
After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

author:Big Iron Cat Entertainment

The movie channel interviewed 74-year-old Liu Xiaoqing, and her confident speech rushed to the hot search again.

At the beginning, she was quite humble, she said that she herself was actually very ordinary, so ordinary that she couldn't find it in a bunch of actors, but she was very photogenic, so she grew up step by step with the encouragement of various directors and achieved herself step by step.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

However, soon her confident words were so embarrassing that netizens picked their toes. She opened with "say something that is not particularly modest", but in fact, it is really surprising and not modest at all.

She said that she was well maintained, her figure was not fat, her eyes could speak, and she could play a vigorous state in her thirties or twenties. She emphasized that the eyes are the most important thing, and they cannot be replaced by any AI or special effects.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

talked about "Fengshen Part 1" in the middle of the period, she praised it as a good movie, and the reporter took over the conversation and asked which role she would want to play if she participated.

Almost without thinking, Liu Xiaoqing blurted out that he wanted to play Daji.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

Her reason is very simple, Daji has become very foxy, with charm and seduction, and her eyes are very demonic, and she is completely fine.

Originally, this was just a hypothesis made by the reporter, and then she followed this assumption to expand her imagination, and as a result, the interview rushed to the hot search as soon as it came out.

Netizens with poisonous tongues naturally ridiculed her, commented on tens of thousands of likes, and complained and ridiculed her.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

But whether it should be said or not, Liu Xiaoqing's spirit is indeed enviable, he will soon turn 74 years old this year, and he always looks high-spirited every time he appears at an event.

The waist is not collapsed, the back is not hunched, not only is he dressed young, but the temperament exuded by the whole person is also full of vitality.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

To be fair, she has her own set of tips on maintenance, and since she has never given birth, she is much younger than her peers. It's just that the years are unforgiving after all, even if there are no wrinkles on the face, the demeanor is still a bit "grandma-like".

And everyone thinks that she can't play Daji, in addition to being an insurmountable hurdle in terms of age, on the other hand, her temperament does not match Daji.

For a long time, Liu Xiaoqing's role has been very positive, either the mother of the world, or the roots are red, and it has nothing to do with "demon" and "charm".

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

At the age of 25 (according to the encyclopedia birth age of 1950), he appeared in "The Great Wall of the South China Sea", a full face without too much cosmetics decoration, and the breath of youth came to his face.

When he laughs, his lips are red and his teeth are white, his demeanor is energetic, he is very enthusiastic, and his whole body is full of healthy vitality and positive sunshine.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

At the age of 29, the movie "Little Flower" helped her career reach a new level.

There is a simple, original beauty under the quaint shape, a mouthful of white teeth, and crooked eyebrows and eyes when smiling, representing the aesthetics of that era.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

Under the lens of Hong Kong director Li Hanxiang, her beauty is more prominent, as she herself said, a pair of eyes can speak, looking forward to shining.

In three costume Qing court movies, she played Cixi three times.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

After losing the baby fat, her facial features are brighter in "Furong Town", with a coarse cloth slanted shirt, short ear-length hair, no strong makeup, and femininity.

Jiang Wen was fascinated both in and out of the play, although she had already entered her second marriage at that time.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

Young audiences know her mostly because of "Wu Zetian", she turned to the small screen after winning awards on the big screen, and her first drama was Wang Zhan.

From Wu Zetian's youth to old age, when she was already five years old, under the makeup of Mao Geping and Yang Shuyun, she tasted the pleasure of pretending to be tender for the first time.

In the early stage, the girl was bright-eyed and smart, and in the later stage, she played the emperor's domineering side leakage, although she was already running five, it was the time when she had the most temperament and charm.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

"Wu Zetian" is her last glory, and then she was released from prison, although she returned to the stage, it was difficult to reproduce the glory, but she boldly tried to play a role much younger than her actual age, and was complained about more and more ruthlessly.

The actresses of the same period as her either went into hiding, or changed to play their mothers, only she was still wearing a flower skirt and a double braided girl to play a girl.

As a result, a generation of legendary actresses has become the leader of the "girl sect", which is embarrassing.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

Looking back at the roles she played when she was young, most of them were heavy and powerful.

Her own appearance is dignified and dignified, and she has the temperament of Da Qingyi, and she has the aura of Zhenggong Niangniang if she makes a random shape, and few directors ask her to play roles such as demon girls and goblins.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

She has a very long flowering period, and she was already 36 years old when she played Hu Yuyin, without any traces of time.

At that time, there was no messy medical beauty, and there was no excessive makeup, there were just real and natural, black and bright hair, ruddy cheeks, bright and bright smiles, and I felt pity when I cried.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

is different from the current female celebrities who have reduced their faces to yellow and thin, her face is square, her figure is plump, she feels very healthy, her blood is very good, like a big peony blooming warmly.

Young audiences have not witnessed the peak of her appearance, let alone seen her charming side, and dare not imagine what it will be like for her to play Daji.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

In fact, even if her appearance is not very charming, she can perform with all kinds of style, as evidenced by the scene where Hu Yuyin washes her feet in "Furong Town".

The man poured a bucket of water on her mud-stained feet, and her two slender feet rubbed each other. The man's eyes looked at her with desire, she raised her head slightly, stared at the man directly, and smiled like a flower.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

There is no very straightforward and explicit shot, no naked X gaze, but it is quite desired, there is a kind of demonic outside of seriousness, as if the peony suddenly has thorns, which makes people want to find out.

Later, in "Escape Love", she played the charming little phoenix, she was 38 years old, wearing a big flower dress and twisting her small waist to sing "My little girl" to Wu Weiguo, which was really a bit seductive.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

Maybe in the era when she is in good bloom, she can also perform her own taste. Just like when the trailer of "Fengshen Part 1" was first released, Daji played by Na Ran attracted doubts from the whole network as soon as it was exposed.

Some people think that she is not beautiful enough, some people think that she is not charming enough, and the shape of the cape is even more unacceptable.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

But after the release of the feature film, Na Ran was out of the circle in minutes, there were not many shots, and the costumes would not be explicit, which not only performed the dignified dignity of Su Hu's daughter, but also performed the original charm of Daji's purity and desire.

In front of the previous version of Zhuyu, she did not imitate step by step, but borrowed the fox's demeanor and movements, and used her limbs and micro-expressions to smoothly complete the transformation between humans and fox demons.

After watching Liu Xiaoqing's foot-washing scene 30 years ago, I found that she said that she could play Daji, not a joke

Similarly, Liu Xiaoqing's first impression is far from Daji, but her acting skills are not bad, if the time is pushed forward by another forty years, she may also create a very amazing version of the role of Daji.

It's just that she could have aged gracefully, but she has ruined the audience's popularity by pretending to be tender too many times, and if she wants to play Daji, the audience is afraid that she will come to the real thing.


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