
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

author:Hanmo China
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

On the occasion of the July 1st Festival, the media grandly launched the "Hundred Products Strive for Glory to Celebrate the Centennial: Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China". This joint exhibition brings together the ingenuity and ingenuity of countless outstanding calligraphers and painters, who jointly offer the most sincere blessings for the centenary of the party with their extraordinary skills and profound connotations. Hundreds of masterpieces compete for beauty, shining with the unique charm of Chinese culture. Let us immerse ourselves in this visual feast, feel the power of art, inherit and promote the essence of Chinese culture, and witness this historic moment together.

Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

Li Renzhi, alias: Runzhi, Renzhi. (53.1) A native of Hengyang, Hunan. He graduated from the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Correspondence University and graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University. National Senior Artist, Chinese Collector Artist, National Rite Artist, Senior Inheritor of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Calligraphy and Painting, "Children of China" - Star of Excellent Art Inheritance.

Director of China Popular Literature and Art Research Association; Academician of China Hanlin Academy of Painting and Calligraphy; Deputy Secretary-General of the Art Committee of the China Democratic National Construction Association; Executive Director of Chinese Cultural Information Association; Consultant of China International Art Network; Honorary Vice Chairman of China Art Network; Honorary Doctorate from the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts; Vice Chairman of Boao Asian Art Talent Research Association; Vice President of the World Academy of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Since 1991, he has been invited to participate in calligraphy and painting exhibitions and art exchange activities in Singapore, Paris, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Los Angeles, Dubai, Seoul, Hong Kong, Gangmen, Beijing and other places, and has won many awards.

For more than half a century, Mr. Li Renzhi has conscientiously studied and studied the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and has never forgotten the study and creation of calligraphy and painting.


On March 19, China Quality Certification Supervision and Management Center was comprehensively rated as "Outstanding Innovative Person in China's Calligraphy and Painting Industry".

On December 12th, the Organizing Committee of International Art Collections was recommended and featured as a representative of art image.


On February 2, the China New Media Organizing Committee reported: Actively contribute to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, and award: "Special Recommended Artist".

On October 26, "Official Recommendation" was named "Representative of Calligraphy and Painting in the New Era", and the work was rated as "profound foundation, unique style, and extremely high art collection value." ”

On December 31, he was evaluated as "China's Most Valuable Brand Artist in 2022" by the World Federation of Artists, the Global Brand Lab and its independent evaluation committee.


On January 29, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China assessed it as "reporting to the people, presenting gifts to the two sessions, and being a famous calligrapher and painter of virtue and art".

On June 20, Beijing Hurun International Art Appraisal Center was rated as a "2023 Collection Index Recommended Five-Star Artist".

On September 1, he was nominated for the "2023 International Art Peak Figure" by the Organizing Committee of the International Art Summit Selection Committee.

On November 1, it was evaluated and identified by the expert group and entered into the "National Treasure Archive".

On November 11th, the Organizing Committee of the Belt and Road Achievement Exhibition was awarded the title of "Outstanding Art Envoy for International Cultural Exchange".

On December 13, it was approved by the United Nations Committee on the Development of Artistic Talents, and was awarded the title of "BRICS Artist and Cultural Ambassador". ”


On February 1, the Golden Dragon Flying Dance congratulated the two sessions - 2024 Exhibition of Outstanding Works of Chinese Contemporary Artist Li Renzhi.

On March 3, the global ambassador of Chinese culture, the Chinese investment community, strongly recommended famous artists.

On April 1st, the European tour exhibition of Chinese artist Li Renzhi's calligraphy and painting works.

Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

Expert commentary

Mr. Li Renzhi's calligraphy and painting have been well received by all walks of life, and his works inherit the traditional cultural heritage, in addition to the aesthetic realm of pursuing lines, but also reflect the essence, spirit and spirit of a Chinese literati.

Mr. Li Renzhi expresses his inner emotions through calligraphy and painting, communicates with his soul through free lines, expresses his own state of mind, shows his subtlety and open-mindedness in casualness, and presents a rare chic and elegant taste of brush and ink. After reading his calligraphy for a long time, you will read a poetry, a Zen realm, a vitality, and a unique temperament and appearance of the Chinese.

Mr. Li Renzhi's calligraphy creation, straight to the natural Vientiane into the book, majestic, ingenuity unique, his works open and close without losing solemn and elegant, chic and elegant without losing deep and steady, happy and dripping without losing the rules and regulations, it can be said that the movement is quiet, with static movement, static with moving beauty, dynamic cause of tranquility, infinite fun, vigorous and powerful, extraordinary bearing, beautiful and beautiful with the rolling wind and clouds pouring thousands of miles, self-contained.

Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"
Li Renzhi | July 1st Special Issue "Hundred Products Celebrate the Centennial of Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition Shines on China"

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