
Xiaomi SU7 first! Understand the car emperor pure electric car endurance results announced

author:The automotive industry is concerned
Xiaomi SU7 first! Understand the car emperor pure electric car endurance results announced

Recently, the 2024 Chedi Summer Test was launched. According to the official introduction, 30 new energy models participated in the test, including Xiaomi SU7, Wenjie M7, Zhijie S7, Xpeng G6, Denza N7, Zhiji L6, Model 3, Han EV, ID.7 VIZZION and other popular models participated in the test. From June 29 to July 13, these vehicles will participate in more than 10 tests in five dimensions, including battery life charging, summer car use scenarios, and AEB active safety. The understanding of Chedi said that the whole summer test was broadcast live to ensure that the test process was open and transparent.

Xiaomi SU7 first! Understand the car emperor pure electric car endurance results announced

Today, the car emperor announced the results of the battery life test of the pure electric sedan group on the first day. Judging from the official results list, Xiaomi SU7's results are the most eye-catching, ranking first in both endurance achievement rate and mileage.

Among them, in terms of pure electric car range achievement rate, Xiaomi SU7 won the first place with a completion rate of 77.8%, followed by BMW i5 ranked second with a completion rate of 76.6%, and the third place was Mercedes-Benz EQE with a range achievement rate of 76.2%. The three models with the lowest range achievement rate are Changan Qiyuan A07, Baojun Yunduo, and Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION, with range achievement rates of 62.5%, 61.7%, and 60%, respectively. The S7, which was last in the rankings, withdrew from the test because it was not 100% full as expected as the other test vehicles.

Xiaomi SU7 first! Understand the car emperor pure electric car endurance results announced

In terms of cruising range, the Xiaomi SU7 four-wheel drive ultra-long range Max version ranks first with a score of 630km. The second and third models are the Zeekr 007 2024 rear-wheel drive intelligent driving version and the Mercedes-Benz EQE 2022 350 first special edition, with a measured range of 574.2km and 546km. The fourth, fifth, and sixth places are the Zhiji L6, NIO ET5, and Tesla Model 3. Among them, the Zhiji L6 has a measured range of 524 km, the NIO ET5 has a measured range of 512.4 km, and the Tesla Model 3 has a measured range of 512 km. The bottom few models are the BYD Han EV, Volkswagen ID.7 VIZZION, and Baojun Yunduo, which have a measured range of 386.3 km, 385.0 km, and 283.6 km, respectively.

Xiaomi SU7 first! Understand the car emperor pure electric car endurance results announced

It is understood that the test method of the endurance achievement rate of the car emperor is to open the door and window of the vehicle before the test, and let it stand for 1 hour to keep the temperature in the cabin and the external environment warm. The vehicle load is 380 ± 5 kg (including personnel and carry-on luggage, filming equipment, etc.). In the cold car state, the tire pressure is adjusted to the highest recommended value of the manufacturer. Use the most economical driving mode with a top speed of 120 km/h, the maximum recuperation (without one-pedal mode/B gear), and the automatic climate control mode at 24°C. All vehicles set off with full power, drive in a unified formation, and regularly change the order of the fleet during the driving process; If it is not possible to drive 1 km at a speed of > 50 km/h, the test is completed and the driving range is recorded. Officials said that the purpose of this test is mainly to examine the vehicle's high-speed pure electric range performance in summer and under high load conditions.

Xiaomi SU7 first! Understand the car emperor pure electric car endurance results announced

For the results announced by Chedi, many netizens commented, saying that they were very surprised by the results of Xiaomi SU7. In addition, some netizens pointed out that they hope to see more of this kind of test, which is very instructive.

Xiaomi SU7 first! Understand the car emperor pure electric car endurance results announced

In fact, judging from the endurance results announced by Chedi this time, it is not difficult to see that the measured endurance of the models tested this time is different from the battery life of the official publicity. Among them, there are 5 models with a range discount rate of more than 70%, namely Xiaomi SU7, BMW i5, Mercedes-Benz EQE, NIO ET5 and Tesla Model 3. For reference, the Xiaomi SU7 Ultra Long Range Max officially advertises a range of 800km, and the measured range is 630km. ZEEKR 007 100kWh rear-wheel drive intelligent driving version: the official advertised range is 870km, and the measured range is 574.2km, with a discount rate of 66%. The Mercedes-Benz EQE 350 Advanced Special Edition has an official advertised range of 717km and a measured range of 546km, with a discount rate of 76.2%.

Xiaomi SU7 first! Understand the car emperor pure electric car endurance results announced

Of course, the difference between the measured battery life and the officially advertised battery life is determined by many factors. For example, the ambient temperature, road conditions, vehicle speed, load weight, functional modules, etc. will affect the range of the vehicle. In this regard, some industry insiders pointed out that the third-party test results can be used as a part of the user's reference for purchasing the vehicle, and it is not recommended to blindly buy because of the test results.

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