
In the rain, they stayed through the night......

author:Moling Online

On Sunday morning, I saw the bright sunshine again that I had not seen for a long time, and my mood was also happy. In the rainy season, continuous rain always brings a lot of inconvenience, which not only delays travel, but also has potential safety hazards. Yesterday, the Nanjing Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for heavy rain, and on days of heavy rain, a group of people stuck to it all night.

In the rain, they "waded" and walked

The rain is the order, and the flood is the rallying call. In the face of heavy rain, Moling Street immediately activated the flood control emergency plan. In the past few days, the staff of various departments and communities (villages) have quickly assembled and rushed to the front line of flood control to gather flood control forces.

In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......

Moling City Management took the "flood" as an order, acted quickly, and organized personnel to do a good job in preventing and responding to heavy rainfall. In advance, the drainage facilities of the main and secondary roads such as Zhengfang Road, Yulin Street, Moxin Road, Donghong Street, and the intersections around the farmers' market, Chengxin Avenue and Pugang Street will be strictly investigated.

Open the drainage manhole cover in time in the water-prone road section to ensure smooth drainage, and all staff should always pay attention to the rainfall, drainage, and water accumulation, and do a good job of flood prevention and emergency measures at their respective responsibility points to ensure that the water in each road section is quickly treated.

In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......

The staff of each community (village) in the street strictly abide by their respective points, and remind citizens and vehicles to pay attention to detours at the points that are prone to flooding, so as to avoid residents being harmed and fully protect the personal safety of residents.

Late at night, they "groped in the dark" to investigate

In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......

In order to do a good job in various flood prevention work, the staff and grid staff of each community (village) in the street strictly implement the 24-hour on-duty inspection system, and carry out all-round inspections on reservoirs, ponds and dams and various flood-prone points in the jurisdiction. Pay close attention to the water level, and strive to achieve early warning and timely disposal.

In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......

From day to night, their footsteps did not stop for a moment. Late at night, the staff used flashlights to inspect the polders, river dams, roads, and residential areas in an all-round way, keeping an eye on the changes in water and rain conditions. One by one, one by one, the inspection paths, and the exchange of information again and again, have built a solid "safety net" for flood control.

Flood control work continues

The safety of residents is fully guaranteed

Pay close attention to the water and rain conditions

Welcome the bright sunshine together

In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......
In the rain, they stayed through the night......

Editor: Zhang Zewei

Review: Xia Xiaodong, Zhou Runtian, Zhu Xuejiao

Release: Zhang Zewei