
In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

author:Rice Xiaoqi

It has been raining for some time ago, and the abundant rain has made the sweet potato leaves on the side of the road grow very quickly, green and vigorous. Sweet potatoes are generally sown around May, and when autumn comes, they can be harvested. But during this time, we can eat its leaves, because in addition to the roots, the leaves are also a food.

In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

I often hear others say that sweet potato leaves used to be pig feed, but in fact, in the era of scarcity of materials, sweet potato leaves were also people's rations. Because sweet potato leaves can not only be eaten, but also rich in nutrients, rich in dietary fiber, protein, vitamins and a variety of mineral trace elements, it is known as "longevity vegetables" and "vegetable queens".

In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

In summer, eat less water spinach and more of it, many people only eat leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stem is the baby. Sweet potato leaves are divided into two parts, one is the leaves and the other is the stem, compared to the leaves, its stems are more delicious, crisp and refreshing, and more delicious than water spinach.

In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

Although water spinach is also a seasonal vegetable in summer, it is not recommended to eat water spinach often, because water spinach is often called "gout vegetables" and "cramp vegetables", and people do not have a good evaluation of it. Sweet potato leaves will not have these problems, sweet potato leaves grow naturally, are not affected by pests and diseases, and are healthy, safe and highly nutritious.

In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

[Today's Recipe]: Stir-fried sweet potato stalks

[Ingredients]: sweet potato stalks, garlic, dried chilies.

[Seasoning]: salt, monosodium glutamate, lard.


In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

1. Pick off the sweet potato leaves you bought. The leaves can be kept to cook soup, and my family doesn't like to eat them, so they just throw them away. The surface of the sweet potato stem contains a lot of crude fiber, so tear it clean by hand and break it into small pieces for later use.

In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

2. After the sweet potato stems are processed, wash them several times, and then drain them for later use. Chop some garlic slices and dried chili peppers and set aside.

In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

3. Heat the lard in a pot, melt it and add the garlic slices and chili peppers to stir until fragrant.

In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

4. Then put in the sweet potato stems, add a spoonful of salt, stir-fry quickly over high heat, sprinkle some water during the period, and fry until the sweet potato stems are broken.

In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

5. Finally, add a spoonful of monosodium glutamate to taste, stir-fry evenly, and then turn off the heat and remove from the pot.

In summer, eat less water spinach and eat more of it, many people only eat the leaves and roots, but they don't know that the stems are the treasure

The sweet potato stalks have a crisp texture and are tastier than water spinach. To make this dish, it is not recommended to add sweet potato leaves, stir-fry it directly, the taste is good, the taste is spicy and spicy, especially appetizing.


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