
The father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, which made people laugh and tears and praise again and again

author:Said Yifei

Parents, today, I would like to give you a warm and witty family story that happened in Guangxi. This story is sure to make you find a little lightness and a little smile in your busy life.

The father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, which made people laugh and tears and praise again and again

At that ordinary and ordinary family dinner moment, the father softly called his beloved daughter, however, she seemed to be deeply attracted by the wonderful program on TV and ignored the father's call. Instead of getting angry, the father gently turned off the TV. In an instant, the daughter was pulled back to reality from the world of TV, and tears began to roll in her eyes, as if they were about to pour out. But the father did not choose to compromise like ordinary parents, but handed his daughter a container, smiled and asked her to fill her tears in it to watch TV.

The father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, which made people laugh and tears and praise again and again

This trick is simply a stroke of genius! The daughter's crying disappeared in an instant, and she took the container curiously, as if she had forgotten the unhappiness just now. This humorous and harsh way of education not only avoids quarrels between father and daughter, but also allows the daughter to understand her father's intentions in laughter.

The father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, which made people laugh and tears and praise again and again

This father's way of raising is really full of wisdom. Many parents may choose to compromise when faced with their child's crying, but this father skillfully exploits his child's emotions and turns a possible conflict into a positive educational opportunity. Through his interaction with the child, he made her understand the truth in play, and also filled the family with love and harmony.

The father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, which made people laugh and tears and praise again and again

Children's world is always full of curiosity and exploration, as parents, we should not only satisfy their curiosity, but also guide them to develop good behavior habits. This father's approach undoubtedly provides us with a vivid example. He used his humor and patience to let his daughter learn how to express emotions correctly and how to solve problems in laughter. This kind of education not only allows children to feel the love and care of their parents, but also allows them to learn independent thinking and problem-solving skills in the process of growing up.

In the fast-paced modern society, simple and crude education methods are no longer applicable. We need more interaction, games, and humor to make education more lively and fun. In this way, children can grow up healthily in a relaxed and happy atmosphere, and become people with independent thinking ability and good behavior habits.

The father asked his daughter to fill the basin with tears before turning on the TV, which made people laugh and tears and praise again and again

This Guangxi father gave us a vivid educational lesson with his wisdom and humor. I hope that every parent can be inspired to guide and educate our children in a more intelligent and humorous way, so that they can grow up healthy and happy and thrive on the road of growth.

Parents, have you had such an interesting and educational experience? Come and share it in the comment area! Let's communicate and grow together!



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