
Asking for and collecting pit fees, publicity fees? Dongfang Selection and Yu Minhong responded

author:Peninsula Metropolis Daily

On June 29, Oriental Selection issued a statement in response to questions related to "requesting and collecting pit fees and publicity fees".

The statement said, "Oriental Selection has always operated legally and honestly. In the past year or so, we have successively traveled to more than 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government to carry out local special live broadcast activities, promote local culture and cuisine, and recommend beautiful scenery and excellent products to the majority of netizens. We have never asked the government for publicity fees, and we insist on not charging so-called pit fees to any enterprises and businesses. However, there have been many organized rumors and smears on the Internet recently, saying that 'Dongfang Selection requires and collects pit fees and publicity fees', which touches our bottom line, and we solemnly declare that we will report to the police as soon as possible and take up legal weapons to resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of Dongfang Selection for any lawbreakers who attempt to slander us through malicious slander, slander and concocting rumors. ”

Asking for and collecting pit fees, publicity fees? Dongfang Selection and Yu Minhong responded

On the evening of the 29th, Yu Minhong, founder of New Oriental and CEO of Oriental Selection, reprinted the above statement on his personal Douyin account with the text "We accept criticism, but we do not accept rumors and slander!! ”

Asking for and collecting pit fees, publicity fees? Dongfang Selection and Yu Minhong responded

Recently, the Oriental selection has been in turmoil.

On June 22, Dongfang Selection walked into Dong Village, Zhaoxing, Guizhou, and wanted to enjoy the beauty of the mountains and rivers with tourists, but unexpectedly, because of the anchor's sentence "mountains and rivers are broken" to describe the landform, coupled with the ridicule of high temperature and spiders, this cultural tourism promotion has become a "reverse operation" to persuade tourists.

At present, Guizhou Cultural Tourism has officially deleted all videos related to Oriental Selection.

Dongfang Selection anchor Ming Ming responded to the controversy caused by the "broken mountains and rivers" in the live broadcast on Weibo on June 29 to describe the terrain of Guizhou.

He said that when preparing the materials, he did read some of the same expressions, without thinking too much about its other meaning, and when talking about the terrain in the live broadcast, he chose this word casually, without thinking much about it at all, let alone "ulterior motives" or "deliberately"; At that time, I was walking and talking, and I couldn't see the feedback in the comment area, so I couldn't correct the explanation in time, and the more rigorous expression here should be "the surface is broken", or other more appropriate words. He said he apologized to the public for causing distress to many people due to the lack of precision in the use of words.

Asking for and collecting pit fees, publicity fees? Dongfang Selection and Yu Minhong responded

Subsequently, he obviously released a video on Weibo with the text "This is the original video, the whole complete statement".

Asking for and collecting pit fees, publicity fees? Dongfang Selection and Yu Minhong responded

In addition, on June 26, Dongfang Selection anchor Dunton publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the company's management in the live broadcast room, which attracted attention from the outside world.

Dunton said he thinks he's a good fit for PR "because I know what I can and can't do." But I think one of the more annoying things about this company is that many things are not discussed with the anchor now, and the account is not discussed with the anchor, after something happens, the public relations department is afraid of this and that, this doesn't matter what, I think the company is very good for a long time, and I am really a little disappointed during this time. ”

"The company really doesn't have to say anything about my treatment, it's just that I want to do things better, but now I can't do anything about the public opinion of the Internet and the company's internal management." Dunton said that he also mentioned that he said that there was a lot of negative emotions backlogged, and it was over when he said it.

Earlier this month, Yu Minhong appeared in the live broadcast room of Wumart founder Zhang Wenzhong. When Zhang Wenzhong mentioned learning from Yu Minhong's experience in live broadcasting, Yu Minhong said, "Dongfang Selection is doing a mess now, and I don't have any ability to make suggestions to you."

On the same day, Dongfang Selection's share price fell by more than 10% intraday, and it was still down 9.92% as of the close.

In the early morning of June 7, Yu Minhong issued an open letter apologizing to Dongfang Selection's customers, shareholders and investors.

Yu Minhong said that the hotly discussed "Oriental selection is messy" is his habitual expression, and he has said similar things on more than one occasion.

Yu Minhong said: "Hardly any real entrepreneur thinks that the business he has done is orderly and perfect. There is hardly a single entrepreneur who is satisfied with the status quo of his business and stops moving. I believe in entrepreneurship as a constant quest for the next level and a challenge to the status quo. Although Dongfang Selection is imperfect today, this imperfection is precisely our motivation and motivation, and it is the starting point for us to move towards better development. ”

Asking for and collecting pit fees, publicity fees? Dongfang Selection and Yu Minhong responded

(Shanghai Securities News)

Source: Outlet Finance client

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