
How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

author:YOKA Fashion Network

After playing with mobile phones for a long time, many people claim to be suffering from "dyslexia".

There are many people who indulge in the Internet because they are adults, and no one cares about in-depth content, until one day, when YOKA-kun shared an Internet melon with friends, he got a reply of "too long, don't read it".

The wind of illiteracy eventually reached my side.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

In fact, after watching short videos for a long time, I will also feel extremely mentally barren - it is not that there is no dry content to watch on the Internet, but that the visual transformation process of the brain has been lost, and most people have entered the sage time of thinking movement in advance and without thinking.

It won't work like this!

But building reading skills doesn't happen overnight.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

So you, YOKA-kun, a surfer who is also addicted to the Internet, have selected some good literary works that I have read over the years, and I will share them with you novels or essays that are quickly immersive, well-written, and have profound meaning.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

I hope that everyone can re-establish the habit of reading, or in other words, the independent imagination of the objective world.


—Life and death fatigue—

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

If you think that the Nobel Prize is far away from you, it is better to take a closer look at Mo Yan.

In addition to "Red Sorghum", which was turned into a film and television work, this life and death fatigue is also a novel that shocked me in my youth. In this work, which encompasses imaginative metaphors, the protagonist experiences several unbelievable reincarnations.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

Become a donkey, become a cow, become a pig, become a dog, become a monkey...... Eventually became the baby of the century Blue Chitose.

Mo Yan takes his hometown of Gaomi County, Shandong Province as the background, and through the eyes of several generations of different lives, he observes the sparse shadow of the transformation of rural society in the changing times.

It is said that he spent decades writing the manuscript of this novel, and the actual writing was done in one go.

The work of nearly 500,000 words took only 43 days to complete the first draft.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

500,000 words is almost astronomical for modern people with dyslexia, but rest assured, Mo Yan's writing is smooth and tough, witty and cold, which will definitely lead you into the realm of "Life and Death Fatigue", so that you will be able to read it in vain and even if you suffer from hemorrhoids.

Only those who have really watched "Life and Death Fatigue" can understand why Yu Hua praised it so much:

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

William Somerset Maugham

—The Moon and Sixpence—

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

When middle-aged people are stuck in a numb life with their mobile phones, there will always be moments when they fantasize about some "what ifs".

And "The Moon and Sixpence" boldly interprets this if.

"The ground was full of sixpence, but he looked up and saw the moon." It is the highest praise of the protagonist of this novel, the French post-impressionist master Paul Gauguin.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

A middle-aged stockbroker with a stable job and a happy family made a big decision on an ordinary day in his life: abandon his wife and children and focus on painting.

He traveled from London to Paris, where he became an embarrassed artist, and then landed on the island of Tahiti, far from human civilization, to create his monumental work: Where Do We Come From? Who are we? Where are we going? 》

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

In the process of pursuing his ideals, he made his wife, children and two other women fall victim to this dream, and finally die of leprosy on the island.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

This journey is undoubtedly a fatal temptation for middle-aged people who pay attention to the work, and the author's words and sentences full of personal ideals lead the reader into the depths of the soul of "Forever Home".

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?


But when you close the page, real life is still worth the run. After all, Gauguin was the only one.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

Mo Yu Mulberry

— Pretty Friends —

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

In my eyes, Maupassant was the most mischievous of the authors who were classified as literary giants. More than 100 years ago, he wrote a book for the "little white face".

The protagonist of this "Pretty Friend": Georges Durois, has a strong French style, with slackness in the waves. But because of stealing the sun, he made steady progress.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

He lingered among the rich wives of high society, lifting the skirts of pomegranate skirts one after another, and at the same time drilling into them, he also continued to drill in the upper circle.

Those shrewd and elegant women have all become his stepping stones one by one - they can be called soft rice men.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

Maupassant's writing with a strong irony portrays the ugliness of high society and the press at that time through the "villain" of Du Luoy, and portrays the details of the indecent love between the reader and the outsider.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

It's just 430,000 words, which is obviously a bit insufficient.

Shi Xiaosheng

—Me and the Altar of Earth—

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

After a hasty farewell in textbooks, the long lyrical essay "Me and the Altar of Earth" suddenly attracted attention in the third decade of the 21st century.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

One night last fall, I sat in a bookstore with leaky winds on three sides and insisted on reading the book (don't scold, I paid for it when I finished it).

When a young person first loses his mobility and then becomes seriously ill, there is a high probability that he will not be able to maintain a positive attitude towards life.

Shi Tiesheng, who had this encounter, was pushed by his mother to Ditan Park near his home, and for more than ten years, in the red wall and green shade, he in a wheelchair could penetrate the power of the most peaceful place in life.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

In the wind and rain of the old garden, the meaning of the rest of life is chewed repeatedly, and maternal love shines brightly.

"Me and the Altar of Earth" is only 13,000 words, but it condenses the author's rigorous digestion of his own miserable fate, as a middle-aged man, he gently and thoroughly tells everything, and those who read this article will definitely draw strength from it to inspire themselves.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

Wang Shuo

— Animals are fierce —

While we advocate spiritual liberation, mobile phones have already customized invisible shackles for us to a certain extent, so that we are no longer alive, and sometimes even have a faint "sense of death".

At this time, there is a need for some works that can replenish the vitality.

(As a super I person, I don't talk to male friends from time to time to "inhale yang energy")

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

"Animal Ferocious" is undoubtedly such a good novel that can make people "die and live".

Because the work itself, the people in the work, are very vivid. The "children of the compound" who live in the mouths of passers-by have their own stories here.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

They are profligate and take pleasure in their own way, like animals, with primitive ferocious habits. They don't have to worry about the future, because the future is predestined, "I just have to wait, and when I am 18 years old, it will be my turn."

Jiang Wen adapted it into the movie "Sunny Day", and I think Wang Shuo's writing is more attractive. Fluid, playful, and with a modern aesthetic, the delicacy of his work contrasts with the cynicism that he sometimes shows.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

Coupled with the distinctive Beijing dialect, full of ridicule and vitality, it makes people immerse themselves in it in a short period of time and gain benefits.


—Right bank of the Ergun River—

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

Recently, the TV series of the same name adapted from writer Li Juan's novel "My Altay" has continued to be popular, which reminds me of a work that also has ethnic minority feelings, "The Right Bank of the Ergun River" by female writer Chi Zijian.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

This novel tells the modern epic of the "Evenki" ethnic minority in China, and dedicates the beauty of the integration of nature, faith and man, and after encountering the invasion and turmoil of modern civilization, the life and death legends of the small ethnic group are also written on paper.

Through the self-narration of the last female chief of the Evenki people, the novel shows the rise and fall of the nation in a hundred years, the blessings and sufferings of nature, the baptism of a new society, and the reality that the clansmen must accept when they go down the mountain to enter the WTO.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

This nation, which has always been very low-key, has been engraved by the author's poetic language, and it has truly "joined the WTO". "The Right Bank of the Erguna River" is a work that can be watched in the noisy life.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

Milorad Pavic

—Constantinople's Last Love—

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

When many people have lost interest in literature, I have to introduce you to someone who can "play with words".

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

Milorad Pavic, the Serbian writer who published the famous Khazar Dictionary in 1984, was the first of its kind to be called "dictionary fiction", in which one had to piece together the content of the novel through fragmentary historical sources, anecdotes about the rise and fall of the Khazar nation.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

In 1995, another of Pavic's strange books, The Last Love in Constantinople, was published. The essence of the book portrays the national destiny of the Balkans after the outbreak of the French Revolution.

This time, Pavic uses the technique of tarot cards, through the three "formations" in the book, allowing the reader to decide the order of reading.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

The author's son, Ivan Pavic, drew the Great Alcana face of the tarot for the book.

The combination of strong historical feelings and explicit relics of civilization not only makes the reading itself more interesting, but also allows readers to immerse themselves in the thoughts of civilization and forget the empty real life for a while.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

This issue is interactive

Please recommend a treasure novel to everyone.

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

PS: Some of the pictures in this article come from the Internet, if you have copyright problems, please contact us to delete.

Written by/Curated by: BeryomaTypesetting: kiki Producer: GaGa

How long has it been since you've finished a novel?
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How long has it been since you've finished a novel?

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