
The United States is brewing a larger conflict, and the Middle East has collectively turned around

author:Yan Shujun

Recently, Israel has repeatedly threatened to attack Allah in Lebanon and has said that it has completed the deployment of large-scale military operations. As for the role of the United States in this process, the United States seems to want to pull the strings on the surface, but the United States is pulling the strings, which will only intensify the greater contradictions. Not long ago, when Israel announced its approval of the operation against Allah, the United States presidential envoy arrived in Lebanon and made conditions with Allah. Before the fight began, the United States let people retreat dozens of kilometers back from the border, can Allah agree? At the same time, U.S. defense officials threatened that if Allah did not agree, the United States would support Israel's invasion of Lebanon, that the U.S. aircraft carrier battle group would also participate in the battle, and that the USS Roosevelt was already on its way to replace the USS Eisenhower.

The United States is brewing a larger conflict, and the Middle East has collectively turned around

This was followed by Israeli Defense Minister Gallant's visit to the United States to discuss the next step in the conflict on the Israeli-Lebanese border, but the main purpose was to get the United States to thaw the heavy bombs that had been withheld and were supposed to be delivered to Israel. It can also be seen from this that Israel is not here to solve the problem, but to prepare militarily for the next move. After the meeting, a number of anonymous officials revealed that the United States was prepared to warn Allah not to expect the United States to stop Israel from launching an attack. To put it nicely, don't send weapons to Israel. This time, the attitude of the United States is a bit of a laissez-faire attitude towards Israel. If Israel really attacks Lebanon, it will certainly not be of the same magnitude as the intensity of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and more Middle Eastern countries may be involved.

The United States is brewing a larger conflict, and the Middle East has collectively turned around

Against this backdrop, Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations, criticized Israel and the United States by name at the UN Security Council, and the international community demanded an immediate halt to the military operation in Gaza. China calls on all parties to exercise restraint and not drag the entire Middle East region into an even greater catastrophe. To translate it simply, if the United States is on the table in the Middle East, it will definitely not be able to eat and walk around, which will mean that it will be a slap in the face. China's position has also changed, and it has repeatedly and explicitly supported the entire Middle East, including the China-Middle East community with a shared future.

The United States is brewing a larger conflict, and the Middle East has collectively turned around

Nor is it just a matter of words, the weapon of criticism cannot replace the weapon of criticism. Recently, the Chinese Ministry of National Defense and the International Defense College of the National Defense University hosted a seminar for senior military officers from China and Arab countries, the main content of which was security and defense cooperation between the two sides. In fact, through this platform, the two sides can strengthen military cooperation, such as arms trade, joint exercises, military training, and can also share intelligence and tactical strategies with each other. It will help China strengthen its influence in the Middle East and help the Middle East take more initiative in handling regional affairs. Prior to this, the leaders of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, and Tunisia visited China, all of whom were traditional allies of the United States in the Middle East, and belonged to the "wall-riding faction" on the Palestinian-Israeli issue. At this sensitive moment, even they are visiting China en masse, and the meaning is already obvious. Saudi Arabia, the Sunni boss, is not only fighting with China in the financial field, but also recently Saudi Arabia's defense minister made a surprise visit to China, and the background of the visit to China is that the United States is turning over old accounts and pointing the sword at Saudi Arabia with the "911" incident. Recently, there was also news that Fatah and Hamas in Palestine are preparing for a second round of consultations in China. Judging by the actions of these countries in the Middle East, they are collectively turning to China for security guarantees and economic cooperation. China's position has also clearly changed in a double way, speaking out for a region at the United Nations, and taking the initiative to criticize with weapons, and we used to do small business and energy trade in the Middle East, and now defense cooperation has begun to keep up.

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