
Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day丨How to understand and grasp the relevant requirements for the implementation of Party discipline punishment decisions

author:Yangbi County Rong Media Center
Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day丨How to understand and grasp the relevant requirements for the implementation of Party discipline punishment decisions

Source of this issue: website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Editor of this issue: Yin Haoyan

Editor in charge: Mei Hongyu

Auditor: Ji Zhenghong

Final review: Jiang Jinglong

Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day丨How to understand and grasp the relevant requirements for the implementation of Party discipline punishment decisions
Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day丨How to understand and grasp the relevant requirements for the implementation of Party discipline punishment decisions
Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day丨How to understand and grasp the relevant requirements for the implementation of Party discipline punishment decisions
Party Discipline Learning and Education: A Lesson a Day丨How to understand and grasp the relevant requirements for the implementation of Party discipline punishment decisions

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