
Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

author:New glamorous campus
Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

It's not "loquat" and "fruitful" and interesting

Early summer

The loquat on campus grows day by day

From green to yellow

Every time outdoors

The children are looking forward to going under the loquat tree

See if the loquat is ripe

Golden loquat dotted the branches

Gently swaying in the wind

This is the beginning of the story of the children and the loquat

In May 2024, the third loquat festival of Nanjing Xuanwu District Special Education School was officially opened! Let's enjoy this sweet party together!

Loquat trivia

The homeroom teachers are using the morning class to popularize the relevant knowledge of loquat to the students, and explore the secret of loquat growth together!

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School
Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School
Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School
Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School
Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School
Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

Happy not to be "loquat" busy picking

The students witnessed the process of loquat from flowering to fruiting and then to maturity, and have been coveting loquat for a long time, so let's take advantage of this season and atmosphere to start a "loquat festival" journey.

The little ones in the preschool are washing fruits, painting, and tasting in the loquat festival, and they are happy!

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

The first-grade students got to know the loquat under the guidance of the teacher, and also cleaned the loquat through their own efforts and tasted the delicious loquat!

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

In art class, the third-grade children decorated loquats. In the labor skills class, the children cleaned the loquats, peeled the loquat skins, and tasted the loquats...... It's delicious!

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

The loquat festival is very happy, and the fifth grade children pick and wash loquat together. Then share the loquat and taste the sweet taste!

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

Year 7 students perceive loquat by looking, touching, smelling, and tasting. The oval loquat is yellow, fragrant, and sweet!

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

At the beginning of May, the eighth grade students began to look forward to the maturity of the loquat, and every morning before they exercised, they had to go under the loquat tree to see if the loquat had grown up and turned yellow......

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

With the help of their teachers, the Year 9 students finally picked the delicious loquats. Peel off the orange-yellow skin and leak out the yellow-white flesh, and take a gentle bite...... The sweet juice of the loquat flowed down the throat to the heart.

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

The students of the first vocational class stood in front of the loquat tree and happily took a group photo. I picked some loquats, returned to the classroom, sat around to clean and taste, not to mention how satisfied!

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

Under the leadership of the homeroom teacher, the students of the second vocational class got to know loquat, took the initiative to share the relevant knowledge they knew, and tasted the hard-won fruits of labor together.

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

"Surely" it's fun and enjoyable

The children carried out a creative loquat show, and created different forms of loquat works through rubbing, graffiti, etc. They picked up the paintbrush and painted the beauty of the loquat into the painting, and the loquat fruits with different postures jumped on the paper.

Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School
Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School
Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School
Fun is not "loquat", "surely" is interesting - the third loquat festival activity of Xuanwu Special School

In the bright sunshine, a string of yellow and clear elves hide in the bright greenery, with a full fruit shape and attractive color. What secrets will students discover about loquats? Let's take a look!

"Every grass and tree has education, and every thing and scenery is a curriculum." Xuanwu Special School uses the loquat tree in the school as an educational opportunity, so that students can "learn from life and learn from experience", and harvest a different kind of excitement through personal experience, independent exploration, discussion and interaction. The fertile land is pregnant with sweet and delicious loquats, and also gives birth to a colorful childhood.

Source: Nanjing Xuanwu District Special Education School

Video production: "Famous Schools" column group

Graphic production: Jiangsu New Charm Campus Media Center

Editorial Board: Zhou Jie, Yuan Jinghan, She Chun, Sandy

Editor-in-chief: Zhou Jie

Joint Listings:

Guangming Daily "Educator" Jiangsu Division

Jiangsu Education Channel's "Famous Schools and Famous Families" column group

Nanjing TV Niuka Video "New Charm Campus" column group

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