
Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

author:Taipingqiao commented

Li Shaotang was pursued by Japanese soldiers on the train back to Nanjing in Burma.

At that time, Wang Sen, who assisted Li Shaotang, was not far from the same train wagon. The Japanese soldiers checked the train ticket, and Li Shaotang, who was as timid as a mouse, used a pseudonym, and he was a biochemical worker from "810", so his hands and feet were shaking badly.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

Originally, the Japanese soldiers were about to leave after checking Li Shaotang's tickets and documents, but they accidentally found the suitcase at Li Shaotang's feet.

And the suitcase is filled with the Sakura Falling Project. This plan was copied by Ou Xiaoan after he wrote it down word for word from Lou Mingyuan's hand.

If the Japanese soldiers found out about this plan, they would definitely execute Li Shaotang. And as far as Li Shaotang is so timid and afraid, he will also confess Ou Xiaoan.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

To say that this Lou Mingyuan is true, he can still develop such a person as an agent of the military command. What a person who is not good at reading people.

Lou Mingyuan was arrested by Daqiao and tortured in an underground interrogation room to no avail, and was finally executed by Daqiao.

Before Lou Mingyuan was taken away by Zeng Jiwu, a person arranged by the bridge, he deliberately explained the joint code of Li Shaotang, a member of the military command he had developed, codenamed "Sundial", to Ou Xiaoan.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

This is the scene of Li Shaotang on the train, trembling when he sees the Japanese soldiers.

It's just that the Japanese soldiers inspected Li Shaotang's suitcase carefully. At the critical moment, Wang Sen created chaos and diverted the attention of the Japanese soldiers.

didn't expect that Li Shaotang would suddenly get the notebook of Luoying's plan, and he ran to another carriage desperately.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

Li Shaotang hid in a house in the train car, and the camera suddenly shifted when the Japanese soldiers opened the door.

It is not clear at all how Li Shaotang, who was hiding in the room, escaped death.

It is said that Li Shaotang can't escape at all.

However, in the latest plot, Li Shaotang not only fled back to Chongqing, but was also about to get engaged to Feng Jingxian.

What's going on?

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

01. How did Li Shaotang escape from the Japanese soldiers? The answer is actually hidden in two details in the play

In the first detail, after Ou Xiaoan was taken back to Chongqing Station by Mao Renxing, in the lobby, Ou Xiaoan's mind had a "storm", and the illusion showed that Li Shaotang was the real traitor and became a lackey of the Japanese.

That's why Ou Xiaoan yelled at Mao Renxing, saying that he was not a traitor, and the real traitor was Li Shaotang.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

When he said this, no one believed it at all, and even someone at Chongqing Station said that Ou Xiao'an, the reason why he bit people indiscriminately was because he was jealous that Feng Jingxian was about to get engaged to Li Shaotang.

The second detail is that during Ou Xiaoan's interrogation, he received information from an intelligence agent codenamed "Elk" from Chongqing that Ou Xiaoan had been brought back to Chongqing for interrogation.

Obviously, this person codenamed "Elk" is none other than Li Shaotang.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

That's an afterword.

You can't believe it at all, Li Shaotang is enjoying the special treatment given to him by Chongqing, but at the same time, he is shamelessly acting as a lackey of the bridge.

Li Shaotang himself is a biochemical worker and knows how harmful biological and chemical weapons are to human beings. However, he was willing to be a traitor.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

Therefore, on the train back to Nanjing from Burma, Li Shaotang was chased by the Japanese and hid in a small house in the train box, but in fact, he did not escape at all, but was caught by the Japanese soldiers.

Li Shaotang is a very timid person at all. On the train, Li Shaotang, who was caught by the Japanese soldiers, had to inform the Japanese soldiers of his true identity, and when the Japanese soldiers verified the bridge, they naturally let him go.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

So four years have passed, and no one knows what happened on the train that year. Anyway, the things he brought back were real, and Li Shaotang's apparent identity was no problem.

This is why Li Shaotang passed the test in confusion, and not only was recognized by Wei Qingming, the head of Chongqing Station, but also became the section chief.

Previously, in order to gain the trust of the bridge, Ou Xiaoan tried his best to save the bridge in the chaos when he was in Shanghai. Many of the patriots who assassinated the bridge were killed.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

Of course, Ou Xiaoan also won the trust of the bridge because of this.

If Li Shaotang hadn't betrayed Ou Xiaoan after contacting Ou Xiaoan that night, he would not have been imprisoned in "810", and then was shot unconscious on the way to escape from Myanmar.

Therefore, Li Shaotang, who was arrested by Japanese soldiers on the train, was simply a trap set by the bridge, and the bridge deliberately asked Li Shaotang to take Luo Ying's plan back to Chongqing.

This is the truth of Li Shaotang, who escaped from the pursuit of Japanese soldiers.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

02. Lou Mingyuan's biggest mistake was that he was not accurate in knowing people, and he developed Li Shaotang

Lou Mingyuan is actually a spy with a dual identity. On the one hand, he was a member of the Kuomintang military command, and on the other hand, he was a member of our underground party organization.

After Lou Mingyuan was arrested by Daqiao, in the underground interrogation room, although Daqiao arranged for people to use all means, including nerve control injections, he did not betray Ou Xiaoan, nor did he betray anyone else, let alone tell the successful Luoying plan, even if it was actually part of Daqiao's plan.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

From this point of view, Lou Mingyuan is really an iron-clad man, worthy of being an excellent member of our underground party organization.

However, behind Lou Mingyuan's excellent quality, there are also his own weaknesses.

It is said that the members of our underground party organization are very cautious in recruiting any underground party member.

This has been our long-standing style.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

is like Qin Moqing, when she was still a student, she was favored by Wang Qiushui, the head of our underground party organization lurking in Shanghai. Because first of all, Qin Moqing's brother is a big businessman, he is close to the Japanese, and he has a lot of contact, so it is convenient to do anything; Secondly, Qin Moqing is also a very patriotic student, with an active mind and demands progress.

However, in this way, Wang Qiushui still tested Qin Moqing over and over again, and finally absorbed Qin Moqing as an underground party member of our side.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

It's just that this fine tradition, when he arrived at Lou Mingyuan, was neglected by him.

After Lou Mingyuan arrived in Burma, he did develop several biochemical personnel at the bridge as members of the military command. One of them is Li Shaotang.

However, Li Shaotang's timid character is not suitable for being a spy at all. If you are caught and interrogated, everything will come out.

This is Lou Mingyuan's biggest mistake.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

Lou Mingyuan didn't know that at that time, although Li Shaotang brought the Luoying plan out of the bridge, he thought that Li Shaotang had made a great contribution, but he didn't know that this was actually a trap set by the bridge, in order to lure him and Ou Xiaoan into the trap.

03. Lou Mingyuan didn't even know who he was betrayed by until he died

Obviously, the person who betrayed Lou Mingyuan was actually Li Shaotang.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

It turned out that back then, Li Shaotang, as a biochemical officer, was discovered by the bridge when he stole the plan to fall cherry blossoms from the bridge, and since then, the timid Li Shaotang, in order to save his life, has become the traitor lackey of the bridge.

Therefore, the bridge deliberately "sent" Li Shaotang's plan to Lou Mingyuan, and then Zeng Jiwu suddenly appeared in Lou Mingyuan's bar in Myanmar and directly brought Lou Mingyuan to the bridge.

Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

Therefore, Lou Mingyuan didn't even know who he was betrayed by until he died.

This is the consequence of not being able to recognize people.


Lonely Battle in the Lost City: How did Li Shaotang escape the pursuit of the Japanese soldiers? The answer lies in two details

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