
Use the "three meetings" system to move dangerous trees, repair dangerous walls, and protect the safe travel of the masses!

author:Shanghai Huangpu

Solve problems at every turn, work hard and forge ahead to promote development. Since the beginning of this year, Wuliqiao Street has carried out a series of special actions to solve difficult problems related to development, people's livelihood, management, safety and other aspects, and continuously improve the sense of gain, happiness and security of residents. "I can finally park with confidence, because the previous wall is crumbling and people are afraid to approach." Recently, the public fence at the north warehouse of the 500 lane community of Dapu Road has been repaired, and it has a new look and is pleasing to the eye, and the surrounding residents applauded unanimously.

Use the "three meetings" system to move dangerous trees, repair dangerous walls, and protect the safe travel of the masses!

The fence has become a "dangerous wall", and there are hidden dangers in the community

Previously, the wall located at the junction of Lane 500 of Dapu Road and Lane 1043 of Zhongshan South 1st Road gradually became a "dangerous wall" due to a growing tree next to it. The trees continue to expand in the process of growth, resulting in cracks and tilts on the original solid walls, which are in danger of collapsing at any time, and there is also a non-motorized carport under the trees, and residents are worried about the sloping walls every day, which is a big safety hazard.

Use the "three meetings" system to move dangerous trees, repair dangerous walls, and protect the safe travel of the masses!

Previous situation

In order to effectively open up the "last mile" of serving the people, the Quxi Neighborhood Committee took quick action and cooperated with the property company to temporarily support the dangerous wall, and at the same time arranged special personnel to conduct daily inspections to ensure the safety of residents' lives and property. But temporary support measures are not a long-term solution. In order to completely eliminate the safety hazards, it is necessary to transplant trees that cause damage to the walls. However, this seemingly simple solution has also faced considerable resistance. It turned out that the location where the tree grew was right at the public lane passage in Lane 500 of Dapu Road, which was closed and narrow, and there was still an illegal construction due to historical problems. After understanding the situation, Wuliqiao Street immediately included the matter in the special action plan of "Breaking Problems at Every Turn, Striving for Development through Hard Work", and solved problems for residents with heart and affection.

All parties mobilized to dismantle and solve people's worries

How was the wall built? What should I do with a big tree? How to persuade the resident to demolish the illegal building and cooperate with the rectification work? A series of questions followed. In this case, the "three meetings" system, the "heirloom" of Wuliqiao Street to promote grassroots governance, has played an important role.

Use the "three meetings" system to move dangerous trees, repair dangerous walls, and protect the safe travel of the masses!

Under the guidance of the District Demolition Office and the District Greening and City Appearance Management Bureau, relying on the "three meetings" system, the street has led relevant functional departments, neighborhood committees, property committees, property owners, and resident representatives to hold meetings for many times to discuss and determine the tree transplantation and wall restoration plan. In the face of the illegal construction of residents, the street urban construction center, the cadres of the neighborhood committee and the property staff took the trouble to persuade them, explained the importance of safety issues to the residents in detail, and touched the hearts of the residents with real cases. With their patient persuasion, the residents finally understood the necessity of rectification work and took the initiative to cooperate with the demolition of the illegal building.

Use the "three meetings" system to move dangerous trees, repair dangerous walls, and protect the safe travel of the masses!

After a series of preparations, the construction team quickly entered the site and began construction, not only successfully transplanting the tree that caused the hidden danger, but also carrying out a comprehensive restoration of the damaged wall. Now that the crumbling wall has been sturdy and level, and the parking shed has been rebuilt, the residents' hearts have finally been put down.

Use the "three meetings" system to move dangerous trees, repair dangerous walls, and protect the safe travel of the masses!

It is a wall that is rebuilt, but it is the trust and dependence of the residents on the street and the community. Next, Wuliqiao Street will continue to uphold the original intention of serving the people, take solving the residents' emergencies and worries as the focus of its work, and continuously improve the level of service for the people by continuously solving problems, so that the "problem list" will become a "satisfactory answer" for the residents.

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