
Tea refrigeration tips: which teas need to be refrigerated? A little trick for storing tea at home

author:Cola for strong tea

Hello, tea lovers! Now let's talk about tea preservation. Did you know that tea preservation is a university question? Different tea leaves have different preservation methods. Especially some squeamish tea, if you don't store it well, the taste will be far worse. So, today I will tell you which tea leaves need to be refrigerated, and how to store the best tea leaves at home.

Let's start by talking about which tea leaves need to be refrigerated. You've probably heard that green tea has to be refrigerated, right? That's right, green tea and fragrant oolong tea, because there are many active ingredients in them, they are as lively as a child, and they will change if you are not careful. When placed at room temperature, these ingredients are easy to change, and the taste of the tea will also change. So, in order to preserve the deliciousness of these two teas, it is best to put them in the refrigerator. For example, the good green teas of Biluochun and Longjing, after refrigeration, the taste is very fresh!

Tea refrigeration tips: which teas need to be refrigerated? A little trick for storing tea at home

Next, let's talk about how to store tea at home. This is important, the storage method is wrong, and good tea will become defective. I have summarized the five main points for you, remember ah, you don't have to worry about preserving tea in the future.

First of all, the first point is to ensure the tightness of the tea. Did you know that tea is a sensitive thing, and it is especially easy to absorb the smell around it? Therefore, the container in which we store tea must be sealed well, whether it is a tea canister or a packaging bag, it must be sealed tightly, so as not to let the tea "breathe" the strange smell outside. Just like we wear clothes, we have to wrap up tightly so as not to catch a cold.

And then ah, the second point, don't let the sun "kiss" your tea leaves. Although the sun is warm, it is a great enemy for tea! Because the ultraviolet rays in the sun will accelerate the aging of tea. We have to keep the tea in a cool place, away from direct sunlight, so that the tea can maintain its youthful vitality. Just like us girls have to wear sunscreen when we go out, we have to protect our skin from damage.

Again, the third point is to keep the tea away from the source of "odor". In addition to sealing the mouth, we also have to make sure that the "home" of the tea is far away from the kitchen and bathroom, which are prone to odors. You think, if the tea leaves are left in a smelly environment for a long time, then it may "change its mind" and absorb those strange smells. So, we have to choose a fresh "home" for tea.

Next, the fourth point is also very important, which is that the temperature and humidity are appropriate. Tea is a picky thing, and there are certain requirements for temperature and humidity. Temperatures that are too high or too low will not work, and environments that are too humid or too dry will make it unbearable. We have to create a "home" with a moderate temperature and just the right humidity for the tea, just like our house must be comfortable.

Tea refrigeration tips: which teas need to be refrigerated? A little trick for storing tea at home

We have to check the condition of the tea regularly. Although we have created a comfortable "home" for tea, tea will slowly grow old with the passage of time. We have to check their condition from time to time to see if they have any odors, discoloration, etc. Once we find that there is a problem, we have to replace it with new tea in time to ensure that the tea we make is the most delicious every time. This is just like us people need regular physical examinations, and we must always pay attention to our physical condition.

Oops, have you all memorized all the little knowledge about tea preservation? In fact, it is not difficult to preserve tea, the key is to do it with heart and pay attention to their needs. As long as we follow these methods to preserve the tea leaves, we will definitely keep them in the best condition and bring us cup after cup of delicious tea! Don't forget that green tea and fragrant oolong tea should be refrigerated and stored, and attention should be paid to sealing, avoiding light, keeping away from odors, controlling temperature and humidity, and regularly checking and replace!

Okay, okay, now I'll give you a detailed explanation of these tips for preserving tea.

The first is sealing. Did you know that if the tea leaves are not sealed properly, it will be like a child, curiously "sniffing" everything around it and absorbing it all? When you make tea, all those strange smells will come out, affecting the taste of the tea. Therefore, we must find a well-sealed container to hold the tea leaves, so that they can "obediently" maintain the original flavor.

And ah, avoiding light is also key. Some people may think that the sun is so good, wouldn't it be better to dry the tea leaves? Oh, that's a big mistake! The ultraviolet rays in the sun are the "natural enemy" of tea, and once it is sun, the good things in the tea will run out, and the taste will be greatly reduced. Therefore, we should put the tea in a cool place and let it "hide from the sun".

Tea refrigeration tips: which teas need to be refrigerated? A little trick for storing tea at home

Let's talk about odors. Have you ever had such an experience? As soon as I opened the tea can, I smelled a strange smell, which must be the peculiar smell that the tea has absorbed into the surroundings. Therefore, we must not only seal the tea well, but also keep it away from those places that are prone to odors, such as kitchens, bathrooms, etc. Give it a fresh environment, so that it can maintain its "true colors".

Then there is the question of temperature and humidity. This is a technical job! Too high a temperature will make the tea "hot", and too low a temperature will make it "frozen"; An environment that is too humid will make the tea moldy, and an environment that is too dry will make it dry and crack. We have to always pay attention to the "little emotions" of tea and adjust the most comfortable environment for it.

It's a matter of regular inspection and replacement. Although tea leaves can be preserved for a certain period of time, they are not permanent either. We have to check its status from time to time, and once we find that it is "unhappy" - such as smelly or discolored - we have to quickly give it a "change of environment" or "change of companion". In this way, it can always be in the best condition to serve us!

Tea refrigeration tips: which teas need to be refrigerated? A little trick for storing tea at home

Oh, having said all this, do you all think it's troublesome to preserve tea? In fact, as long as we master these tips and treat tea preservation with our hearts, it will become very simple! And, ah, imagine when you brew a cup of tea that you have carefully preserved, the aroma and mellow taste, is it all worth it? So, hurry up and create a comfortable home for your tea!

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