecorate; And the tenant should not wantonly destroy the house, at least to achieve normal use and maintenance. Only by respecting each other, understanding each other, and everyone having a correct concept of renting, can such conflicts be reduced.

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

This is a big lesson. I also have many relatives and friends around me who rent houses, and I advise them, whether they are landlords or tenants, to communicate more, be more considerate of each other, respect each other, and maintain this lease relationship with all their hearts. After all, harmony is the most important thing. I think some landlords take it for granted that tenants should be obedient; Some tenants are also too willful and don't care about the house at all. As everyone knows, only mutual respect can truly resolve conflicts and maintain a good lease relationship.

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

Having said that, I think this is not only a problem for both landlords and tenants, but also a reflection of some common problems in our society. For example, some people value profit over righteousness, only care about immediate interests, and do not think about long-term development; For example, some people lack awareness of the rule of law and like to use "private power" to solve problems; Wait a minute. These are all things that we should reflect on and correct.

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

Therefore, I advise those who are landlords to learn to empathize and understand the practical difficulties of tenants. After all, renting a house is already expensive enough, so why bother hurting this sentiment again? At the same time, it is also necessary to have a correct sense of the law, and do not think about "private" at every turn. For tenants, they must also respect the fruits of the landlord's labor, cherish the housing facilities, and fulfill their maintenance obligations. Everyone is a reasonable person, respecting and understanding each other, so that such conflicts will not happen again.

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

Tsk, when I think of this, I can't help but sigh: having a house, a car and money does not mean that you have quality and education! The most important thing is to respect each other, be considerate of each other, and maintain a good relationship between people with heart, so that the society will be more harmonious and stable.

What an exaggeration! The rent totals 48,000? The tenant was shocked, and the landlord said, you are shocked, and I am still sad

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