
42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

author:Luo Hongchen 1109

June 29 is Ma Yili's 48th birthday.

Ma Yili herself is very low-key, but the studio and many brands she endorses have posted messages to wish her a happy birthday.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

To say that Ma Yili has really won beauty in the past few years, she has become popular in middle age, and she is a big heroine in life.

first exploded with a "The First Half of My Life", and today two dramas exploded, the delicate and strong Shanghai girl in "Flowers", and the simple and free single mother in "My Ataylor", all of which are impressive.

All kinds of endorsements are also soft, by the way, she has also become a Xinjiang tourism ambassador.

No need for concave shape, no need to stir up scandals, sister is the strength itself.


42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

What is interesting is that in the past few days, Yao Di, who has not appeared for a long time, has also rarely appeared, and netizens dare not admit it!

Yao Di is 42 years old this year, 6 years younger than Ma Yili. This time, she participated in an event and first posted a group photo.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

I also watched it for a long time before I was sure, it turned out that the middle was Yao Di, which was a big change from before, and I didn't dare to admit it.

It's this silhouette, and there is still a faint shadow of the year.

The overall state is OK, of course, it may also be due to refinement.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

In addition, she said that she wore makeup for the first time in three years.

I don't understand. Even if there is no drama to film, there will be social activities, is it really confused? Didn't she transform into a director? Although it is not out of the circle, it will not be three years without makeup.

Look at Ma Yili again, it's really a world of difference. One strides on the road full of flowers, and the other still has to face a strange vision.

Anyway, as a former first-line actress, Yao Di has come to this point, which is still embarrassing.

"Derailment" for 10 years, now it seems that Yao Di is too stupid, "love brain", a good card played poorly.

At that time, she acted in "The Age of Naked Marriage", how popular she was, with works, traffic, and strong delivery. If nothing happens, it will have to be popular for a few more years, even if it is a live broadcast, there will be a market.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

As a result, the "derailment door" incident was exposed in 2014, and the reputation fell directly to the bottom, and now there is almost no such person.

Yao Di is stupid here.

For the sake of an unruly love, for a man who has no responsibility, ruined his career.

If the man runs away, there will be the next one, and it will be difficult to turn over if the career is gone.

is not like the current female stars, who are much more shrewd. Everything makes way for the career, man, it's a der, but if the signs are wrong, cut it quickly, and no one will affect the old lady to make money.

Yao Di may love articles too much, or she may be popular and floating, so she doesn't know how to be in awe.

Judging from the photos at that time, Yao Di should love articles very much, and as soon as they met, they were on him, and they were very intimate.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

Some details:

1, Yao Di and the article have been together for 4 years, and they also gave him a baby.

2. The house that the article rented for Yao Di is one street away from his house.

3, Zhuo Wei had already photographed the article cheating on Yao Di, considering that Ma Yili was pregnant with her second child, he suppressed the news and waited until Ma Yili gave birth to the child.

4. The article was too popular at the time, the career was too smooth, and the young and vigorous played a big name, and the media had long been unaccustomed to it, so the wall fell down and everyone pushed it.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

When the derailment incident was first exposed, the article was still unconvinced and spoke wildly.

As a result, the media directly put the hammer, and the article couldn't end as soon as it was seen, so he immediately slipped to his knees, apologized and softened, made his position clear and returned to his family, and chose the party that was favorable to him at the moment.

A series of operations are extremely smooth, but Yao Di is not mentioned at all.

That's the irony.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

When it's okay, love loves you and me, and I don't hesitate to give up on her when something happens, and I don't have a sentence of "it's all goblins seducing me".

He turned his face to play "The Prodigal Son", and only she became a joke.

Yao Di's best friend was angry, and she jumped out and scolded: "Yao Di and the article have been together for 4 years, and the children have been beaten, is this Yao Di's fault alone?" ”

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

Yao Di remained silent at the time, and later said meaningfully:

"When a woman is in love, her IQ is really zero, no matter what the other party does, she will believe what she says, so deceiving me is a very bad thing."

She was always angry, thinking that the article had deceived her.

And what about herself?

knew that the article had a wife and children, but she still chose to be a junior.

Ma Yili is pregnant with her second child and is in confinement, and she is secretly dating with the article here, doing firewood, and the date place is just one street away from someone's house.

is also a woman, and she deceives others too much.

It is also deserved.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

After the article returned to the family, he repeatedly showed affection, and even proposed to Ma Yili again in public.

He only knew that it hurt after being beaten, and after paying a huge price, he might really want to repent.

And Yao Di, although the scenery is no longer beautiful, it is not completely without resources.

But the biggest problem is that word-of-mouth collapses, and the audience doesn't buy it.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

As for themselves, the feeling of high-spiritedness at the beginning has completely disappeared, and there is always a lingering sense of resignation, whether in acting or in life.

Yao Di's marriage was not smooth later, and a year or two after marriage, her husband was photographed as a night party beauty.

The article is also gray-haired and old-faced.

I can only say that I am to blame.

42-year-old Yao Di rarely appeared, and he didn't dare to admit it! After 10 years of "derailment", I realized that Yao Di was too stupid!

Later, they were both free, will Yao Di still love the article?

She won't.

She loves high-spirited articles, not articles that are dull and gray-haired.

Now that he appeared in front of her, it only reminded her of those humiliations.

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