
From "getting started" to "falling in love"! See how intangible cultural heritage plays in the new classroom

author:Yangpu, Shanghai

Intangible cultural heritage is an important symbol of the historical and cultural achievements of a country and a nation, and an important part of excellent traditional culture. In recent years, in the process of helping the "double reduction" policy, there is no lack of intangible cultural heritage. Through in-depth excavation of intangible cultural heritage, the "fingertip art" of intangible cultural heritage is integrated into campus life, and the educational connotation of after-school services is enhanced with excellent traditional Chinese culture.

In the No. 5 Primary School of Xuchang Road, Jiangpu Road Street, Tang Hua, the inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of dough sculpture, led the children into the traditional Chinese culture. Kneading, kneading, carving, painting, under the leadership of the teacher, the children played with the intangible cultural heritage on their fingertips, exquisite skills, rich colors, so that the children could not take their eyes off it, and were deeply attracted by the dough molding skills.

At the beginning of the course, Tang Hua told reporters that he was worried, "In daily life, the shadow of face sculpture is becoming more and more difficult to find, and many people have never even seen it, let alone the inheritance of culture." After a semester of teaching, Tang Hua is very pleased that many students in the class have fallen in love with dough sculpture.

From "getting started" to "falling in love"! See how intangible cultural heritage plays in the new classroom

"From the beginning of the curiosity, thinking that the dough sculpture is to pinch plasticine, to now most of the students can master the pinching, rubbing, kneading, lifting techniques, with a small bamboo knife dexterously pointing, cutting, carving, ......scratching, "Tang Hua told reporters, skillful students can also shape the body, hands, head and face under the guidance, to make simple flowers and birds, characters, mascots and other images.

From "getting started" to "falling in love"! See how intangible cultural heritage plays in the new classroom

The small dough is pinched out of life, and the intangible cultural heritage is passed on at the fingertips. After the course, the children were still immersed in the charm of intangible cultural heritage face sculptures, how to make the children's enthusiasm for intangible cultural heritage undiminished? "The impact of intangible cultural heritage on students is far-reaching, not only to enhance their cultural confidence and pride, to cultivate aesthetic ability and creativity, to promote physical and mental health and all-round development, but also to enhance their sense of social responsibility and cultural responsibility. We are very much looking forward to the Youth League Committee continuing to introduce intangible cultural heritage resources to the school next semester. The relevant person in charge of the school said.

From "getting started" to "falling in love"! See how intangible cultural heritage plays in the new classroom

Intangible cultural heritage is young, and it is time to inherit it. Sowing the seeds of intangible cultural heritage in the hearts of the next generation is the common responsibility of the whole society. In the next step, the Youth League District Committee will continue to explore the learning content and learning forms that young people like to see, effectively enrich the spiritual and cultural supply of young people, and "charge and empower" the growth and development of young people.

Text/Image: Cheng Jiajia

Editor: Zhang Tianyi

*Please indicate that the reprint is from the official WeChat of Shanghai Yangpu

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