
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

author:New glamorous campus
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024


Wen Minsheng is just a teenager, and the 2024 graduation ceremony of Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University ·

Have you ever remembered that in the classroom with the sound of books, we explore the ocean of knowledge together; The sweat on the playground has witnessed the vitality and hard work of youth.

Time flies, time flies,

In the blink of an eye, we are about to bid farewell to the campus and embark on a new journey.

During the graduation ceremony

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

On June 30, Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the Affiliated High School of Nanjing Normal University held the 2024 graduation ceremony of "Gentle and Upward, Just as a Teenager". This event is not only an affectionate review of the campus life of the primary school, but also a deep gratitude to the teacher, inspiring the graduates to raise the sail of their ideals and move forward bravely. Lu Jun, Principal of Tangshan Primary School, Lei Peng, Vice Principal, Wang Dejian, Vice Principal, all teachers, students and parent representatives of the graduating class witnessed this unforgettable moment.

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

Do you still remember when you first entered the school? With a heavy bag on your back, with a little trepidation and expectation, accompanied by your parents, you stepped into this unfamiliar campus...... In the blink of an eye, six years have passed like a white horse, and the students have grown from an ignorant freshman to a high-spirited teenager. At the beginning of the ceremony, the students and their parents watched the film "Let Memories Flow in the Heart", looking back on the campus life in the past six years, remembering those days of working together and savoring the joy of growth.

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

The students brought the opening dance "Wanjiang", and the light dance showed the unique charm and style of the students of Tangshan Primary School.

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

The graduation ceremony officially kicked off with a solemn flag-raising ceremony

Chapter 1: Affectionate Blessings

Principal's message

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

Lu Jun, principal of Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University, sent graduation blessings to the students, and he congratulated the students who successfully completed their primary school studies and are about to enter the palace of youth, hoping that the students can become "gentle and sensitive teenagers", maintain kindness and enthusiasm, have keen insight and judgment, have the courage to take responsibility and dedication, bravely pursue their dreams and goals, and burn the fire of youth!

"Outstanding Graduates" are awarded

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

Tangshan Primary School takes the curriculum as the starting point, practices the new people-oriented education concept, respects the development of students' personality, creates a space and platform for students to explore, research and display, and promotes the all-round development of students' comprehensive quality. At the graduation ceremony, Lei Peng, vice principal of Tangshan Primary School, read out the list of "outstanding graduates", hoping that they will continue to maintain excellent quality and become a better version of themselves.

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

Principal Lu Jun presented award certificates to the winning students

Graduation certificates are issued

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

Principal Lu Jun presented graduation certificates to the representatives of the graduates, and the small graduation certificate is a testimony of the students' six-year life, engraved with every step of the students' growth.

Chapter 2: Unforgettable alma mater

Parent representatives spoke

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

  The parents of Class 6 (1) Niu Mufan spoke as a parent representative, and he expressed his gratitude to the school and teachers for their selfless dedication, and hoped that the students could always maintain their thirst for knowledge, love for life, and pursuit of dreams, and bravely face the difficulties and setbacks of life.

Students' voices

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

Zhang Zhifan, a student from Class 6 (8), spoke as a student representative, expressing his gratitude to his alma mater, teachers and parents, and encouraging students to have the courage to face new challenges and difficulties, and to work hard and climb new heights with the concept of "chewing the roots and doing great things".

Students lay flowers

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

In the ocean of knowledge, the teacher is the bright beacon that illuminates the way forward for the students. They are not only the transmitters of knowledge, but also the guides of the students' hearts. The student representatives presented flowers to the teachers, expressing their reluctance and gratitude to their alma mater and teachers. For more than 2,000 days and nights, under your careful guidance, the students have continued to make progress and grow. Teacher, you have worked hard!

Message from the class teacher

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

On this special day, all the class teachers of the graduating class also sent parting words to the students.

"I wish you all the best in the future, with light in your eyes and dreams in your hearts, and bravely pursue your dreams!"

"I wish the students to continue to run with their dreams and grow together with their efforts. Live up to your youth, leave no regrets, and welcome a broader future! "

"May you not remember the past, not afraid of the future, take your dreams as horses, and live up to your time!"

"We met on this hot summer day and went our separate ways this season. The mountains are high and the waters are long, and the walkers are boundless, I wish the students to spread their wings and soar, and the future will shine! "

Student poetry recitation

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

Childhood is a beautiful journey, we meet like-minded friends and chase our dreams together. The students brought a poem to recite "Youth Never Ends", reciting their reluctance to the primary school years and their expectations for a better future: May you go to blossom and see each other again!

Chapter 3: Dreams Set Sail

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

At the end of the graduation ceremony, all teachers and students stood up and sang the school song. Teachers lined up to see off the graduates, wishing them a bright future and a bright future.

Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024
Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal University held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2024

Flowers bloom in summer, and friendship lasts. Bidding farewell to the beautiful times of childhood, the classmates have quietly grown up. Sailing is an unremitting desire, Tang Xiao is an eternal sail, students will take their own dreams, ride the wind and waves, fight the sky, and pick new flowers of hope. So far, the 2024 graduation ceremony of Tangshan Primary School of Jiangning Branch of the High School Affiliated to Southern Normal School has come to a successful conclusion.

Source: Tangshan Primary School, Jiangning Branch, South Normal School

Video production: "Famous Schools" column group

Graphic production: Jiangsu New Charm Campus Media Center

Editor: Hu Wenqing, Li Zhuquan

Editorial Board: Zhou Jie, Yuan Jinghan, She Chun, Sandy

Editor-in-chief: Zhou Jie

Joint Listings:

Guangming Daily "Educator" Jiangsu Division

Jiangsu Education Channel's "Famous Schools and Famous Families" column group

Nanjing TV Niuka Video "New Charm Campus" column group