
When the culture of honesty meets the "three whites" of Huating

author:Shanghai Jiading
When the culture of honesty meets the "three whites" of Huating
When the culture of honesty meets the "three whites" of Huating

The color of white rice is pure and white, symbolizing the innocence of people and officials, and its downward rooting, upward growth, and solid characteristics symbolize the action consciousness of party members and cadres who are deeply rooted in the grassroots and work hard to practice the original mission.

When the culture of honesty meets the "three whites" of Huating

The white melon tastes crisp and refreshing, has a sweet taste, and also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. Its taste is like the satisfaction and sense of gain brought to the people by party members and cadres who serve the people wholeheartedly.

When the culture of honesty meets the "three whites" of Huating

White garlic emphasizes the large head and thin skin like paper, highlighting the clear petals. This kind of distinct posture is like party members and cadres who always maintain a sober view of right and wrong. If party members and cadres are unable to control unhealthy tendencies and do not abide by the code of conduct for honest administration and honest use of power, they will violate the party's integrity discipline and be investigated for party discipline.

Source: District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Huating Town Party Committee Editor: Wu Lirong

When the culture of honesty meets the "three whites" of Huating

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