
Yuzi Holding Group held a theme activity of "Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Approaching Generative AI".

author:Great River Finance Cube
【Dahe Finance Cube Reporter Pei Rongrong】

On June 28, Zhongyuan Yuzi Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yuzi Holding Group) held a theme activity of "Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Approaching Generative AI". The purpose of this event is to deeply study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the digital transformation strategy of Henan Province, implement the three-year action requirements of digital intelligence empowerment of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in the province, improve the digital level of Yuzi Holding Group, enhance the core competitiveness of the group, and accelerate the construction of a first-class state-owned capital operation company.

Yuzi Holding Group held a theme activity of "Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Approaching Generative AI".

Jia Dong, a first-level researcher of the Digital Intelligence Office of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Henan Provincial Government, Wu Guoxue, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and director of Yuzi Holding Group, Bi Yuquan, member of the Party committee and chief accountant, and Zhou Yanhu, chief information officer, attended the event. More than 30 units, more than 130 cadres and employees participated in the meeting, and more than 50 people participated online.

Yuzi Holding Group held a theme activity of "Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Approaching Generative AI".

Wu Guoxue said in his speech that this year, Yuzi Holding Group was successfully reorganized into a state-owned capital operation company, and at a new starting point, the group's sense of urgency for digital transformation has been unprecedentedly improved, and the determination and confidence in digital transformation have been unprecedentedly improved. It is hoped that through this event, professional wisdom and strength will be gathered to discuss the latest technical trends, research results, application cases and future development trends of generative AI technology, jointly promote the application of generative AI technology in Yuzi Holding Group, improve the level of industrial digitalization and digital industrialization, and empower the transformation and development of the group with digital intelligence.

Yuzi Holding Group held a theme activity of "Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Approaching Generative AI".
Yuzi Holding Group held a theme activity of "Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Approaching Generative AI".

At the event site, Zhou Huaikang assigned AI accounts to more than 30 teams to guide AI and manual competitions under real-life tasks, so that everyone could feel the gap between using AI and not using AI, and introduced the activity to solve the key problems of "can't use, can't use, and how to use" AI tools.

Yuzi Holding Group held a theme activity of "Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Approaching Generative AI".
Yuzi Holding Group held a theme activity of "Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Approaching Generative AI".

Dr. Zhou Huaikang's team summarized the research results of cooperation with many well-known AI large model institutions in China and a large number of experimental results in the laboratory of Professor Li Ning's team of Tsinghua University, and introduced many misunderstandings about AI large models and the limitations of AI large models. It reveals the operation rules, internal logic, and self-growth methods of AI large models, and refines down to the differences between the understanding and execution of AI large models and human expectations of different instructions. This paper deeply analyzes the methods, methods, and logic of AI large model training, and guides the methods and steps of using AI to continuously improve work, as well as expanding into unknown areas, and giving full play to AI's ability to think intelligently and innovate more efficiently.

Through a large number of case studies, the employees of Yuzi Holding Group deeply feel that the emergence of AI tools will soon reduce the gap between some people in IQ and knowledge, and the key to competition will also be greatly reversed due to the ability to join AI applications. Although the whole event lasted more than 3 hours, everyone was still unsatisfied, the discussion was enthusiastic, and they competed to ask questions, showing great enthusiasm for AI applications.

After the event, the relevant personnel of Yuzi Holding Group and Dr. Zhou Huaikang's team had an in-depth discussion, hoping that the two sides could have more opportunities for cooperation and exchange, in order to provide more support for the group's digital intelligence work and contribute wisdom to the group's high-quality development.

Trainee Editor: Li Wenyu | Reviewer: Zhang Yipeng | Review: Li Zhen | Supervisor: Wan Junwei

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