
New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

author:Shanghai Jiading
New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!
New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!
New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

The Jiading District New Era Civilization Practice Center released a selected menu of Jiading District's New Era Civilization Practice Activities in July 2024, and citizens and friends can order and participate through the "Shanghai Jiading" APP "New Era Civilization Practice Center" channel.

Let's take a look

What are the July 2024 ones

Selected New Era Civilization Practice Projects↓

In July, Jiading District New Era Civilization Practice Selected Menu

Theory preaching

(Swipe up and down to see more)

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

Civic education

(Swipe up and down to see more)

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

Cultural events

(Swipe up and down to see more)

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

Popular science publicity

(Swipe up and down to see more)

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

Fitness activities

(Swipe up and down to see more)

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!


(Swipe up and down to see more)

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

New Era Civilization Practice Activities

Participate in the process

See ↓ for details

Participate in the process of civilized practice activities in the new era

1. Download and register the "Shanghai Jiading" APP.

2. Click on the homepage "Jiading District New Era Civilization Practice Center".

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

3. Click on "Services" in the bottom right corner.

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

4. Select the active project that is "in progress".

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

5. Inquire about the event or communicate with the contact person and click "Order".

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

6. Fill in the "Application Service Information" and click Submit.

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

Source: Jiading District New Era Civilization Practice Center

Editor: Wu Lirong

New Era Civilization Practice丨In July, the selected menu of New Era Civilization Practice Activities in Jiading District was released, waiting for you to participate!

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