
This year, the price of durian has "plunged", why are there fewer people eating it? Vendor: 4 reasons, very realistic

author:North Drift Kitchen


Friends who love durian have found a problem this year, that is, the overall price is really too affordable compared with the past. In particular, the durian sold by small traders at roadside stalls is cheaply priced at a few yuan per catty, and the slightly better ones are no more than twenty or thirty yuan. And like before, it is very different, every time I buy durian, the small one costs hundreds of yuan, and some are even more expensive.

This year, the price of durian has "plunged", why are there fewer people eating it? Vendor: 4 reasons, very realistic

But careful netizens also found another problem, the price of durian is cheaper this year, but there are fewer people buying it overall. If you don't want to, you can buy one at a nearby supermarket whenever you want to eat. And some perennial fruit vendors also said that the price of durian is affordable this year, but not many people actually buy it.

So why hasn't the drop in durian prices attracted more consumers? Fruit merchants have said that there are four very practical reasons behind this.

This year, the price of durian has "plunged", why are there fewer people eating it? Vendor: 4 reasons, very realistic

First, the "aristocratic" attribute of durian is deeply rooted

For fruits, durian seems to have never been cheap in people's hearts, and even many people have given durian a kind of "noble" label, believing that durian is not only a fruit, but also a representative of high-end fruits, and a good gift for relatives and friends on festivals or special occasions.

This year, the price of durian has "plunged", why are there fewer people eating it? Vendor: 4 reasons, very realistic

They believe that the price of durian should be expensive because it is a scarce, high-quality fruit. At the same time, they also expect durian to be of high quality, which is a symbol of their "aristocratic" status. However, when the price of durian fell sharply, this psychological expectation was shattered. Consumers sometimes have doubts that the lower price of durian means that the quality of durian is reduced, or that these durians are expired and stale fruits. This concern has invisibly reduced their desire to buy durian.

Like my friends before, I love to eat durian very much, and I can even skip three meals a day, but I need to eat a few bites of durian almost every meal to feel enjoyable. But this year, the price of durian has dropped, and I found that I have bought less often recently. For him, he thinks that the price of this thing has decreased, which means that the thing is not very good, so he rarely buys it again over time.

This year, the price of durian has "plunged", why are there fewer people eating it? Vendor: 4 reasons, very realistic

2. Changes in consumer tastes and preferences

Attentive netizens will find that people are now more and more demanding in their diet. And nowadays, many people are pursuing a healthy lifestyle, so there are many requirements in terms of diet. For daily essential ingredients such as melons, fruits and vegetables, people often have a variety of choices, even if they really like durian, but in a certain period of time, they will hardly like to eat as before.

This year, the price of durian has "plunged", why are there fewer people eating it? Vendor: 4 reasons, very realistic

Moreover, there are many kinds of fruits on the market, especially some emerging imported fruits, such as cherries, avocados, etc., and many people are very fond of their unique taste and nutritional value. As the concept of healthy eating gradually takes root. When choosing fruits, consumers pay more attention to the nutritional value and health benefits of fruits. Although durian is rich in a variety of nutrients, its high calorie and sugar characteristics deter some consumers who pay attention to healthy diets.

Third, the marketing means are single

We all know that it belongs to a special fruit, almost everyone buys durian in the nearby supermarket or fruit store every day, relatively speaking, most of the traffic sales still rely on the traditional fruit market, in the current era of e-commerce, durian sales performance in this field is relatively small, or relatively few. Moreover, many people buy durian online, almost all of them are frozen durians, which taste completely different from fresh durians.

This year, the price of durian has "plunged", why are there fewer people eating it? Vendor: 4 reasons, very realistic

The coverage of sales channels is limited, so it is relatively difficult to form an effective brand effect. Like the fruit shop downstairs in the community before, a series of marketing activities were launched after the durian price "plunged", but the results were not ideal. At that time, the person in charge of the store also chatted with the owners of our community, saying that the business is really not good now! And they tried various marketing methods to promote durian at that time, but the results were not very good.

However, from the perspective of bystanders, I still feel that their marketing methods are too simple, and there is no in-depth research on the needs and psychology of consumers. And now many people still rely on food delivery platforms to buy things, but they say that in this way, the cost has increased significantly.

This year, the price of durian has "plunged", why are there fewer people eating it? Vendor: 4 reasons, very realistic

Fourth, the "heavy taste" characteristic of durian limits the audience

We all know that the taste of durian is really unique, and some people love it like their lives, while others avoid it. This extreme taste difference also makes the audience of durian relatively fixed compared to other fruit lovers. For those who don't like the taste of durian, they will not be potential consumers of durian, no matter how the price changes.

This year, the price of durian has "plunged", why are there fewer people eating it? Vendor: 4 reasons, very realistic

For those who like durian, when they buy durian, they still pay more attention to the quality and taste of durian, and the price is secondary. Because they love to eat every day, no matter the price, as long as they want to eat it, they will buy one and taste it. Therefore, even if the price of durian falls, they will not increase their purchases because of this. On the contrary, they may choose to buy more carefully to ensure that they can buy better durians.

This year, the price of durian has "plunged", why are there fewer people eating it? Vendor: 4 reasons, very realistic

Like a friend who is a big fan of durian, she likes the unique taste of durian very much. However, when the price of durian began to fall, she was more cautious when buying it. Instead, she pays more attention to the quality and taste of durian. We chatted before, and she also told us that although she likes to eat durian, and now that the price of durian has dropped, she hopes that the durian she buys is still fresh and delicious. So for consumers like her, the price is not what they are more concerned about.

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